Thursday, February 6, 2025

Hexagram 4: Youthful Folly – I Ching 4 Interpretation Video

What Is I Ching Hexagram 4 All About?

Meng is the Chinese name of the I Ching Hexagram 4. This is with inner and outer trigrams forming mountains over water. This Hexagram is ‘youthful folly’ or named ‘enveloping’ or ‘discovering.’ This Chinese Hexagram plays off of the Hexagram 3 or ‘difficult in the beginning.’ It shows that there is still much to discover and learn. Much like a young person needs to continue studying to progress into adulthood.


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Thus, the best way to gain full knowledge about one subject is to in turn to each to someone else. Teaching and learning go hand in hand, but there is a proper way to go about learning through this method. Many aspects of our youth will influence the rest of life.

I Ching 4 meaning - Hexagram 4 Youthful Folly

I Ching Hexagram 4 Interpretation and Meaning

Hexagram 4 is a dynamic symbol that can alter the perspective in certain situations. It reminds us to be youthful but also to be aware of certain youthful characteristics that can hinder us. Being childlike reminds us to have kindness towards others and have a positive outlook on the future. Remembering the great events in our youth can help us feel uplifted and confident. Also, looking at the world through the eyes of a child gives a different, refreshing, perspective on life.


Also, remember the parts of your youth. Forget and leave behind other parts. Remember to be youthful when teaching new students to make the learning process fun. Also, some students have difficulty learning. They should not be shunned. But instead, encourage the student with wisdom so that they may gain the knowledge you are willing to teach.


I Ching Hexagram 4 Goals – Personal Goals

Be willing to teach not only worldly wisdom or business knowledge but also how to act in society. You can teach much verbally. But a student will be watching how a teacher acts. Also, obtain knowledge by watching others and how they react to the same situations.

I Ching Hexagram 4 Love – Love Interpretation

It is important to remember the happiness of the younger years. But, it is harder to forget those who have wronged us during this period. Love is a strong emotion that often sprouts in our youth. It is much more than loving our friends and family but finding love in a partner.

Often it is easy to give away our love when we are young because of our inexperience. Hexagram 4 encourages us to destroy the feelings of lost love of youth. Then, when we are adults, we might be able to find true love. It is through our trials of difficulty that we gain the knowledge to understand truth from fiction.

I Ching Hexagram Number 4 – Career and Business

With all that we gain in knowledge, we must be willing to teach those who have yet to obtain the wisdom themselves. The rising generation needs mentoring to avoid similar situations the elders have already experienced. Hexagram 4 teaches not only to be youthful in the old age. But to be willing to teach others with honesty and integrity. Being mindful of this period will also help strengthen projects at school or work.


iChing 4 Judgment – The Judgment Poem

YOUTHFUL FOLLY has success.
It is not I who seek the young fool;
The young fool seeks me.
At the first oracle, I informed him.
If he asks two or three times, it is importunity.
If he is important, I give him no information.
Perseverance furthers.

iChing 4 Poem – The Image Poem

A spring wells up at the foot of the mountain:
The image of YOUTH.
Thus the superior man fosters his character
By thoroughness in all that he does.


iChing 4 – Conclusion

The caster might be in the process of learning or teaching. But, remember to be youthful and childlike in all forms of life. Let go of any negativity that might have arisen from this period. And, only remember the times of happiness and growth. Use what you have learned and apply it to a life of love and success.


Take with you the knowledge you have gained. Prepare to share and teach it to others who will need it. Be kind and patient with students. They might struggle to obtain the same wisdom. Thus, by doing so you will continue to learn and gain a higher knowledge through teaching.

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