Sunday, February 16, 2025
famous events for june 10

Famous Events For June 10 – Today In History

June 10: Today in History – Historical Events

Early Centuries – June 10  Historic Events – Before the 1700s

1. 10th June 1190: Holy Roman Emperor Fredrick I, who was leading an army to Jerusalem, drowned while crossing the Saleph River.
2. 10th June 1194: There was a major fire at Chartres Cathedral. This led to its rebuilding as the high point of the French Gothic style.
3. 10th June 1358: Guillaume Cale, the peasant leader of French Jacquerie, was captured on this day at the Battle of Mello.


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4. 10th June 1502: The Great Horde was defeated by the Crimean Khan In the battle near Worskla, which led to the disintegration of Great Horde.
5. 10th June 1538: The League of Nuremberg was today signed by the Catholic German Monarchy.
6. 10th June 1539: Owing to the difficulty bishops had traveling to Venice because of the war, Paul III sent out letters to his bishops delaying the Council.
7. 10th June 1540: Lawyer and Statesman Thomas Cromwell was arrested in Westminster today.
8. 10th June 1605: In Russia, an imposter, False Dimitri was today crowned as tsar
9. 10th June 1610: The first Dutch settlers from New Jersey arrived at Manhattan Island to form a colony.
10. 10th June 1610: Baron de La Mar, Thomas West was today appointed as Governor of Virginia.
11. 10th June 1624: The anti-Spanish Treaty of Compiegne was today signed by the Netherlands and France.
12. 10th June 1648: In Moscow, people upraise against Regent Boris Morozov.
13. 10th June 1652: The first mint in America was opened today by John Hull in Boston.
14. 10th June 1682: Connecticut was today struck by a tornado that up-routed an Oak tree of three feet in diameter.


18th Century – What Happened on June 10 – The 1700s

15. 10th June 1720: Mustered in paste form was first marketed by Mrs. Clement of England.
16. 10th June 1760: The first effective law regulating the practice of medicine was today passed in New York.
17. 10th June 1768: The British Custom officials today sized “The Liberty”, a ship belonging to Statesman John Hancock on suspicion that the ship had illegally unloaded cargo without paying duty a month earlier.
18. 10th June 1775: Former UU.S. President John Adams recommended to the Continental Congress that George Washington be appointed as the Commander in Chief of the Continental Army.
19. 10th June 1786: In the Sichuan Province of China, 100,000 people were killed when a landslide dam on the Dadu River caused by an earthquake 10 days earlier, collapsed.


20. 10th June 1793: The first ever public Zoo was opened today in Paris.
21. 10th June 1794: This day marks the formation of Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Philadelphia.

19th Century – June 10 This Day That Year – The 1800s

22. 10th June 1801: Tripoli today declared war on the US for refusing tribute.
23. 10th June 1805: Yussif Karamanli, today, ended hostilities with the United States by signing a Treaty.
24. 10th June 1809: A US steamboat left New York for Philadelphia to make the first Ocean voyage today.

25. 10th June 1829: A boat race took place today between the Oxford and Cambridge Universities. This was the first boat race between the two universities.
26. 10th June 1823: 28 Aboriginal Australians were murdered today in the Myall Creek Massacre in Australia.
27. 10th June 1846: Rubber tyre was today patented in England by Robert Thompson.
28. 10th June 1847: The publication of the Chicago Tribune began today.
29. 10th June 1848: The first ever telegraph link between New York City and Chicago was established today.
30. 10th June 1854: Students from the first class of the United States Naval Academy graduated today.
31. 10th June 1854: It was proposed by George F B Reiman today that Space is curved.


32. 10th June 1857: Britain put Canada on decimal currency system today by passing an act to that effect.
33. 10th June 1865: The opera “Triston und Isolde” by composer Richard Wagner premiered today in Munich Germany.
34. 10th June 1869: “Agnes” carrying the first-ever shipment of frozen beef arrived in New Orleans today.
35. 10th June 1880: Charlie Jones hit two Home Runs in an innings today. He became the first to do so.
36. 10th June 1882: Fifty Europeans were killed today by the anti-colonization mass society of Alexandria Egypt.
37. 10th June 1898: During the Spanish-American war, U S Marines landed in Cuba today.
38. 10th June 1899: In Cincinnati, the “Improved Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks formed today.


20th Century – Important Events On This Day June 10th – The 1900s

39. 10th June 1900: In China, to provide relief to foreigners trapped in Peking, a relief column of 2000 men set out from Tientsin today.
40. 10th June 1902: H F Callahan obtained a patent today for his window envelope.
41. 10th June 1904: Jack White today won the British Open Golf at Royal St. Georges Golf Club, his only major title beating the former champions James Braid and J H Taylor by one stroke.
42. 10th June 1905: In Greenville, the first forest fire lookout tower became operational today.
43. 10th June 1907: An agreement was today signed by France and Japan to maintain the independence and integrity of China, the equality of all nations in trading with China, and the Status quo in the Far East.
44. 10th June 1908: The Aeronautical Society of New York today opened the first Flying Club.
45. 10th June 1915: The German Colony in Cameroon was today captured by French troops.
46. 10th June 1916: The Great Arab Revolution against the ruling Ottoman Turks began today.


47. 10th June 1921: Baseball legend Babe Ruth became the all-time high Home Run champ with #120(Gavvy Cravath).
48. 10th June 1924: In Cleveland, radio Republicans today broadcast the first political convention.
49. 10th June 1931: East Greenland was today occupied by Norway.
50. 10th June 1932: Artificial lighting was demonstrated for the first time today in Pittsfield Massachusetts.
51. 10th June 1933: Gangster John Dillinger makes his first bank robbery in New Carlisle Ohio and makes off with $10,600.
52. 10th June 1934: The diplomatic relationship between the USSR and Romania was re-established today.
53. 10th June 1934: In the FIFA World Cup final Italy beat Czechoslovakia by a solitary goal which was scored by Angelo Schiavio of Italy in the extra time.
54. 10th June 1935: Alcoholics Anonymous was formed today in Akron by Dr. Robert H Smith of Akron and Bill Wilson from New York. This was also the day of Smith’s last drink.
55. 10th June 1938: In a cricket match against Australia at Trent Bridge, Charlie Bennet scored 98 runs by lunch.

56. 10th June 1940: Canada declared war on Italy today.
57. 10th June 1943: Orders for the final liquidation of the Lodz Ghetto in occupied Poland were issued by Heinrich Himmler today.
58. 10th June 1944: German troops today massacred 218 men women and children in Distomo, Boeotia Prefecture in Greece.
59. 10th June 1944: In the French village of Oradour-Sur-Glane, Nazi forces massacred 642 civilians today.
60. 10th June 1947: In Sweden Saab produced its first automobile today.
61. 10th June 1952: Henry Truman, President of the United States today expressed his desire to nationalize the steel industry.
62. 10th June 1957: In Canada, John Diefenbaker was elected as its Prime Minister today.
63. 10th June 1963: President John F Kennedy of the United States signed the Equal Pay Act into Law today.
64. 10th June 1967: The USSR today shared diplomatic relations with Israel.
65. 10th June 1967: The Fantasy Fair Music Festival in California was attended by 15,000 people today.
66. 10th June 1967: Argentina became a member of the Berny Convention Copyright Treaty today.
67. 10th June 1972: Elvis Presley recorded a live album at New York City’s Madison Square Garden today.
68. 10th June 1973: The Radio Astronomy Explorer 49 was launched into orbit by NASA today.
69. 10th June 1977: To discuss apartheid in South Africa and potential actions to prevent violence and state of repression, the International Labor Organization and United Nations met today.

70. 10th June 1977: The first Apple II computers were shipped today by Apple Computers.
71. 10th June 1984: In a first of its kind US missile today shot down an incoming missile in space.
72. 10th June 1994: China today performed its nuclear test at Lop Nor, People’s Republic of China.
73. 10th June 1966: A 200 MHz Pentium chip was today released by Intel.
74. 10th June 1997: China successfully launches Feng Yun-2B Long March III.
75. 10th June 1999: In the Kosovo war NATO suspended its air strike today after the President of Serbia and Yugoslavia, Slobodan Milosevic agreed to withdraw Serbian troops from Kosovo.

21st Century – June 10 This Day In History – The 2000s

76. 10th June 2001: Lebanon’s first female saint, Saint Rafqa was today canonized by Pope John Paul II.
77. 10th June 2002: In the United Kingdom Kevin Warwick carried out the first experiment of direct electronic communication between the nervous system of two humans.

78. 10th June 2008: Eleven Pakistani paramilitary troops were reportedly killed in the Gora Prai air strike carried out by the United States.
79. 10th June 2012: George Saitoti, a Kenyan cabinet minister, and four others were killed in a helicopter crash in Nairobi, Kenya.
80. 10th June 2013: A series of bomb explosions across Iraq killed about 70 people.

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