Thursday, February 6, 2025
Famous Events For February 25

Famous Events For February 25 – Today In History

February 25: Today in History – Historical Events

Early Centuries – February 25  Historic Events – Before the 1700s

1. 25th Feb 1497: Taranto on France was on this day re-conquered by the Italian forces.
2. 25th Feb 1502: The government machinery in Austria was reformed by the Austrian Emperor Maximilian I.
3. 25th Feb 1570: Queen Elizabeth I was on this day excommunicated by Pious V, and absolved her subjects from allegiance.
4. 25th Feb 1605: The Portuguese garrison on Ambon on this day surrendered to Admiral Van der Hagen.


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5. 25th Feb 1623: Bavarian duke Maximilian I, on this day became the monarch of Palts.
6. 25th Feb 1634: Duke Wallenstein was on this day killed by Irish captain Walter Devereaux.
7. 25th Feb 1667: The fleet of Abraham Crijnssens on this day reached Fort Willoughby on the Surinam River.

18th Century – What Happened on February 25 – The 1700s

8. 25th Feb 1746: Aberdeen was on this day occupied by the troops of the Duke of Cumberland.
9. 25th Feb 1751: The first performing monkey was exhibited in New York City in America. Admission was charged at one cent.
10. 25th Feb 1791: the first US bank was chartered on this day.
11. 25th Feb 1793: The first cabinet meeting of the US was held on this day at George Washington’s house.
12. 25th Feb 1797: Colonel William Tate and his forces of 1000 to 1500 troops surrendered on this day after the last invasion of Britain.
13. 25th Feb 1799: The first federal quarantine legislation was passed on this day by the US Congress.
14. 25th Feb 1799: The purchase of timberland was on this day authorized by the 1st federal forestry legislation.


19th Century – February 25 This Day That Year – The 1800s

15. 25th Feb 1803: 1800 Sovereign German states on this day united into 60 states.
16. 25th Feb 1804: The Democratic-Republican caucus on this day nominated Thomas Jefferson as President of the United States of America.
17. 25th Feb 1836: The revolving barrel multi-shot firearm was on this day patented by inventor and industrialist Samuel Colt.
18. 25th Feb 1837: Thomas Davenport on this day patented the first US electric printing press.
19. 25th Feb 1838: A pedestrian on this day walked 20 miles backwards and then forwards in 8 hours.
20. 25th Feb 1847: The State University of Iowa was on this day approved.
21. 25th Feb 1859: For the first time the plea of” insanity” was used to prove innocence.
22. 25th Feb 1862: The Bureau of Printing and Engraving for formed by the Congress on this day.
23. 25th Feb 1862: Abraham Lincoln on this day introduced paper currency (Greenbacks) in the US.


24. 25th Feb 1863: In the United States the national banking system and comptroller of currency were created by the congress on this day.
25. 25th Feb 1870: Hiram R. Revels, an African American, was the first African American to be sworn in by the Congress on this day.
26. 25th Feb 1879: The first Timberland Protection Act was on this day passed by the U.S. Congress.

20th Century – Important Events On This Day February 25th – The 1900s

27. 25th Feb 1901: U.S. Steel Corporation was on this day organized under J.P. Morgan.
28. 25th Feb. 1907: U.S. on this day proclaimed a protectorate over the Dominican Republic.
29. 25th Feb 1907: The play “Philanderer” by playwright George Bernard Shaw premiered today in London.
30. 25th Feb 1908: The first tunnel under the Hudson River opened on this day.
31. 25th Feb 1910: Dalai Lama on this day Flees from the Chinese troops from Tibet to India.

32. 25th Feb 1913: The 16th amendment of the US Constitution on this day became law. It provides the legal basis for the institution of graduated income tax.
33. 25th Feb 1919: Gasoline was taxed for the first time. Oregon was the first state to tax gasoline at 1 cent per gallon.
34. 25th Feb 1919: The League of Nations was set up by the Paris Treaty.
35. 25th Feb 1920: Australia’s right to cast one vote in the League of Nations was defended by its minister of Navy Sir Joseph Cook.
36. 25th Feb 1921: Mongolia as a state declared its independence from China. Living Buddha, Hutuktu, crowned king of Mongolia.
37. 25th Feb 1921: It was reported on this day that the Bolshevistic (Russian) army had seized the capital of the Republic of Georgia.
38. 25th Feb 1925: The Soviet Union and Japan established diplomatic relations on this day.
39. 25th Feb 1925: On this day Glacier Bay National Monument was established in Alaska.
40. 25th Feb 1926: Poland on this day demanded a permanent seat on the League Council.


41. 25th Feb 1926: Francisco Franco on this day became the youngest general in Spain.
42. 25th Feb 1928: A device to prevent the fluttering of TV images was on this day introduced by Bell Laboratories.
43. 25th Feb 1932: Adolf Hitler, an Austrian immigrant, got the German citizenship on this day.
44. 25th Feb 1933: The first genuine U.S. Aircraft carrier was on this day named USS Ranger.
45. 25th Feb 1938: Lord Halifax on this day became the British Foreign Secretary.
46. 25th Feb 1939: the first Anderson bomb shelter in Britain was erected at in an Islington Garden.
47. 25th Feb 1940: A hockey game was on this day televised for the first time by the New York City Station W2XBS.
48. 25th Feb 1941: There was a strike in Amsterdam against the persecution of Jews.
49. 25th Feb 1943: The US troops on this day recapture the Kasserine Pass in Tunisia, which they had lost five days before.
50. 25th Feb 1944: 135 Japanese planes in Marianas and Guam were on this day destroyed by the US forces.


51. 25th Feb 1948: Communists on this day seized power in Czechoslovakia in a coup d’état.
52. 25th Feb 1952: French colonial forces on this day evacuated Hoa Binh in Indochina.
53. 25th Feb 1957: The US Supreme Court on this day, in Butler v Michigan, overturned a Michigan Statute making it a misdemeanor to sell books containing obscene language, which would corrupt the “moral of youth”.
54. 25th Feb 1961: Henry Kissinger was on this day named as the National Security Advisor by US President John F Kennedy. Kennedy also named Adlai Stevenson as ambassador to the UN.
55. 25th Feb 1961: Paul Bikle on this day created a record in gliding by climbing 14,100 meters in a glider.
56. 25th Feb 1964: Cassius Clay beat Sony Liston to become the heavyweight boxing champion.
57. 25th Feb 1971: “Oh Calcutta” opened on this day in Belasco Theater.
58. 25th Feb 1972: The British miners on this day accepted a pay settlement. They brought the seven-week miner’s strike to an end.
59. 25th Feb 1976: The US Supreme Court on this day ruled that the states may ban illegal hiring of aliens.


60. 25th Feb 1980: In a military coup in Surinam, Desi Bouterse seized control of Surinam, just five years after it gained independence from the Netherlands. He stepped down in 1987 due to international pressure.
61. 25th Feb 1982: Corporal punishment in schools was banned in Britain when the European Court of Human Rights ruled that beating school children against their parents’ wishes was a violation of the Human Rights Convention.
62. 25th Feb 1984: The shanty town in Brazil was destroyed on this day by the huge explosion of the gas pipeline near the shanty Towers, killing at least 500 people, mostly children.
63. 25th Feb 1985: Edwin Meese III was on this day sworn in as the US Attorney General.
64. 25th Feb 1986: U.S. helicopters on this day rescued President Ferdinand Marcos and his entourage by airlifting them from the presidential palace in Manila.
65. 25th Feb 1987: The US Supreme Court today ruled that California cannot bar gambling on Indian tribal land. This decision opened the door for Indian gambling nationwide.
66. 25th Feb 1988: Eric Arturo Delvalle, the civilian president of Panama on this day announced the dismissal of General Manuel Antonio Noriega as commander of Panama’s defense forces. This was followed by the national assembly ousting Delvalle by voting him out of power the next day.

67. 25th Feb 1989: President George Bush left Japan and arrived in China on a three-day visit. He was in Japan to attend Emperor Hirohito’s funeral.
68. 25th Feb 1990: Human rights leader, Enver Hadri was allegedly shot in the head by Vaselin Vukotic and a couple of men when his car had stopped at a traffic signal in Brussels. Hadri had documents incriminating Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic in assassinations.
69. 25th Feb 1990: Nicaraguans on this day voted leading to the victory of opponents of ruling Sandinistas. The communist President of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega lost to Violeta Chamorro.
70. 25th Feb 1991: During the Persian Gulf War, an Iraqi scud missile hit a U.S. barracks in Dhahran killing 25 soldiers.
71. 25th Feb 1992: The Republic of Mali on this day proclaimed the new Constitution.
72. 25th Feb 1992: The US Supreme Court on this day ruled that prison guards using unnecessary force on inmates may be violating the constitution’s ban on cruel and unusual punishment, even if they do not inflict injury.
73. 25th Feb 1992: Armenian forces slaughtered over 600 Azerbaijani citizens including 200 women and children near Khojaly in Azerbaijan.
74. 25th Feb 1993: President Clinton ordered the Pentagon on this day to mount an airdrop of relief supplies into Bosnia-Herzegovina.
75. 25th Feb 1994: A Jewish settler opened fire as worshippers were gathering for their Friday morning prayer near the tomb of Patriarchs in Hebron killing 29 and injuring 125 more before he was subdued and beaten to death by the survivors.

76. 25th Feb 1995: Former US President, Jimmy Carter on this day wound up his 54-hour visit to Haiti. He denied that he had been accorded a cold reception by Haitians whom he had helped save from a potentially bloody US-led intervention.
77. 25th Feb 1996: Two Palestinian suicide bombers, in separate attacks, blew up a bus in Jerusalem and a soldier’s hitchhiking post in the coastal city of Ashkelon. 23 Israelis, 2 Americans, and one Palestinian were killed and 80 others were injured.
78. 25th Feb 1998: The US Congress for the first time reversed President Clinton’s line-item veto and restored 38 military projects.
79. 25th Feb 1998: It was reported from Peru that the country was abandoning its campaign of sterilizing women.
80. 25th Feb 1998: The first legal brothel was opened in Switzerland in Zurich.
81. 25th Feb 1999: In Jasper in Texas, a Jury sentenced to death white supremacist John William King to death for chaining a black man James Byrd Jr. to his pickup truck and dragging him till he went to pieces in 1998.
82. 25th Feb 1999: South Korea on this day granted amnesty to 1,508 people including a North Korean spy who was jailed for 41 years. It also restored civil rights to 7,304 people out on payroll.

21st Century – February 25  This Day In History – The 2000s

83. 25th Feb 2000: China was on this day sharply criticized by the US for the marked deterioration of human rights.
84. 25th Feb 2000: Journalist Andrei Babitsky turned up alive on this day. He was held in a detention center by Russians in Makhackhkala, Dagestan.
85. 25th Feb 2001: In an attempt to re-establish Middle East cooperation, US Secretary of State Collin Powell met Areal Sharon and Yasser Arafat separately.
86. 25th Feb 2001: In Northumberland in England 800 pigs and boars were destroyed because of foot and mouth disease. New cases were reported from cattle and sheep ranches in the southwest.
87. 25th Feb 2002: Sixteen tax assessors from New York City were on this day charged with accepting bribes and altering property values, cheating the city out of its tax revenues.

88. 25th Feb 2002: NATO on this day offered Russia a modified membership with no veto power over political and military policies
89. 25th Feb 2003: Chief UN weapons inspector Hans Blix said Iraq was showing new signs of real cooperation. President Bush was dismissive and thought Saddam would fool the world once again.
90. 25th Feb 2003: Iraq provided new information about its weapons and reported the discovery of two bombs, with one of them possibly filled with biological agents.
91. 25th Feb 2004: Gunmen opened fire on a vehicle carrying Afghan aid workers, east of the capital of Afghanistan, killing five and wounding two aid workers.
92. 25th Feb 2004: Biologists today are stated to have reported sightings of a real Michigan Wolverine, 200 years after it was last cited.
93. 25th Feb 2004: Israeli security forces raided four branches of Palestinian Banks and seized $ 6.7 million which they said was sent by Iran, Syria, and Lebanese Hezbollah guerrillas to fund Palestinian militants.
94. 25th Feb 2005: Bank of America on this day reported the loss of computer tapes containing personal information on 1.2 million federal employees, including some members of the US Senate.
95. 25th Feb 2008: An influential group of Muslim theologians on this day denounced terrorism saying that it is un-Islamic at a meeting held at an Islamic school. Scholars from over 6000 religions around the world were attending the meeting.
96. 25th Feb 2009: The Attorney General on this day announced the arrest of over 750 people on drug-related charges and seizure of over 23 tons of narcotics in an operation known as “operation oscillator.
97. 25th Feb 2011: A horse-drawn buggy in which nine members of an Amish family were traveling was overturned in a creek near Kentucky by a storm. Four Amish children died in the accident.
98. 25th Feb 2012: In a single candidate poll in Amen, Abdrabbuh Mansor Hadi got elected and on this day he took the oath of office as President of Yemen.
99. 25th Feb 2013: The leader of the Scottish Roman Catholic Church, Cardinal Keith O’Brien on this day resigned over allegations of inappropriate behavior for priests during the 1980s.
100. 25th Feb 2014: US President Barack Obama on this day shared with Hamid Karzai that the United States had the potential to pull out all US troops from Afghanistan. Afghanistan had to sign a security arrangement for the US troops to stay in the country for small operations and training.

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