Saturday, July 27, 2024
Famous Events For May 25

Famous Events For May 25 – Today In History

May 25: Today in History – Historical Events

Early Centuries – May 25  Historic Events – Before the 1700s

1. 25th May 1241: The first attack on the Jewish community occurred today at Frankfurt am Main in Germany.
2. 25th May 1420: The Navigator Henry was today appointed as the governor of the Order of Christ.

3. 25th May 1521: Martin Luther and his followers were outlawed today by the Edict of Worms.
4. 25th May 1522: Charles V, the Holy Roman Emperor returned to Spain today.
5. 25th May 1659: Richard Cromwell earns the nickname “Tumbledown Dick” after he resigns as Lord Protector of England.

18th Century – What Happened on May 25 – The 1700s

6. 25th May 1721: Today John Copson became an insurance agent. He was America’s first insurance agent.
7. 25th May 1738: The Conojocular War between Pennsylvania and Maryland ended with the signing of the treaty between them settling the boundary dispute and exchange of prisoners.
8. 25th May 1784: Marshall Mniszek today expelled Jews from Warsaw.
9. 25th May 1787: This day marks the opening of the Constitutional Convention presided over by George Washington in Philadelphia.
10. 25th May 1793: Father Stephen Theodore Badin became the 1st Roman Catholic priest to be ordained in the US.

19th Century – May 25 This Day That Year – The 1800s

11. 25th May 1810: In Buenos Aires, the citizens expelled the Spanish Viceroy Cisneros in the May Revolution.
12. 25th May 1816: John Murray in London published the collection of poems by poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge, including “Kubla Khan” and “Christabel”.
13. 25th May 1825: This day marks the founding of the American Unitarian Association.
14. 25th May 1837: In Quebec, Canada, The Patriots of Lower Canada raised a rebellion against the British for freedom.
15. 25th May 1842: Christian Doppler presented his idea to the Royal Bohemian Society in Prague. It is now known as the Doppler Effect.
16. 25th May 1844: Today news was telegraphed for the first time which was published in Baltimore Patriot.
17. 25th May 1868: A cricket tour of England by the Australian Aboriginal team began today with a match against Surrey Gentlemen.

18. 25th May 1887: In Paris, 200 people died when a gas lamp at the Paris Opera caught fire.
19. 25th May 1895: In London playwright Oscar Wilde was found guilty of gross indecency under section 11 of the Criminal Law Amendment Act and was sentenced to two years of hard labour.
20. 25th May 1895: Formosa became a Republic today with Tang Ching-sung as its President.

20th Century – Important Events On This Day May 25th – The 1900s

21. 25th May 1900: Eyre Massey Shaw aged 70 today became the oldest gold medallist in the Olympics for sailing. He had retired as London firemaster.
22. 25th May 1906: Boston Pilgrims lost to Chicago White Sox 3-0 after a run of 20 straight wins.
23. 25th May 1911: President Jose Porfirio Diaz was overthrown today in a Revolution in Mexico.
24. 25th May 1914: The Irish Home Rule Bill was today passed by the British House of Commons.
25. 25th May 1915: The Second Battle of Ypres ended today with a casualty of 105,000.

26. 25th May 1920: A study revealed that 79% of the new ships built for American merchant shipping or in design and build stages have changed over from coal burners to oil burners as fuel.
27. 25th May 1922: Babe Ruth was today fined $200 and was suspended for one day for throwing dirt on an umpire.
28. 25th May 1925: John T. Scopes, a high school teacher was today indicted for teaching the theory of evolution in his class as the teaching of the theory of evolution is prohibited in public schools by Tennessee state law.
29. 25th May 1927: It was today announced by Henry Ford that the production of Model T Ford would be stopped.
30. 25th May 1935: At the Big Ten meet in Ann Arbor Michigan athlete Jesse Owens broke three world records, in the broad jump, low hurdles, and 220-yard dash.
31. 25th May 1935: At Forbes Field in Pittsburgh, while playing for the Boston Braves against the Pittsburgh Pirates, Babe Ruth hit the 714th and the final home run of his career. He announced his retirement shortly after the game.

32. 25th May 1936: The American Federation of Labour-led strike at Remington Rand began today.
33. 25th May 1937: The first air mail letter returned to New York after going around the globe.
34. 25th May 1940: Boulogne was today conquered by the German troops.
35. 25th May 1940: The Golden Gate International Exposition reopened today.
36. 25th May 1941: A severe storm struck the Ganges Delta region in India. 5000 people drowned.
37. 25th May 1943: Upgrading of 12 black workers resulted in a Riot at Mobile, Alabama shipyard.
38. 25th May 1943: 500 RAF Bombers bombed Dusseldorf today.
39. 25th May 1944: Marshal Tito, a partisan leader today escaped the Germans surrounding Bosnia.
40. 25th May 1946: Jordan became independent. It gained independence from Britain with Abdullah ibn Hussein becoming the King of Jordan.
41. 25th May 1947: Mine #5 of Centralia Coal Co suffered a coal dust explosion—the casualty of 111.
42. 25th May 1948: San Francisco got its first Telecast today.
43. 25th May 1949: Shanghai was occupied by the Chinese Red Army.

44. 25th May 1953: Texas established its first non-commercial educational television station in Houston.
45. 25th May 1958: General Charles de Gaulle today became the Prime Minister of France.
46. 25th May 1959: Louisiana’s prohibiting of black-white boxing was ruled unconstitutional by the US Supreme Court today.
47. 25th May 1959: Nikita Khrushchev, the Russian Premier visited Angola today.
48. 25th May 1961: US President John F Kennedy today asked US Congress for $531 million to send a man to the moon before the end of the decade. Neil Armstrong became the first man to go to the Moon on 21st July 1969.
49. 25th May 1962: A campaign for 35 hours work week was today started by US unions AFL-CIO.
50. 25th May 1962: The US today performed an atmospheric nuclear test at Christmas Island.
51. 25th May 1963: The Organisation of African Unity (OAU) was formed today by African states.
52. 25th May 1963: Great Britain today put an end to its amateur and professional classes in cricked.
53. 15th May 1964: The US Supreme Court today ruled that closing schools to avoid desegregation is unconstitutional.
54. 25th May 1965: Muhammad Ali knocked out Sonny Liston in the world heavyweight boxing championship in the first. The referee stops the fight and awards the match to Ali.

55. 25th May 1965: There were border fights between India and Pakistan.
56. 25th May 1967: In the prestigious European Cup, Glasgow Celtic beat favourites Internazionale Milan 2-1 at the Portuguese National Stadium in Lisbon. They became the first British team to win the European Cup.
57. 25th May 1967: John Lennon got bored with the color of his 1965 Rolls Royce and had a psychedelic paint job done. The car in its new look was delivered today causing an uproar. Even the Rolls Royce company raised a formal complaint. The car was sold in 1985 for $2,299,000 and became the most expensive car ever sold.
58. 25th May 1968: This day marks the dedication of the Gateway Arch in St. Louis which stands 630 feet tall and is 630 feet wide.
59. 25th May 1969: A military coup today overthrew the Sudanese government.
60. 25th May 1971: A British army sergeant was killed and seven officers were wounded when the Provisional Irish Republican Army threw a time bomb into Springfield Road British Army base.
61. 25th May 1971: USSR today performed a nuclear test at Eastern Kazakh/Semipalitinsk USSR.
62. 25th May 1972: The US today performed a nuclear test at its Nevada test site.
63. 25th May 1973: Peronist Hector Campora was made President of Argentina today.

64. 25th May 1973: US today launched the first Skylab crew Kerwin Conrad, Weitz.
65. 25th May 1974: More than 25 people died when an explosion occurred in the chemical plant in Flexborough in the UK today.
66. 25th May 1977: 20th Century Fox released the movie “Star Wars”, written and directed by George Lucas, in American Theatres today.
67. 25th May 1977: The US today performed a nuclear test at its Nevada test site.
68. 25th May 1977: The Social Democratic Party won the Dutch parliamentary elections today.
69. 25th May 1978: Atlantic City in New Jersey opens the nation’s first legal casino outside of Nevada for dice rollers and card players.
70. 25th May 1979: Israel today began the process of returning Sinai to Egypt.
71. 25th May 1979: American Airlines Flight 191 which left O’Hare International Airport in Chicago crashed in a field near the Airport. It killed 273 people including two on the ground.
72. 25th May 1980: Jacek Wszoka of Poland today set a high jump record of 7’8”.
73. 25th May 1982: In two separate attacks the Argentinean Super Ethedards destroyed the Atlantic Conveyor and the Sky Hawks bombing caused HMS Coventry to capsize.
74. 25th May 1982: Khorramshar was today reconquered by Iranian troops.
75. 25th May 1983: Today the first US “National Missing Children’s Day” was proclaimed.
76. 25th May 1983: France today conducted its nuclear test.

77. 25th May 1985: A severe cyclone strikes Bangladesh killing over 11,000 people.
78. 25th May 1985: Australian cricketer Allan Border scored a century against Derbyshire. This was his 4th successive 1st class 100.
79. 25th May 1986: In the “Hands Across America” initiative to fight hunger and homelessness about 7 million Americans joined hands hoping to raise more than $50 million.
80. 25th May 1986: In Florida a 95-year-old woman scored a hole-in-one.
81. 25th May 1986: In Bangladesh, 600 people were killed when the Ferry boat Shamia sank on the Meghna River today.
82. 25th May 1988: The median price for a home in America is now $87,700, as per the National Association of Realtors report.
83. 25th May 1989: The Soviet Union today elected Mikhail Gorbachev as its Executive President.
84. 25th May 1991: Israel today evacuated 14,000 Ethiopian Jews.
85. 25th May 1992: In Italy, Oscar Luigi Scalfaro was elected as its President.
86. 25th May 1994: The contract to run Britain’s first national lottery was won by The Camelot consortium which pledged to give up to 30% of its taking to five “good causes”.
87. 25th May 1995: In the Bosnian city of Tuzla, 72 youngsters were killed by the Bosnian Serb Army.
88. 25th May 1998: Many academics and librarians are raising concerns about the internet providing better information than good information. The need for checks and balances to be put in place was highlighted.

21st Century – May 25 This Day In History – The 2000s

89. 25th May 2000: After 22 years of its first invasion in 1978, Israel today withdrew its army from most parts of Lebanese territory. It was liberation day for Lebanon.
90. 25th May 2002: A Boeing 747 of China Airlines Flight 611 broke apart in mid-air and plunged into the Taiwan Strait. 225 people were killed in the crash.
91. 25th May 2005: The one thousand-mile long oil pipeline starting in Azerbaijan and ending at the Mediterranean seaport in Turkey after traveling through Georgia, the longest in the world was opened today.
92. 25th May 2006: Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling, former executives of the Enron Corporation were today convicted of conspiracy and fraud for the company’s downfall. Whereas Lay died before sentencing Skilling was awarded 24 years in prison.
93. 25th May 2008: A fire resulting from a chemical explosion at a factory near Arak in Iran killed 30 people and almost 40 others were injured.
94. 25th May 2009: North Korea today announced that it has conducted an underground nuclear test in the province of North Hamgyong as part of its nuclear weapons program.
95. 25th May 2010: In a factory engaged in the manufacture of Apple iPhones in China, a 19-year-old worker was found dead after falling off a building at the factory. He was the 10th person to die that way.
96. 25th May 2011: After being evaluated by mental competency experts, Jared Loughner, the accused of shooting and killing six people and injuring Congresswoman Gabriella Giffords, was found incompetent to stand trial. He had pleaded not guilty.
97. 25th May 2013: Ukraine witnessed its first gay pride parade with about 100 attendees in the country’s capital city of Kyiv. Police were present and arrested several people who tried to break up the gathering.
98. 25th May 2014: Ukraine today elected Petro Poroshenko as its president.
99. 25th May 2017: Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg today received an honorary degree from Harvard University after dropping out in 2004.
100. 25th May 2017: There were pitched battles in and around Marawi between Islamic state-linked militants and the Philippine government troops. 43 people died and thousands fled the area.

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