Mother Jones Biography, Life, Interesting Facts

Birthday :
Also Known For :
Birth Place :
Cork, County Cork, Republic of Ireland
Zodiac Sign :
Mother Jones was a mother to the oppressors. She lived in harsh times where women didn't have a chance to vote. Mother Jones was a staunch activist but a strident one. That is her actions proved others wrong. Not once was she accused of having male's traits?
On the other hand, her response shocked even the unknown. Being a lady was the last thing she wanted to be on earth. Not only that, she acquired several monikers including a "hell-raiser" and an agitator. With content and persuasion, the crusader made one way and not two. Her voice spoke louder and her actions the loudest.
The fight feet tall grandma fought like hell to defend the alive and kicking personnel's. Rising to fame in the 19th century, she had only one dream left- to find a balanced state for the US workers. It wasn't a mistake that the US attorney called her "the wildest woman in America."
Marry Jones' voice carried great power. What's more, were her passion and springtime energy that stirred men to take hold of her initiatives. In the same sequence, their daughters and wives got into the breach of peace. Something was amiss, Mother Jones compelled men to join in the forces and that they should expect to go to jail more than once. If she did it, so should they.
Mother Jones orders were upright. Not once or twice did she accompany the African American workers, women and children in her walkout. In short, Mary Harris wanted an equal measure to all.
Several biographers claim that Mary G. Harris Jones was born around 1 May 1837 in County Cork, Ireland. She spent her childhood life in Ontario and later moved to the US. While there she served as a teacher and a part-time dressmaker.
In 1867 at 30 years of age, Mary's husband George Jones succumbed to yellow fever infestation together with their four minors in Memphis. Mary relocated to Chicago to start a new life all alone. Sadly, after four years, hell broke loose after her assets and developing business burnt to ashes at the event of the 1871s Great Chicago Fire.
Compared to her first heavy blow, Mother Jones opted to join the labor movement fraternity. For 30 years, she worked with great effort as a defender of the oppressed. The grandma joined several humanitarian causes including the United Mine Workers.
At 68 years, she co-founded IWW thus Industrial Workers of the World.
Sources suggest that Marry Harris employed his husband's psychology and union tricks. Later on, she tried her best to pass on the expertise to other working men and women.
Mother Jones moniker called when the miners labeled her as the "miner's angle." After 'the boys' nickname for miners materialized then the familiar name 'Mother' Jones shaped.
Crusading for the Laborers Rights
Mother Jones left her past behind and often traveled to places where the hired hands were more oppressed. To achieve her motive, she lived in a portable shelter not far from the mines. Within a sniffing distance, Jones embraced the menial livelihood.
Mother Jones presence proved that all was possible and the struggle was near to end. She endured extreme condition including landing in jail severally. Her effort came to light after stiff competition from different companies lessened.
On the other hand, miner's condition began to deteriorate when their attempt for better living fell in deaf ears. Predictable incidences included accidents from the miners, but no one was ready to apprehend their roar. It happened that if an individual complained he/she would be blacklisted from the present company as well as others. These were what they were opposing day and night in the US.
Luckily, Mother Jones proved the bosses wrong. She crusaded for their rights with chick and jowl. Even then the likes of John Davidson Rockefeller Jr. and Andrew Carnegie continued to live a happy life with their flourishing business. It was a time of America's Gilded Age where some tasted the greener pastures while others suffered from deprivation and dire straits.
After being in and off in jail for some time, Mother Jones prayers were answered. The proprietors slowed the worker's taxation and in the process agreed to improve their livelihood. It occurred early in the 20th century. The advocates sorted poverty, health and corruption issues.
The fight for the oppressed fathomed even amid success. It continued throughout World War I. The workers union reaped hugely from their effort. However, this didn't mean that they did not struggle to claim their rights. Mary Harris continued to put the initiative of the minors and children a priority. She rallied and campaigned effortlessly in their interest.
In the meantime, Mother Jones served as a Social Party speaker. She took the chance to speak at several strikes to pass on the minor's message across. She struggled to let the imprisoned activist free. Farther on, Jones became the talk of the town in the right way. It wasn't a doubt that she was a legend.
Last Strike
At 80, Mother Jones moved to Washington DC but continued to pass her message for the minors. She made her recent speech in Chicago intending to support the dressmakers. Sadly she breathed her last in Silver Spring presumed at 100 years of age. Mary G. Harris Jones remains rested at the Union Miners Cemetery in Mount Olive, Illinois
What's important is that history regards Jones as a savior for humankind. Her rejection for 'miner's angle' label rejection still opens the door to think that she was the chosen one. Her story opens a dialogue window for those left to take her great course further.