Tuesday, February 11, 2025
libra zodiac sign

Libra Zodiac Sign Facts, Traits, Money and Compatibility

Libra Zodiac Sign: General Traits

The Libra zodiac sign, symbolized by the Scales is a sign of balance and temperance. People born under this star sign are graceful, elegant, and have a sweet disposition. Fashion and stylish dressing come naturally to these naturally beautiful people. Librans are adept at seeing two sides of an argument.


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The Libra zodiac born is well-mannered and charming by nature. They are usually soft-spoken people who are gentle and poised in their mannerisms. They are beneficial and harmonious individuals who even hate the thought of a fight or a confrontation.

The Libra characteristics also include being intuitive and social. They love the idea of a party or gathering. They make excellent companions who are balanced and moderate individuals.


Libra: Facts & Figures

  • Birth Dates – September 23rd – October 22nd
  • Zodiac Symbol – Scales
  • Zodiac Quality – Cardinal
  • Lucky Colors – Pink, Blue, Lavender
  • Lucky Numbers – Six and Nine
  • Zodiac Element – Air
  • Domicile Planet – Venus
  • Detriment Planet – Mars
  • Lucky Metals – All Metals
  • Exaltation Planet – Saturn
  • Birthstone – Opal, Quartz
  • Lucky Day – Friday
  • Lucky Gemstones – Opal, Agate, Tourmaline


Libra Positive Traits

The Libra traits of elegance, charm, and inherent sense of good taste always stand them in good stead. It helps them win over many friends socially. These people, in turn, do help the Libran to climb up the social ladder. Added to this, Libra people are excellent judges of both people as well as situations. Their impartial views are often admired and sought for in known social circles.

The best thing about the Libra star sign is that they are kind, gentle people. They are forever in search of good friends. They detest coarseness and vulgarity and are, on the whole, very balanced people. If one happens to know a Libran intimately, they take pains to put the other person at ease.

The Libra personalities are nice, sweet people who are forever willing to cooperate. They will even compromise on their positions. They try to win over the hearts of all those around them. Apart from the charm and sophisticated elegance, the Libran male/female will also take pains to ensure that they don’t hurt others. They are also good lovers and go all out to give pleasure to their mates.

Libra Negative Traits

A very disconcerting quality about an otherwise sweet Libra sun sign is that at heart, these people do not tolerate any argumentative situations. Especially those, arising out of other people challenging their own opinions directly. To the Libra man/woman, once they have concluded, it is supposed to be final and ultimate. And, they do not relish the fact that others may have a somewhat different opinion. Criticism of their viewpoints is an absolute “no-no” for a Libran. They constantly desire the stamp of approval from others in society.

The Libra zodiac sign people can also be big flirts. Even after they are already married! Their close partners do certainly not appreciate this. They are also at times, prone to involving themselves in frivolous activities. They are perceived by some people to be shallow. However, they are rarely angry even when circumstances force them to be so. But, at times they can become furious.

The Libra horoscope shows that they also have a great tendency to gossip. Also, they take great pleasure in getting to know about every scandal within their known circle. This is true for males and females alike. Lastly, they love to spend and to live life extravagantly. This may lead to minor financial troubles. The male can become an irreparable gambler while the female may degenerate into a jealous social spendthrift.


Libra Compatibility Traits

Libra and Aries

The Libra and Aries are often initially attracted to one another, but this relationship doesn’t last long.

Libra and Taurus

Libra’s relationship with Taurus would be a shaky one due to the differences in their outlook.

Libra and Gemini

Both Libra and Gemini are air signs, and that makes for proper compatibility.

Libra and Cancer

A Cancerian in a relationship with a Libran needs to broaden his/her knowledge horizon and skills of conversation.


Libra and Leo

The headstrong Leo doesn’t find the peace-loving Libra attractive enough to get into an alliance.

Libra and Virgo

Relationship with Virgo would be a roller coaster ride for the Libra star sign.

Libra and Libra

The relationship, where two Librans are involved, would be very exhausting as both are highly energetic and over-demanding.

Libra and Scorpio

The Libra zodiac sign would find it hard to match the forcefulness of Scorpio.


Libra and Sagittarius

The Libra Sagittarius couple will be instantly attracted by each other’s friendly nature and will be very happy together.

Libra and Capricorn

The organized nature of Capricorn may appeal to Libra a lot, but only in the short run.

Libra and Aquarius

Both Libra and Aquarius are attracted to unusual people. They love the excitement and maybe what you call made for each other!

Libra and Pisces

Libra and Pisces’ love compatibility is sensitive and emotional. But they will not get along together in the long run.

Libra Love & Romance

Libra zodiac signs people have an inherent craving for a partner since they hate being single and moving alone. Moreover, the Scales will always desire peace and harmony. They would like to imbibe this in their romantic relationships as well.

No matter how the person is inside, at first sight, the typical Libra male/female could easily attract you. This is due to their style of dressing attractively and speaking charmingly. Librans also want to be admired and loved. They will also do everything to keep their partners happy. They are also very friendly by nature and would like to accompany their wife/husband to a party. Underneath all their sheen and glamour, however, the Libra personality knows precisely what he/she wants. But, they will always try to achieve it in a way that they think is just and fair.

Libra star signs people revel in being in love. They love to be admired for their beauty and appreciated by their lovers. They also enjoy the pleasant state of mental harmony that love brings with it. What is avoided at all costs is to avoid confrontation with their lovers. On the whole, the Libra’s honest and open self makes them excellent romantic partners.

Libra Career & Profession

In the professional sphere, the Libra zodiac sign shines the most in those fields, which might require them to meet up with a lot of people. This includes marketing and networking professions. Their natural ability to charm people by their looks and charm will prove beneficial to their bosses.

As employees, the Libra zodiac sign is warm and gentle and seems to radiate peace and harmony within the office. They also have an inherent set of justice and love to apply their principles to their work. Librans also strive to be the leader and will work towards it only when they are sure they deserve that position.

Another essential quality of a Libran worker is that these people are natural problem solvers. They love to mediate in an office confrontation. On the whole, they make for excellent judges, diplomats, and public relations officers.

libra zodiac sign

Libra Money & Finance

Libra men and women love peace and harmony. They strive to make their lives perfectly balanced, and this is reflected in their checkbooks as well. They often take a long time to decide whether they should spend their money on a particular item. But in the end, it usually is a decision well made. They genuinely appreciate money. Above all, they wish to have the best in life by spending their hard-earned money.

The Libra zodiac sign has a craving for expensive and luxurious goods. They also like their lovers to purchase these items! They do not want to involve themselves in financial matters since it becomes a bit tedious for them.

However, Librans if needed, can charm any person into lending them some money. Fortunately, they always seem to have little difficulty in obtaining the items they desire. On the whole, they seem to act best in financial matters when they do it in close collaboration with a chosen partner.

Libra Health & Well-Being

The Libra zodiac sign traditionally suffers from diseases of the kidneys and the surrounding regions. Libra rules the excretory functions, and this might be the cause. They also suffer from frequent skin rashes, pimples, and various other skin diseases.

Librans are best nurtured as individuals, in a free and liberal environment. So if you impose a lot of restrictions upon them, they feel suffocated and also feel mentally depressed. Externally, Libra also suffers from ailments concerning the lumbar vertebrae. They also love sugar and consume rich food, which might give rise to diabetes and indigestion, too.

Famous Libra People

Michael Douglas, TS Elliot, Matt Damon, Eminem, Bruno Mars, Will Smith, David Cameron, Oscar Wilde, Barbara Walters, Sting, Susan Sarandon

Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces | Zodiac Signs | Star Signs

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