Saturday, July 27, 2024
Fantasy Dream Meaning

Dream Of A Fantasy – Meaning, Interpretation And Symbolism

What Does a Fantasy Dream Mean in Your Waking Life?

According to the fantasy dream analysis, dreaming of fantasy means that you desire to make things beautiful in your waking life. You will do all you can to achieve happiness in your life. You deserve all the happiness in the world; therefore, you need to give yourself the same.

Dreaming of fantasies signifies living a positive and healthy life. You are focused on making things better in your life by being better and doing better. This dream is also a sign that you should set realistic goals for yourself. Set goals that you can achieve. It is also a sign that you should be patient with yourself if you want great things to manifest in your life.

Seeing the fantasy dream symbol might also signify that you desire to escape your responsibilities. You feel overwhelmed and drained. This dream is a message from your subconscious mind that you should assign yourself only the responsibilities you can handle.

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