Carl Albert Biography, Life, Interesting Facts

Birthday :
Died On :
Also Known For :
Former Speaker Of The United States House Of Representatives
Birth Place :
McAlester, Oklahoma, United States of America
Zodiac Sign :
Carl Albert was born on May 10, 1908, in McAlester, Oklahoma, USA.
As a teenager, Carl Albert attended McAlester High School. He graduated from this school in 1927.
Carl Albert studied at the University of Oklahoma, beginning in 1927. Here, he studied political science. While here, he won a national public speaking competition in 1928. The prize was a trip to Europe, which he gladly took. He later graduated from his school in 1931.
After finishing school at the University of Oklahoma, Carl Albert earned a Rhodes Scholarship, which allowed him to study at the University of Oxford. Here, he studied law. He graduated from this school in 1934.
Early Careers
After graduating from University, Carl Albert opened his law practice in Oklahoma City. He spent most of his time running his practice until 1941.
In 1941, Carl Albert left Oklahoma to fight for the United States Army in World War II. While in the army, he rose through the ranks. By the end of the war, he was a lieutenant colonel. He left the army in 1946, at the end of World War II.
Political Career
In 1946, Carl Albert was elected to be a congressman for one of the districts in Oklahoma. When the term was renewed, he was elected to be a congressman again. He would go on to serve as a congressman until 1977. There were many crazy events while he was a congressman. After Agnew resigned as vice president, Nixon invited Albert to be the new vice president. However, Albert turned down the position.
In 1955, he was made the House Majority Whip. He kept this position until 1963.
In 1971, Carl Albert was made the Speaker of the House of Representatives. He stayed in this position until he retired in 1977. He also retired from working as a congressman in this year as well. He retired in part because he was relatively old at this time and because he was involved in a scandal. It was reported that he was taking bribes. He denied he was given bribes, but admitted that he had accepted gifts. He later returned the gifts. He was never charged with taking bribes illegally.
After his retirement, he often would lecture and give speeches at colleges and government functions around the United States.
Little Giant
After retiring, Carl Albert had time to focus on other pursuits, like writing. Along with Danney Goble. He co-wrote an autobiographical work titled Little Giant.
Awards And Accomplishments
While serving in the United State’s Army, he was awarded a Bronze Star.
Carl Albert was inducted into the Oklahoma Hall of Fame in 1957.
Family Life
In 1942, Carl Albert married Mary Harmon. This couple had two children together: David and Mary.
Carl Albert died on February 4, 2000. He was 91 years old when he passed away.
Several schools and educational centers are named after him: Carl Albert Center (University of Oklahoma), Carl B. Albert Middle School (Midwest City, Oklahoma), Carl B. Albert High School (Midwest City, Oklahoma), and Carl Albert State College.
The University of Oklahoma also gives out an award named after Carl Albert.
The Carl Albert Indian Health Facility (Ada, Oklahoma) and Carl Albert Park (Durant, Oklahoma) are also named after him.
There is a monument made for him in the St. Peter’s College Law Library at his old alma mater, Oxford University.