Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Hexagram 36: Darkening of the Light – I Ching 36 Video

What Is I Ching Hexagram 36 All About?

Ming I is the Chinese name of the I Ching Hexagram 36. This has inner and outer trigrams forming Earth over fire. People call this Hexagram ‘darkening of the light’ or ‘brilliance injured’ or ‘intelligence hidden.’


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Hexagram 36 Yijing is a clear warning to keep your head down and your inner feelings concealed. There is a troublesome time passing and until it’s over, try not to bring attention to yourself. Every phase in life has a turning point. And, until that point comes during this time, it’s extremely imperative to stay out of the main light.

I Ching 36 meaning - Hexagram 36 Darkening of the Light

I Ching Hexagram 36 Interpretation and Meaning

Hexagram 36 divination gives insight into an unfortunate period. It is hard to pinpoint the exact aspect of life that might be causing a threat. This hexagram says now is the time to keep a low profile and keep out of conflicts or issues.


Hexagram 36 gives wisdom on the importance of staying away from conflict to survive the current obstacle. Give a troubling situation time to cool down or even disappear before it can escalate. This can help avoid any long-term damage.

Take comfort in the knowledge that all phases of life come to either an end or a turning point. Hexagrams show a constant change and flow in the progression of time. Each can represent a phase of time. Or how to act personally in response to some change.


I Ching Hexagram 36 Goals – Personal Goals

In personal life, there might be a threat coming from someone in the community. This threat might be due to a love relationship or a conflict at school. Now is not the time to approach a challenge or go seeking revenge.

Until this hard time passes, take this opportunity to work on personal strengths. This could mean clearing the mind through meditation to rid the consciousness of negative thoughts. Mediation can help calm the spirit and leave the body in a calmer state.

Worrying about the issues will not lead to any positive outcome. Worrying is like a poison that seeps into the mind and makes it almost impossible to get rid of. Eventually, this worry will take a toll on the body and start to cause disease within each operating system. Instead, strengthen the mind to overcome this situation.

I Ching Hexagram 36 Love – Love Interpretation

I Ching 36 says this might not be the right time to show your feelings. Stay isolated and do not show what you feel.

I Ching Hexagram Number 36 – Career and Business

When trying to stay concealed, refrain from making any progress. This could mean slowing down production at work. The business could be under threat or investigation. Try to stay away from the peering eyes of others. Maybe, you should allow the process to run its course before you discover something.


There might be an issue in a particular department. Or, a manager might be looking for someone to place the blame on. Try becoming undetectable by completing individual work instead of working on a team project.

iChing 36 Judgment – The Judgment Poem

It furthers one to be persevering.

iChing 36 Poem – The Image Poem

The light has sunk into the earth:
Thus does the superior man live with the great mass:
He veils his light, yet still shines.


iChing 36 – Conclusion

Hexagram 36 calls for a slowing in progression to survive a troubling time. Do not think that concealment is a form of hiding or weakness. It is important to retain information we might have that might worsen a situation.


Sometimes we need to stay out of the way of a rolling ball of destruction. There are reasons and wisdom behind every hexagram, especially for those who are less fortunate. Look on the bright side of every situation and gain a new respect for inner strength.

Hexagram 36 asks you to make sure you are ready for the next phase and whatever challenges might be coming next. This is a time of learning as we watch the moving of time from a distance with a clearer mind.

See Also More Hexagrams:

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