Friday, October 25, 2024
Famous Events For January 2

Famous Events For January 3 – Today In History

January 3: Today in History – Historical Events

Early Centuries – January 3  Historic Events – Before the 1700s

1. In 1431, a painter, scientist, and visionary, Leonardo da Vinci unsuccessfully tested his flying machine.
2. In the year 1521, Pope Leo X, excommunicated Martin Luther, the founder of Protestantism, from the Roman Catholic Church.


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18th Century – What Happened on January 3 – The 1700s

3. In 1777 the British forces were defeated by the revolutionary army of George Washington in the Battle of Princeton.
4. In 1780 The Danish national anthem was sung for the first time.

19th Century – January 3 This Day That Year – The 1800s

5. In 1815, an alliance for formed against Russia and Prussia, by France, the United Kingdom, and Austria.
6. In 1825, the first Engineering College was opened in Troy NY. It was called the Rensselaer School. It was also known as Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
7. In 1868, Japan restored the Meiji dynasty by abolishing the Shogunate.


8. In 1833 the control of Falkland Islands in the South Atlantic was seized by the British.
9. The year 1852 marks the arrival of the first Chinese in Hawaii.
10. On this day in 1870, the construction of the Brooklyn Bridge began in New York. It took 13 years to complete the bridge.
11. In 1871 oleomargarine was patented by Henry W Bradley.
12. In 1872, the first patent list was issued by the US patent office.
13. In 1888, Marvin C Stone patented the first wax drinking straw in Washington DC.
14. In 1890, the University of Wisconsin opened its first college-level dairy school.
15. In 1899, The New York Times in its editorial used the word automobile in the known context.


20th Century – Important Events On This Day January 3rd – The 1900s

16. This day in the year 1910 marks the strike of British miners demanding 8 hours work day.
17. In 1911, an earthquake of magnitude 7.7 destroyed the Russian Turkistan city of Almaty.
18. In 1911, the Postal Savings Bank was inaugurated in the US.
19. In 1911, the prohibition of emigration to Natal in South Africa, effective July 1st, was announced by the Indian government.
20. On this day in 1912, Australia registers a 5-0 victory over the US in the 10th Davis Cup tournament held in Christchurch.
21. This day in 1918 marks the opening of the US Employment Service as a part of the Department of Labor.
22. In the year 1919, the King of Iraq and the president of the World Zionist Organization entered into an agreement called the Faisal-Weizmann agreement, for the development of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. This was a short-lived agreement.

23. On this day in 1919, Herbert Hover was given charge of war relief in Europe.
24. On this day in 1922 Thomas E Kirby became the first living person to be identified on a US coin, the Alabama Centennial half-dollar coin.
25. In 1925 Mussolini became a dictator of Italy by dissolving the parliament.
26. General Motors introduced a new make of car and called it Pontiac. Many models of Pontiac are still in use.
27. In 1926 General Theodorus Pangulos named himself the dictator of Greece.
28. In 1929 Cricket legend Don Bradman scored his first test century against England at MCG.
29. In 1933 United States got its first female Speaker when the North Dakota House of Representatives elected Minnie D Craig as its Speaker.
30. In the Year 1938  F. D. Roosevelt founded “The National Institute of Infantile Paralysis”, which was later renamed as “Dimes Foundation”. Roosevelt himself was a victim of polio.


31. 1938 marked the presentation of the first broadcast of “Woman in White” on the NBC Red network. The program continued to remain on the radio for ten years.
32. In 1939 the House of Representatives in the US gets its first girl page in Genie Cox.
33. In 1941, Canada and the US acquired air bases on 99-year leases in Newfoundland.
34. In 1941 Italy launched a counter offensive in Albania.
35. On this day in 1942, a new command was formed by American-British-Dutch-Australian forces called the ABDA command.
36. This day in 1943 marks the arrival of Canadian troops in North Africa.
37. This day in 1943 also marks the beginning of the missing persons telecast.
38. On this day in 1944, Captain Masajiro Kawato, flying a Zero, shot down Top Ace Major Greg “Pappy” Boyington.
39. On this day “Hasty Heart” by John Patrick, premiers in New York.
40. In 1945 British Prime Minister Winston Churchill visited France.
41. In 1945, on this day Allies landed on the west coast of Burma and conquered Akyab.
42. On this day in 1945, Okinawa was attacked by US aircraft carriers.
43. In 1945 General Plastiras of Greece formed a government.


44. This day in 1945 marks the introduction of germicidal lamps in every room by the Cato-Meridian School in New York.
45. On this day in 1946, William Joyce (Lord Haw Haw) was hanged in the UK for treason, for his Nazi propaganda to the American and British soldiers to surrender.
46. On this day in 1947, the congressional committee was headed by a black for the first time with William Dawson heading it.
47. The opening session of the Congress was to be televised for the first time in 1947.
48. In 1949, “Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas”, the central bank of the Philippines was formed.
49. This day in 1949 marks the beginning of the “Colgate Theater” in the USA.
50. On this day in 1949, the Supreme Court in the US ruled that the states had the right to outlaw the closed shop. This ruling altered the balance of power between labor and business.
51. On this day in 1951, nine Jewish physicians in the Kremlin were exposed as British and American agents.
52. In 1952, Australia beat West Indies by one wicket with a last wicket stand of 38 runs.
53. In 1952, “Dragnet” premiers on NBC TV featuring Jack Webb.
54. In 1953, for the first time the US Congress had a mother and Son serve it for the first time with Frances Bolton and her son Oliver serving it simultaneously.


55. In 1956, the top part of the Eifel Tower was damaged by a fire.
56. In 1957 the first electric watch was introduced by The Hamilton Watch Company.
57. In 1958 mountaineer and explorer Edmond Hillary reached the South Pole by land.
58. This day in 1958 saw the formation of the West Indies Federation.
59. In 1959 Alaska became the 49th state of the US.
60. On this day in 1961, diplomatic relations with Cuba were severed by the US.
61. In 1962 Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Castro was excommunicated by Pope John XXIII.
62. In 1962, Huston Astrodome’s groundbreaking was done.
63. In 1964 a clip of the Beetles singing “She Loves You” was shown in the Jack Parr Show.
64. This day in 1967 Carl Wilson of the Beach Boys was indicted for evading draft.
65. On this day Rep Adam Clayton Powel Jr was seated by the Congress in 1969.
66. This day in 1970 marks the takeover of Congo by the Marxist government.
67. In 1972, tennis player Ken Rose Wall won the 60th men’s Australian Open, beating Malcolm Anderson in straight sets.
68. In 1972, Virginia Wade won the 60th women’s Australian Open beating Evonne Goolagong in straight sets.
69. In 1972, more than 60 people were injured in a bomb exploded by the Irish Republican Army in Calendar Street Belfast.
70. In 1974 Burma adopted its constitution.

71. In 1974 Arias Navarro becomes Prime Minister of Spain succeeding Carrero Blanco.
72. In 1976 a nuclear test was conducted by the US at the Nevada Test Site.
73. In 1977 Roy Jenkins the former Home Secretary in the UK announced his intention to be Britain’s first President of the European Commission.
74. This day in 1977 marks the incorporation of Apple Computer, inc.
75. In 1978 India recorded an innings victory at MCG with Chandrasekhar taking 6 wickets for 52 runs in each innings.
76. In 1979 Guillermo Vilas won the 67th men’s Australian Open beating John Marks in four sets.
77. In 1980 after taking over as President of Afghanistan Babrak Karmal defended the Russian-backed Coup in his first public appearance.
78. In 1980 the price of gold touched a record $634/= an ounce.
79. On this day in 1982, Martina Navratilova won the 70th Australian Open beating Chris Evert.
80. John Kirk wins the 70th men’s Australian Open beating Steve Denton in 1982.
81. 1984 marks the release of a captured US pilot by Syria after a successful appeal from Jesse Jackson.
82. In 1985 confirmation of the resettlement of 10,000 Ethiopian Jews was confirmed by the Israeli government.
83. On this day in 1985 US Senator Mitch McConnell became the senator of Kentucky.
84. This day in 1987 marks the induction of Aretha Franklin as the first female artist in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.
85. In 1988, Margret Thatcher became the longest-serving Prime Minister of the 20th Century for Great Britain.

86. On this day in 1988, nine Palestinian “Instigators” were ordered to be deported from W Beirut by Israel.
87. In 1989 the Russian newspaper Izvestia bags its first commercial advertisement.
88. In 1990 the ousted Panamanian leader Manual Noriega, after taking refuge in a Vatican diplomatic mission for 10 days, surrendered to the US forces.
89. In 1991, 7 Iraqi diplomats, one staffer, and 67 other Iraqi nationals were announced to have been expelled from Britain by the British government.
90. In 1991 Israel reopened its consulate in Russia after a gap of 23 years.
91. In 1993, The Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty was signed in Moscow by US President George Bush and the Russian President Boris Yeltsin.
92. This day in 1994 witnessed a prison revolt in Venezuela killing hundreds of people.
93. In 1994 on this day, the restoration of African Citizenship, announced earlier in Dec 93 by the South
African Parliament led by President Klerk took effect.
94. In 1997 the People’s Republic of China announced spending $27.7 million to combat erosion and pollution in the Yangtze and Yellow River valleys.
95. In 1999, 14 members of the Concerned Christians were detained by Israel and later expelled.
96. This day of 1999 also marks the launch of Mars Polar Lander.

21st Century – January 3 This Day In History – The 2000s

97. This day in 2002, Israeli forces seized Palestinian freighter Karine A in the Red Sea.
98. On this day in 2004, 148 people on board flight 604, a Boeing 737 belonging to an Egyptian airline company plunged into the Red Sea.
99. This day in 2009 marks the invasion of Gaza by Israeli ground forces.
100. In 2013, a suicide bombing in Musayyib in Iraq killed 27 Shiite pilgrims and 60 were left injured.

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