Thursday, February 6, 2025

Alchemy Animals Meaning: New Beginnings

Alchemy Animals Meaning: Spiritual Journey

Alchemy animals signify new beginnings after taking a wrong direction, and you decide to try another path which is the best. It was time that you realized that you needed to change your thoughts. It was a positive idea because you are leading to a great future. Perhaps, it is the perfect moment to conduct your own business. More so, self-control will give you the privilege to enjoy the things that you love. Notably, it is your responsibility to create the future that you want to live in.


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More so, Alchemy symbolism illustrates the goodness of taking the right direction and constantly doing the right thing. Mostly, people tend to lose hope when they realize that they are in the wrong direction. This situation happens to those who are weak. In any circumstance, you have to be strong no matter what. Your strength will determine where you will end your journey. Equally, be in your right senses all the time to be in the right place.


Symbolism Of Wings On Animals

Winged animals, as in non-bird animals, have always been a perpetual source of wonder for man. The idea that a common mammal or reptile could sprout wings and take flight is awe-inspiring and has led to the invention of a great number of mythological creatures.

These winged creatures are harbingers of hope, spirituality, new beginnings, protection, and duality. They are also great sources of power, mobility, balance, and imagination. These are the aspects that will protect you entirely until you accomplish your missions. So, you must take them seriously, and you will better your life.


However, the symbolic meanings for wings don’t vary much from one animal to the next. The resounding complexity of each mythical beast tells a vastly different story of both the people who first conceptualized them. Plus the era in which they originated.

Symbolic Winged Animals

Generally, animals like the horse are strong and brave. In other words, they are ready to face any danger at the moment. They understand that facing your problems is more important than ignoring them. When you ignore them, people will discover your very dangerous weakness. No one should know your weakness because they will make fun of you. Equally, it is better to live a simple life where you can be happy all the time than fake it.


One of the most noteworthy winged animals is the white-winged horse called Pegasus, also known in Greek as periplus. The horse has always had a compelling connection with strength and versatility, stability, and powerful momentum.


In Greek mythology, when wings were added to regular horses, they began to embody new symbolism. In addition to the already impressive traits, a horse possesses. The Pegasus symbolizes man’s desire to soar higher in life, to accomplish increasingly impressive feats, but to remain grounded and practical.


Truly, the Pegasus is a magical animal, epitomizes the manifestation of magic in the material plane, and also represents the analogy for the term “have your feet on the ground, but your head in the clouds.” For man, this ideal is best understood by the concept of embracing the reality of his physical presence while balancing nature and all that is non-physical. Pegasus has shown man that he can revolutionize his life in magical ways with pristine mental concentration and a steadfast earthly foundation.


Griffin as Part of Alchemy Animals Meaning

Few can deny that the Griffin, or winged lion, which is a combination of eagles and lions, are regal figures, each imparting a sense of grandeur and poise. Griffins are notorious defenders and protectors, guarding sacred places with ferocity and tenacity.


In alchemy, the lion is closely associated with the metal element gold and has a sacred spirituality that radiates abundantly with beneficial worth. Alchemy practitioners had illustrated lions in ancient journals when there was a personal need for a specific spiritual journey to be fulfilled.

Alchemy animals meaning

In contrast, eagles have always stood out for symbolizing the inception of a journey in alchemical illustrations and exemplify youth, commencement, and the uninhibited euphoria one experiences when embarking on a different path in life. Winged lions and Griffins offer the sense of integration of beginnings and endings and of pursuit and success.

Dragons & Serpents in Alchemy and Animal Meaning

In life, few creatures conjure as much immediate contempt and disgust as snakes and reptiles. They are closely associated with evil and sin because of their close ties to religion. However, in mythology, winged serpents and dragons are considered impressive and majestic creatures.

It is theorized that the myths surrounding winged serpents originated in ancient Egypt, following the meticulous scrutiny of the hooded cobra. In alchemy, as in mythology, the concept of a winged serpent symbolizes duality and the supreme governance of entities who can give life or take it away.

Over time and after centuries of enduring legends, the winged snake developed into a dragon. Also possessing magical abilities, dragons share many qualities and symbolic meanings with winged snakes, such as might and dominion, being rooted to the earth while possessing infinite imagination, much like the Pegasus, and have evolved over the ages to command a great deal of respect.

A contradiction expressed in real life, winged serpents, and dragons wriggle and crawl on the earth on their bellies. Yet have the ability to take flight. Plus shedding their earthly limitations in exchange for soaring the limitless skies.

Winged Angels Symbolism

This compilation of winged animals wouldn’t be complete without guardian angels or winged human beings. A blessed and sacred intermediary, angels, are ethereal couriers. They can transition, unhindered, from this realm into the heavens.

Always illustrated with features that resemble humans, angels or guardian spirits are one of the mythological creatures that man can most easily relate to. Man has an inherent belief that angels are benevolent saviors, that their intentions are benign, and that they wish only to protect. Angels are often anointed with divine and magical attributes, have been held responsible for moving constellations around the heavens, and are said to occupy spaces in between realms.

But what of the winged human that was less than benevolent, was altogether carnal? Or surrendered to the most depraved of human behavior? Out of this conundrum emerged the Gargoyle. Embodying all of the most deviant of man’s desires and actions, Gargoyles represents the stellar opposite of angels.

However, the symbolism surrounding their wings speaks of a hidden potential to vanquish these base characteristics, to tell the story of man’s capacity to rise above and master his potential. Gargoyles are a vivid reminder to man that the state in which he lives does not dictate his divinity.


Alchemy animals represent the key factor that will lead you to a happy ending. It highlights that you need to focus on your confidence because that is what matters most. On the other hand, you have to check on your self-discipline to prioritize your thinking properly. More so, you need to respect other people’s opinions because they can change your life. Take everyone you meet in your life as important. Equally, the way you treat others will determine how you will be served.

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