Saturday, July 27, 2024

Tag Archives: how to

How To Do Handwriting Analysis?

Handwriting Analysis

Handwriting analysis is also popularly known as Graphology. There are many people who wish to learn and master graphology. This learning program will help and facilitate in understanding the significance and interpretation of different features of handwriting.

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5 Ways To Get Pregnant With Astrology

Women who have trouble getting a child resort to a lot of ways to try to be pregnant. Some use pills, some use clinical treatments, and others follow the laws of feng shui and other beliefs, including astrology. If you are one of the women with the same burden – you might want to look towards the sky; because here are 5 astrology tips on how to get you pregnant.

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How To Do Water Meditation

Water meditation is a meditation used for the purpose of calming one's mind and body, reducing body temperature, and slowing heartbeat. It is useful for after a stressful situation, after workouts, and whenever you feel like you need to come down off of a high-tension emotional or physical trip. Here's how to do it.

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How To Test My EQ or Emotional Quotient

eq or iq

EQ is Emotional Quotient otherwise known as Emotional Intelligence Quotient. This is the best measurement of individuals’ skill to monitor their emotions that include various issues like to control their thoughts, activities, demands and pressures. The main reason behind this measurement is an easy way to identify individuals’ reactions under some circumstances.

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How To Read Palms: The Fate Line

fate line

The final of the four basic lines of palmistry, the fate line is special in that not everybody has got one. It's perhaps the most difficult to read line because of its frequent non-appearance, but it is nevertheless important in the reading of palms.

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How To Read Palms: The Life Line

life line

Now that emotion and intellect have been covered, this time let us talk about the Life line, which is the line of your personal being. It is the line which most accurately portrays your center most existence, and is the one most people are interested in because it portrays the events that happen in your life!

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How To Read Palms: The Head Line

head line

Last article, we talked about the line that governs romance, this time, our palmistry discussion will tell you how to read the head line on your palm or someone else's! Find out about someone's intellectual potential with this information.

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5 Ways To Discover Your Elemental Affinity

Some people work very well when they are near the ocean. Some people prefer to do their mysticism far in the forest. Some people like their rituals done around a bonfire, or in caves, or out in an open field. What elemental significance do these choices have, and how can you identify your elemental affinity? Find out!

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