Friday, October 25, 2024
Famous Events For September 18

Famous Events For September 18 – Today In History

September 18: Today in History – Historical Events

Know about all the important events on September 18 in history.

Early Centuries – September 18 Historic Events – Before the 1700s

1. September 18, 0096 – After the murder of Domitian, Nerva becomes the king of the Roman kingdom
2. September 18, 0324 – Chrysopolis King Constantine defeats king Licinius
3. September 18, 1180 – Philip Augustus ascends the throne of France
4. September 18, 1437 – rebellion by farmers in Transylvania


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5. September 18, 1454 – during the Thirteen Years battle, in the war of Chojnice, Teutonic defense forces defeated the Polish army
6. September 18, 1502 – Christopher Columbus arrives in Costa Rica on his 4th and final expedition
7. September 18, 1544 – The British army under the orders of King Henry VIII seized Boulogne
8. September 18, 1544 – agreement for peace between Charles V, king of the Holy Roman Empire, and French King Francis I established and known as Peace of Crepy, concluding the fourth Hapsburg-Valois battle
9. September 18, 1635 – War declared between Emperor Ferdinand II and France
10. September 18, 1679 – The province of New Hampshire becomes a part of the Massachusetts Bay colony


18th Century – What Happened on September 18 – The 1700s

11. September 18, 1739 – Belgrade surrendered to Turks as per the peace agreement between Turkey and Austria
12. September 18, 1755 – opening in New York of Fort Ticonderoga
13. September 18, 1759 – With the British seizing Quebec City and surrendering of French, the war of Quebec concludes
14. September 18, 1769 – the first musical instrument, the piano, was constructed by John Harris, in Boston, Massachusetts
15. September 18, 1793 – the construction of the Capitol Building in Washington DC with US President George Washington laying the foundation stone


19th Century – September 18 This Day That Year – The 1800s

16. September 18, 1809 – inauguration of Royal Opera House in London
17. September 18, 1810 – Spain grants freedom to Chile
18. September 18, 1811 – British army seizes Dutch Indies
19. September 18, 1712 – The fire in Moscow lasted for 5 days and destroyed 85% of the city killing 12000
20. September 18, 1838 – Richard Cobden founded a Confederation opposing Corn Laws
21. September 18, 1842 – publication of the 1st version of Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
22. September 18, 1846 – after having some correspondence, Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning run away
23. September 18, 1849 – The administration of De Kemenae in Dutch steps down
24. September 18, 1851 – commencement of circulation of New York Times at 2 cents per issue
25. September 18, 1862 – The army of the Confederate States of America split into smaller divisions
26. September 18, 1862 – the army under the command of Read vacates Antietam Creek Virginia
27. September 18, 1863 – Willie Park, Sr scores a 168 at Prestwick Golf Club at the 4th British Golf Open

28. September 18, 1864 – the first war of Martinsburg, Virginia fought
29. September 18, 1864 – a series of battles known as the Franklin-Nashville movement in the American Civil War commenced
30. September 18, 1872 – Oscar II crowned as king of Sweden-Norway
31. September 18, 1873 – Jay Cooke & Co. government securities representative, suffers a downfall causing turmoil on Wall Street and that is the commencement of the recession
32. September 18, 1881 – results of an experiment conducted on television by Chicago Turbine were published
33. September 18, 1882 – inauguration of the Pacific Stock Exchange
34. September 18, 1885 – rebellion to oppose enforced immunization of smallpox in Montreal started
35. September 18, 1888 – commencement of adventure series of Sherlock Holmes, “Sign of Four”
36. September 18, 1891 – the first white woman to become an Indian chief was Harriet Maxwell Converse


37. September 18, 1895 – The agreement known as “Atlanta Compromise” was lectured by Brooker T Washington on this day
38. September 18, 1895 – Daniel David Palmer, demonstrates the method of healing by manual adjustment of the spine
39. September 18, 1897 – The musical album, “Belle of New York City” by Gustave Kecker/Hugh Martin was first performed in NYC
40. September 18, 1898 – the vessel under Lord Kitchener, arrives in Fashoda, Sudan

20th Century – Important Events On This Day September 18 – 1900

41. September 18, 1903 – Phillies Chick Fraser defeats Chicago Cubs, 10-0
42. September 18, 1905 – Electric track for tramcar inaugurated in Rotterdam
43. September 18, 1906 – cyclonic tsunami hits Hong Kong killing more than 10000 in Hong Kong


44. September 18, 1909 – A’s defeat Tigers, 2-0 in Det. 35409 witnessed the play
45. September 18, 1910 – Demonstration in Amsterdam demanding voting rights for men and women
46. September 18, 1911 – test flight of two-engine aircraft in Britain commenced
47. September 18, 1911 – debut show of “Disraeli” by Louis Napoleon Parker in NYC
48. September 18, 1914 – during WW I, Germans defeat the French culminating in the War of Aisne
49. September 18, 1914 – Chief Paul von Hindenburg assumed charge as Chief of the German army on the Eastern Border
50. September 18, 1914 – Self Governance or Home Rule for Ireland becomes an Act and is accepted by King
51. September 18, 1914 – South African army arrives in German South West Africa
52. September 18, 1915 – Boston Braves vanquish St Louis Cardinals, 20-1
53. September 18, 1918 – commencement of Megiddo war
54. September 18, 1919 – The Dutch government accepts the right to vote by women


55. September 18, 1919 – Cyclonic waves 16 feet above sea level strike the Gulf Coast sinking 280
56. September 18, 1922 – Ruys de Beerenbrouck forms the government in the Netherlands for the 2nd time
57. September 18, 1922 – Hungary becomes a member of the League of Nations
58. September 18, 1925 – Bill Tilden achieves the US Tennis Championship
59. September 18, 1926 – cyclone strikes Maimi killing 250
60. September 18, 1926 – Rene Lacoste vanquish Jean Borotra (6-4,6-9,6-4) at the 46th US Men’s National Championship
61. September 18, 1927 – commencement of airing by The Columbia Broadcasting System with 18 stations
62. September 18, 1928 – Cards defeat Phillies, 20 times out of 22 plays in 1928
63. September 18, 1928 – Juan de la Cierva crosses the Channel using the first helicopter
64. September 18, 1929 – debut performance of “Strictly Dishonorable” by Preston Sturges at NYC
65. September 18, 1930 – in the 15th America Cup, Enterprise defeats Shamrock
66. September 18, 1930 – NY Yankee pitcher Red Ruffing scores 2 HRs to vanquish St Louis Browns, 7-6
67. September 18, 1930 – A’s of Philadelphia achieve AL championship successively for two years
68. September 18, 1931 – The Japanese find an excuse to assault Manchuria, China in a false railway blow-up
69. September 18, 1932 – Actress Peg Entwistle climbs up to Hollywood Sign and jumps to death
70. September 18, 1934 – USSR becomes a member of the League of Nations
71. September 18, 1937 – the house owned by the state in New Zealand inaugurated in Miramar
72. September 18, 1938 – Chicago Bears vanquish Green Bay Packers, 2-0
73. September 18, 1938 – Yanks achieve their banner no.10 despite odds
74. September 18, 1939 – Moscicki, President of Poland escapes to Romania
75. September 18, 1940 – England destroys 19 German airplanes over its territory

76. September 18, 1940 – Debut performance of “Johnny Belinda” by Elmer Harris in NYC
77. September 18, 1940 – Italian army seize Sidi Barrani
78. September 18, 1942 – CBC inaugurates its radio service
79. September 18, 1942 – causing the death of war prisoners by extremely hard labor and little care was permitted by Otto Thierack, Minister for Justice in the Nazi govt,
80. September 18, 1943 – Cardinals achieve National League banner
81. September 18, 1943 – compulsory expulsion of Danish Jews approved by Hitler
82. September 18, 1944 – British underwater powered ship, Trade Wind destroys Junyo Maru, killing 5600 persons including 1377 Prisoner of War and 4200 Javanese slave workers
83. September 18, 1944 – seize of Brest Bretagne by the 266th company of the US army
84. September 18, 1945 – in protest amalgamation of schools in India, thousands of whites came out of Gary, Indiana
85. September 18, 1945 – In a heavyweight boxing competition Joe Louis knocks out Tami Muiriello in 1
86. September 18, 1945 – the Department of Defence formed as a part of the National Security Force started functioning this day
87. September 18, 1947 – the creation of the US Airforce as a distinct unit when the National Security Act was accepted by the Senate
88. September 18, 1948 – valedictory of “Hilarities (of 1949)” at Adelphi Theatre after 14 presentations
89. September 18, 1948 – an armed conflict between the government republic and FDR in the Dutch Indies
90. September 18, 1948 – appointment of Ralph J Bunche as a UN negotiator in Palestine
91. September 18, 1950 – Nakagawa, Soen, Zen teacher named successor
92. September 18, 1954 – Cleveland Indians vanquish Tigers and achieve the banner (3-2)
93. September 18, 1954 – the airing of TV Transmission channel 8 in Tulsa, OK by KTUL commences

94. September 18, 1954 – first time airing of TV Transmission channel 13 in G’ville-Spartanburg, SC by WLOS
95. September 18, 1955 – LPGA Mile High Golf Open achieved by Marilynn
96. September 18, 1956 – Mickey Mantle achieves his 50th HR in a term and he was the 8th to get this distinction
97. September 18, 1957 – debut performance of “Wagon Train”
98. September 18, 1958 – The Bank of America despatches 60000 credit cards in Fresco, California, viz BankAmericards now known as VISA
99. September 18, 1959 – spacecraft sent to circle the Earth
100. September 18, 1960 – LPGA Memphis Golf Open achieved by Mickey Wright
101. September 18, 1961 – Atomic test by USSR at Novaya Zemlya USSR
102. September 18, 1962 – The request of Charlie Finley to shift to Dallas-Fort Worth was refused
103. September 18, 1962 – Rwanda, Burundi, Jamaica and Trinidad become the Members of United Nations
104. September 18, 1962 – Atomic test by USSR at Novaya Zemlya USSR
105. September 18, 1963 – in a concluding play at Polo Play Ground, the Phillies defeat the Mets, 5-1 in the presence of 1752 spectators
106. September 18, 1963 – The USSR decides to purchase 58.5 million containers of cereal from Australia
107. September 18, 1964 – Atomic test by USSR at Novaya Zemlya USSR
108. September 18, 1964 – the first show of “The Addams Family” featuring John Astin, Carolyn Jones, Ted Cassidy, and Jackie Coogan on ABC
109. September 18, 1965 – The funny TV serial, “Get Smart” produced by Mel Brooks featuring Don Adams commences
110. September 18, 1965 – Mantle plays his 2000th match at Yankee Stadium and celebrates Mickey Mantle Day
111. September 18, 1965 – Barbara Eden featured as a 2000 yr aged apparition, and Larry Hagman as a cosmonaut in “I Dream of Jeannie” debuts on NBC
112. September 18, 1966 – LPGA Shirley Englehorn Golf Invitational won by Mickey Wright
113. September 18, 1967 – the headquarters of NW Territories, Canada was changed from Ottawa to Yellowknife
114. September 18, 1967 – Intrepid vanquishes Dame Pattie in the 21st America’s Cup
115. September 18, 1968 – Ray Washburn of Cards scores no hits SF Giants, 2-0
116. September 18, 1969 – an agreement between Tiny Time and Miss Vicky to get married
117. September 18, 1971 – US vanquishes Europe, 18 ½- 13 ½ at Old Warson Country Club in the 19th Ryder Cup
118. September 18, 1971 – Noodle Cup made and marketed in a waterproof polythene cover by Momofuku Ando
119. September 18, 1972 – NL appoints the first black as NL Referee
120. September 18, 1973 – German Federal Republic and German Democratic Republic were admitted as members of the United Nations
121. September 18, 1974 – cyclone Fifi with a wind speed of 110 mph devastates Honduras killing 5000

122. September 18, 1975 – Patricia Campbell Hearst became a bank robber after she was kidnapped by a fugitive group and was detained by the FBI in SF
123. September 18, 1976 – Frank Robinson plays his last match as Cleve’s manager
124. September 18, 1976 – In the Malta voting, the Labour Party guided by Dom Mintoff won the election
125. September 18, 1976 – the conference on “God Bless America” was chaired by Rev Sun Myung Moon
126. September 18, 1976 – Cremation of Mao Zedong in Beijing
127. September 18, 1977- Brooks Robinson Night celebrated in Baltimore
128. September 18, 1977 – Courageous defeats Australia in the 24th America’s Cup
129. September 18, 1977 – LPGA National Team Golf Championship won by Joanne Carner/Judy Rankin
130. September 18, 1977 – The 1st image of Earth and Moon together was captured from space by US spacecraft Voyager I
131. September 18, 1977 – inauguration of the 2nd Toronto International Film Festival
132. September 18, 1978 – Rock Band members of KISS publish individual musical records
133. September 18, 1979 – appointment of Steven Lachs as the first gay judge in California
134. September 18, 1979 – inauguration by Who musical recitals at Madison Square Garden
135. September 18, 1980 – debut performance of “Les Misérables” at Palais des Sports, Paris
136. September 18, 1980 – two spacemen were sent to the space station, Salyut 6 through Soyuz 38
137. September 18, 1981 – banning of death sentence in France favored by the National Assembly (Assemblée Nationale)
138. September 18, 1982 – Christian mercenaries kill 700 Palestinians to take revenge for the murder of Bachir Gemayel
139. September 18, 1982 – People’s Choice Award given to “Tempest” guided by Paul Mazursky at the 7th Toronto International Film Festival
140. September 18, 1983 – LPGA SAFECO Golf Classic achieved by Juli Inkster
141. September 18, 1983 – war starts between Lebanese and Syrian armies
142. September 18, 1983 – New Orleans Saints in their 1st overtime match against Chicago Bears, score 34-31 defeating Chicago Bears
143. September 18, 1983- debut show of Kiss band’s “Unmasked” on MTV
144. September 18, 1983 – first presentation of the action series “Hardcastle and McCormick” on ABC in the US
145. September 18, 1984- Crossing alone of the Atlantic using a balloon was achieved by Joe Kittinger
146. September 18, 1984 – Tigers finalize their American League East Championship
147. September 18, 1985 – Tim Rains got 4 successive 70 SB seasons and was the first person to get this
148. September 18, 1985 – 474 presentations were made by “Song and Dance” after its debut in Royale Theatre NYC
149. September 18, 1985 – Prime number, 2^216081-1 was discovered in Houston and reported by BBC Radio
150. September 18, 1985 – TV presentation of the spy/crime play “The Equalizer” first presented on CBS in the US
151. September 18, 1986 – David Boone scores 122, his 3rd century in a test cricket match against India in Madras
152. September 18, 1987 – the 40-year Detroit Tiger Darrel Evans is the first player of this age to score 30 HRs
153. September 18, 1987 – an agreement between US and USSR to ban mid-range weaponry
154. September 18, 1987 – Atomic test by USSR at Eastern Kazakh/Semipalitinsk, USSR
155. September 18, 1988 – Commander Prosper Avril organizes a military rebellion in Haiti and assumes power; Henri Namphy runs away
156. September 18, 1988 – Burma keeps its constitution undecided
157. September 18, 1988 – LPGA SAFEO Golf Classic won by Juli Inkster
158. September 18, 1988 – tempest Hugo devastates Puerto Rico
159. September 18, 1990 – display of 500 lb, 6ft tall Hershey Kiss chocolate in Time Square NYC
160. September 18, 1990 – 500 lb 6′ Hershey Kiss is displayed at 1 Times Square, NYC
161. September 18, 1990 – Atlanta agrees to host the 1996 Summer Olympics
162. September 18, 1990 – United Nations admits Liechtenstein as its member
163. September 18, 1991 – appointment of John Hart as general manager of Cleveland Indians
164. September 18, 1991 – NCAA keeps Tenn for 2 years observation for his faults in enlisting
165. September 18, 1991 – US Olympic Committee president, Robert Helmick steps down from the presidency
166. September 18, 1991 – Naval forces of Yugoslavia barricade the ports along the Adriatic Sea
167. September 18, 1993 – the crowning of Kimberly Clarice Aiken (SC) 18, as 67th Miss America 1994
168. September 18, 1993 – LA Mighty Ducks practice their 1st NHL exhibition play against Penguins
169. September 18, 1993 – Yanks defeat Boston, 4-3
170. September 18, 1993 – People’s Choice Award given to “The Snapper” guided by Stephen Frears at the 18th Toronto International Film Festival
171. September 18, 1994 – in the 1st Presidents Golf Club, US triumphs over Intl team, 20-12 at Robert Jones Va
172. September 18, 1994 – in the public voting for office, the conservative FVP party gets the majority in the election while the extreme right-wing gets 18.5%
173. September 18, 1994 – LOGA SAFECO Golf Classic achieved by Deb Richard
174. September 18, 1994 – The social democratic party, SPD, in Sweden, gets a majority on the legislative ballot
175. September 18, 1995 – landing of Space Shuttle STS-69
176. September 18, 1996 – Roger Clemens equals his major league-best score of 20 strikeouts
177. September 18, 1997 – Seve Ballesteros and Nick Faldo were selected for the World Golf Hall of Fame
178. September 18, 1997 – Ted Turner donates $1 billion to the United Nations thus forming the United Nations Foundations, a public charity
179. September 18, 1997 – a referendum in Wakes favor autonomy for Welsh
180. September 18, 1998 – establishment of Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
181. September 18, 1998 – the debut of “Rush Hour” guided by Brett Ratner featuring Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker
182. September 18, 1999 – People’s Choice Award given to “American Beauty” guided by Sam Mendes at the 24th Toronto International Film Festival

21st Century – September 18 This Day In History – The 2000s

183. September 18, 2001 – anthrax virus contaminated mail despatched from Trenton, New Jersey triggering 2001 anthrax outbreaks
184. September 18, 2003 – amendment to the UK’s Act 2003 canceling sec. 28 approved by King
185. September 18, 2004 – People’s Choice Award was given to “Hotel Rwanda” guided by Terry George at the 29th Toronto International Film Festival
186. September 18, 2005 – Lost, Everybody Loves Raymond, James Spader, and Patricia Arquette awarded the 57th Emmy Awards
187. September 18, 2006 – Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurscany accepted that he and his followers told a false during general voting triggering protests from right-wing groups and damaging Hungarian Television in Budapest, Hungary after the circulation of an audio recording
188. September 18, 2007 – Pervez Musharraf makes a condition to resign that he should be made president again to restore democracy in Pakistan
189. September 18, 2007 – The so-called Saffron Revolution in Myanmar commenced with Buddhist monks joining hands with anti-government demonstrators
190. September 18, 2009 – the 72 year episode soap opera, The Guiding Light culminates with its last event
191. September 18, 2011 – Mad Men, Modern Family, Kyle Chandler, and Julianna Margulies were awarded the 63rd Emmy Awards
192. September 18, 2011 – People’s Choice Award (Drama) was awarded to “Where Do We Go Now?” guided by Nadine Labaki at the 36th Toronto International Film Festival
193. September 18, 2012 – Kurdish radicals assault Bingol Turkey, using rockets causing the death of 10 army staff and wounding of 70
194. September 18, 2012 – in a fire accident at Pemex gas works in Reynosa, Mexico 26 died
195. September 18, 2012 – the 8-day stoppage of work ended when an agreement between The Chicago Teachers Union and Chicago Public Schools was agreed
196. September 18, 2012 – The University of Gothenburg performs the first transfer of uterus from mother to daughter
197. September 18, 2014 – A plebiscite in Scotland indicates its willingness not to stay with the United Kingdom
198. September 18, 2014 – The United Nations stands in ovation when Emma Watson gave a lecture helping the promotion of UN Women Crusade HeForShe, advocating gender impartiality
199. September 18, 2014 – 8 people including 2 children lost their life in Bell, Florida in a gun firing
200. September 18, 2015 – 2.3 million applications were received for 238 low jobs by the UP government in India
201. September 18, 2016 – United Russian Party supported by Putin and under the guidance of Prime Minister, Dmitry Medvedev wins 54% of a parliamentary majority

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