Also Known For : Singer, Songwriter, Instagram
Birth Place : Bellevue, Illinois, United states of America
Zodiac Sign : Taurus
Chinese Zodiac : Snake
Birth Element : Metal
AJ Mitchell Biography, Life, Interesting Facts
Childhood and Early Life
Social media singer-songwriter AJ Mitchell was born on the 17 May 2001 in Belleville, Illinois in the United States.
From a young age, AJ Mitchell has played the piano. He started posting short videos on Instagram in 2013 when he was twelve years old. By early January 2016 began uploading full covers. He also started writing his songs. He quickly built up a fan base on Youtube and later Vine.
People Magazine’s featured Mitchell in their feature 15 Instagram Covers of Love Songs That Will Make You Swoon.
AJ Mitchell has 137K followers on Twitter @imajmitchelI and over 231,000 subscribers on YouTube.
Mitchell social media platforms are Twitter @imajmitchelI, YouTube, Instagram: @imajmitchell, SoundCloud: www.soundcloud.com/imajmitchell and Snapchat: @imajmitchell
Personal Life
AJ Mitchell moved to LA with his family in 2014.