Friday, October 25, 2024
Famous Events For October 4

Famous Events For October 4 – Today In History

What Happened on October 4 in World History?

Early Centuries – October 4 Historic Events – Before 1700

October 4, 1209 – German king Otto of Wittelsbach crowned by Pope Innocent II
October 4, 1227 – Caliph al-Adil murdered
October 4, 1363 – Rebellion in China – an army of Zhu Yuanzhang wins the battle of Lake Poyang by vanquishing the army of Chen Youliang where 850,000 participate
October 4, 1537 – William Tyndale and Miles Coverdale translate the first Bible into English
October 4, 1571 – The Calvinist chiefs assemble at Emden and founded the Dutch Reformed Church
October 4, 1582 – October 4 is the last day of the Julian date book followed by Spain, Portugal, and papal countries


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October 4, 1636 – Sweden defeats Ferdinand III at the war at Wittstock
October 4, 1636 – Plymouth Colony drafts the first law in North America
October 4, 1648 – The first Fire Service on a voluntary basis was inaugurated by Peter Stuyvesant in America
October 4, 1675 – Copyright granted to Christiaan Huygens, a Dutch mathematician, for his invention of the pocket watch
October 4, 1693 – The French were victorious at the War of Marsaglia against a Piedmontese army

18th Century – What Happened on October 4 – The 1700s

October 4, 1712 – The city of Utrecht in the Netherlands expels poor Jews
October 4, 1725 – date of establishment of Rosario in Argentina
October 4, 1777 – The English army defeats the American army guided by Gen George Washington at the war of Germantown in Pennsylvania
October 4, 1779 – Rebellion at Fort Wilson


19th Century – October 4 This Day That Year – The 1800s

October 4, 1809 – William Cavendish-Bentick, Duke of Portland renounces the office for reasons of health and makes way for Spencer Perceval to become the Premier of the UK
October 4, 1824 – Mexico declared as a republic country
October 4, 1830 – Belgium separates from the Netherlands by an announcement by the interim administration
October 4, 1834 – debut performance in Vienna of “Der Traum ein Leben” by Franz Grillparzer
October 4, 1854 – Abraham Lincoln’s first political lecture at Illinois State Fair
October 4, 1862 – the culmination of the war of Corinth
October 4, 1864 – Assembly of black in Syracuse, New York at the national level
October 4, 1864 – inauguration of the first daily by blacks, New Orleans Turbine
October 4, 1873 – establishment of Toronto Argonaut Football Club
October 4, 1873 – Tom Kidd achieves a 179 at St Andrews at the 13th British Golf Open
October 4, 1878 – Jamie Anderson achieves a 157 at Prestwick Golf Club in the 18th British Golf Open
October 4, 1880 – the University of California starts functioning in Los Angeles
October 4, 1881 – copyright is given to Edward Leveaux for his invention of the automatic player piano


October 4, 1883 – maiden journey of Orient Express, a long-distance train, from Paris to Istanbul
October 4, 1883 – The first assembly of the Boys’ Brigade in Glasgow, Scotland
October 4, 1895 – Horace Rawlins achieves the 1st US Open Golf tournament at Newport, Rhode Island by scoring 173
October 4, 1897 – Debut performance in NYC of “Devil’s Disciple” by George Bernard Shaw

20th Century – Important Events On This Day October 4 – The 1900s

October 4, 1900 – Exciting series of Sherlock Holmes, “Problem of Thor Bridge” commences
October 4, 1900 – in a terminal clash at Gold Coast (Ghana), the Britishers vanquish 4000 Ashantis
October 4, 1901 – the 12th American Cup was won by Columbia (US) by defeating Shamrock II (England)
October 4, 1906 – Chicago Cubs achieved their 116th play of the season
October 4, 1910 – Portugal declared a republic and King Manuel II exiles to England

October 4, 1910 – National Flag for Bermuda approved
October 4, 1911 – first moving staircase fixed on the London Underground Earl’s Station
October 4, 1913 – NL Chalmers Automobile Award as Most Valuable Player achieved by Jake Daubert of Brooklyn Dodgers
October 4, 1913 – Freddy Wilson representing Regina Roughriders scores 10 singles in a play
October 4, 1914- the combined armies of French and British assaults forts in Turkey
October 4, 1915 – establishment of Dinosaur National Monument in Colorado and Utah
October 4, 1916 – the Path of Gold was provided with light for the first time on Market Street
October 4, 1917 – British’s offence on Broodseinde, France
October 4, 1918 – debut performance in NYC of the musical, “Sometime” with Mae West
October 4, 1921 – starving Russians were not given any help by the League of Nations
October 4, 1921 – the first chosen President of the Free State of Fiume was Riccardo Zanella
October 4, 1922 – World Series events aired over the radio for the first time
October 4, 1922 – Austria becomes a free nation by a Geneva agreement


October 4, 1923 – The light-weight boxing championship title achieved by Young Stribling was short-lived as the umpire reversed the decision in 3 hours
October 4, 1924 – New York Giants achieve the distinction of playing successively in four World Series
October 4, 1926 – The official flower of San Francisco city was Dahlia
October 4, 1927 – commencement of carving works by Gutzon Borglum on the face of Mt Rushmore and continued to work till 1941
October 4, 1928 – the inauguration of the 25th World Series and the first play was between NY Yankees vs. St Louis Cardinals
October 4, 1928 – The Communist Party in Germany appealed against Germany developing a combat task force
October 4, 1930 – Jack Quinn representing Philadelphia Athletics was the eldest at 47 to participate in the World Series
October 4, 1931 – premiere show of the amusing series “Dick Tracy” by Chester Gould
October 4, 1931 – installation of Juan Esteban Montero as President of Chile
October 4, 1932 – Julius Gombos, prejudiced against Jews, established a new administration in Hungary


October 4, 1932 – appointment of Walter Johnson as Manager of Senators by Clark Griffith
October 4, 1933 – maiden publication of the periodical Esquire
October 4, 1936 – demonetization of Italian currency
October 4, 1936 – the 4th event of the World Series at Yankee Arena witnessed 66669 fans witnessing the play
October 4, 1939 – Polish army down the arms
October 4, 1940 – 12 German planes were shelled above England
October 4, 1940 – discussion meeting between Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini at Brenner Pass in the Alps
October 4, 1940 – The Wrestling events started at Madison Square Garden after a 12-year suspension
October 4, 1942 – a tractor manufacturing unit in Stalingrad was attacked by Germans
October 4, 1943 – the Germans were cleared off the island of Corsica by Free French
October 4, 1944 – Seize of the Greek continent by the British army
October 4, 1944 – All plays of All St Louis World Series played at Sportsman’s Park
October 4, 1944 – St Louis Browns achieve their 1st World Series play in their only advent
October 4, 1947 – NY Cubans defeat Cleveland Buckeyes, 6-5 at the Negro League World Series
October 4, 1948 – Indians triumph over Red Sox, 8-0 in the 1st AL final play
October 4, 1948 – establishment of World Council of Churches under the guidance of W Fisherman It Hooft
October 4, 1949 – American Contract Bridge League wishes to bar the blacks as per the opinion poll estimated at 58 ½%
October 4, 1949 – NYC Center of Operations of United Nations bestowed
October 4, 1951 – Giant Monte Irvin scores a home in 1st inning in the inaugural of the World Series Play
October 4, 1952 – valedictory of “Top Banana” at Winter Garden Theatre NYC after 356 presentations


October 4, 1953 – lengthy run best achieved by Jim Peters (2:17:39.4)
October 4, 1953 – Mickey Mantle scores a grand slam in the World Series
October 4, 1955 – Brooklyn Dodgers defeat Yankees by 7, their only one win in the World Series
October 4, 1955 – Rev Sun Young Moon freed from his jail in Seoul
October 4, 1956 – atomic test by Great Britain at Maralinga Australia
October 4, 1957 – premiere performance of “Leave It to Beaver” on CBS
October 4, 1957 – USSR sent the spacecraft Sputnik I to orbit the earth
October 4, 1957 – Avro Arrow roll out formality at Avro Canada manufacturing unit in Malton, Canada
October 4, 1958 – Montreal defeats All-Stars, 6-3 at Montreal at the 12th NHL All-Star Game
October 4, 1958 – 5th French democracy established
October 4, 1958 – intercontinental business jet commuter service inaugurated (BOAC)
October 4, 1959 – premiere World Series play at St Louis LA
October 4, 1959 – Jim Brown representing Cleveland Brown scores a high 37 rushing efforts
October 4, 1959 – A solo cello musical by Dmitri Shostakovich premieres in Leningrad
October 4, 1959 – a high number of 92,394 fans witness the LA Dodgers play World Series
October 4, 1959 – Netherlands vanquish Belgium 9-1

October 4, 1959 – pictures of the dark side of the moon captured by USSR Luna 3 received at the Earth station
October 4, 1960 – Courier 1B was the first repeater spacecraft sent to space to circle
October 4, 1961 – Atomic test by USSR at Novaya Zemlya USSR
October 4, 1961 – Whitey Ford achieves his 3rd straight World Series shutout
October 4, 1962 – X-15 aircraft flown at a height of 32300 m by Maj Robert A. Rushworth of the US Airforce
October 4, 1963 – 6000 lost their life when cyclone Flora struck Cuba and Haiti
October 4, 1963 – self-autonomy established in Gambia
October 4, 1964 – Cyclone Hilda strikes La, Miss, and Ga killing 38
October 4, 1964 – 10th LPGA Championship achieved by Mary Mills
October 4, 1964 – in a train accident in South Africa, 3 carriages went off the rails killing 81
October 4, 1964 – inauguration of the motor road (Autostrada del Sol) connecting Milan and Naples
October 4, 1964 – Gino Cappelletti of Patriots kicks 6 field goals in 6 attempts while playing against Broncos
October 4, 1965 – premiere show of “Pickwick” at 46th St Theatre NYV and gives 56 presentations
October 4, 1965 – Pope Paul VI is the first Pontiff to visit the United States and thus the Western portion of the globe
October 4, 1965 – the spacecraft Luna 7 by USSR makes an emergency landing on the moon
October 4, 1966 – A new Christian doctrine announced by Dutch chief Alfrink
October 4, 1966 – Atomic test by France at Mururoa island
October 4, 1966 – Britain grants freedom to Lesotho (Basutoland)
October 4, 1967 – renouncing of the crown by Omar Ali Saifuddin III to facilitate his son His Majesty Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah to wear the crown
October 4, 1968 – delegation-level discussion between Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association and Derry March organizers to protest withdrawn. The decision was to conduct the march
October 4, 1969 – wooden commercial tunnel carriages were withdrawn at Brooklyn Myrtle Beach
October 4, 1969 – The UN at its Geneva Office commences issuing postal stamps
October 4, 1969 – Mets defeat Braves, 9-5 and Orioles defeat Twins 4-3 in 12 sessions at the first regional level final game in Baseball play
October 4, 1970 – Jan Stenerud representing Kansas City Chiefs achieves a 55-yard field goal
October 4, 1970 – Umpires who were agitating for an increase in salary return after protesting for one day
October 4, 1970 – TV transmission channel 20 starts functioning in Indianapolis, IN on PBS
October 4, 1970 – Herbert Schmidtz leaps from a tower of 1984 ft high TV tower using a parachute in Tulsa, Oklahoma
October 4, 1971 – the inauguration of the latest ice cream unit in Disney World by Borden
October 4, 1971 – TV transmission channel 26 starts functioning in Visalia-Fresno, CA (IND)
October 4, 1971 – Atomic test by USSR below the earth
October 4, 1972 – Ted Williams achieves his last play as Rangers were defeated by Royals, 4-0
October 4, 1973 – dance premiere of Hans of Manens “Adagio Hammerklavieer” in Amsterdam
October 4, 1974 – announcement of musical by John Lennon “Walls & Bridges”
October 4, 1975 – In an air accident over Wilmington, North Carolina, the pilot was killed and many professional boxing champions belonging to NWA’s Mid-Atlantic group were wounded. The famous Ric Flair survived the accident
October 4, 1976 – Earl Butz, Secretary, US Agriculture Dept, steps down after making an ethnic pun
October 4, 1976 – The embargo of 1972 on capital punishment was removed by the US Supreme Court
October 4, 1976 – introduction of 125 bullet trains between cities
October 4, 1978 – A shopping complex and a tourist attraction built on a pier in San Francisco, Pier 39, inaugurated
October 4, 1978 – Pope John Paul I cremated
October 4, 1979 – first performance of “Life” by Hugh Leonards in Dublin
October 4, 1979 – Atomic test by USSR
October 4, 1980 – Mike Schmidt representing the Phillies scores a 2-run HR and thus got the NL East championship for the Phillies
October 4, 1980 – The comedy animated series, “Thundarr the Barbarian” premiers on Saturday morning on ABC
October 4, 1981 – Portland Ping Team Golf Championship achieved by Donna Caponi Yong and Kathy Whitworth
October 4, 1981 – Meadowlands Stadium inaugurated in New Jersey
October 4, 1981 – The youngest to take part in global gymnastics was Pasakevi Kouna of Greece at the age of 9
October 4, 1982 – Helmut Kohl was declared Chancellor of West Germany by its legislature
October 4, 1983 – Thrust 2, a jet-propelled car, driven by Richard Noble reached a top speed of 650,88 mph at Black Rock Desert, Nevada
October 4, 1984 – AL East title achieved by Detroit Tigers

October 4, 1985 – Henry G. Perry journeys 14,021 miles of Australia on the bike in 157 days
October 4, 1985 – William Buckley was taken captive by Shi’ite Muslims and killed
October 4, 1985 – establishment of ‘Free Software Foundation’ in Massachusetts, USA
October 4, 1986 – Queen Beatrice inaugurates the surge barrier at Oosterschelde
October 4, 1986 – The 19th Miss Black America pageant was awarded to Rachel Oliver (Mass) 20
October 4, 1987 – Minnesota Twins defeat Detroit Tigers to achieve the 1987 AL Banner
October 4, 1987 – debut performance of “The Last Emperor” guided by Bernardo Bertolucci and featuring John Lone, Joan Chen, and Peter O’Toole at Tokyo Fim Festival. This was chosen as the Best Picture of 1988)
October 4, 1988 – the price of Pillsbury raises from $18.37 to $57.37 on a buyout offer
October 4, 1989 –Will Clark representing the Giants achieves the first NLCS grand slam since 1977
October 4, 1989 – Atomic test by USSR at Eastern Kazakh/Semipalitinsk USSR
October 4, 1990 – premier performance of “Stand Up Tragedy” at Criterion Theatre NYC and gives 13 presentations
October 4, 1990 – provincial voting conducted in East Germany
October 4, 1990 – debut show of Fox TV’s “Beverly Hills, 90210” featuring Luke Perry, Jason Priestley and Shannen Doherty
October 4, 1991 – Delta Centre, an indoor Stadium, opened in Salt Lake City Utah
October 4, 1991- Vancouver Canucks defeat San Jose Sharks, 4-3 in their debut NHL play
October 4, 1991 – Whiteland Janice, the stallion, astride Mike Lachance achieves the Kentucky Futurity
October 4, 1991 – The Antarctic Treaty to provide for comprehensive protection of the environment is ready for endorsement by states
October 4, 1992 – valedictory of “Anna Karenina” at Circle in Sq Theatre NYC after 46 presentations
October 4, 1992 – valedictory of “Real Inspector Hound” after 61 presentations at Criterion Theatre NYC
October 4, 1992 – The AL East and West achieve the same score for the first time (96-66)
October 4, 1992 – Europe defeats the US, 11 ½-6 ½ in the 2nd Solheim Cup at Dalmahoy CC Scotland
October 4, 1992 – in an air accident involving El Al freight at Amsterdam Bijlmer, 43 people lost their life
October 4, 1992 – Peace Treaty to culminate the 16-year political war in Mozambique
October 4, 1993 – Russian parliament seized by the army of President Boris Yeltsin
October 4, 1994 – an earthquake of 7.9 strength shakes Koerilen, killing 18 and more
October 4, 1994 – Keith Moore is accused of pilfering $5,000,000 in a fraud
October 4, 1994 – Soyuz TM 20 spacecraft sent to space
October 4, 1995 – Krauss Jackson achieves the 29th Country Music Association Award
October 4, 1995 – Jim Leyritz scores an HR in the 15th inning leading the Yankees 2-0 over the Mariners
October 4, 1996 – the inauguration of the US Bowling by Dave Husted
October 4, 1996 – Liz Johnson achieves the US Women’s Bowling Open
October 4, 1996 – In a cricket match between Pakistan and Sri Lanka, Shahid Afridi achieves 100 runs in 37 balls
October 4, 1997 – a musical Farm Aid 10 was moved from Texas to Illinois for lack of collection
October 4, 1997 – 17.3 million in currency was taken away by robbery at the Charlotte, North Carolina Office of Loomis, Fargo and Company
October 4, 1999 – a musical by Faith Hill, “Breathe” announced

21st Century – October 4 This Day In History – The 2000s

October 4, 2000 – Dixie Chicks, Faith Hill, and Tim McGraw were awarded the 34th Country Music Association Award
October 4, 2001 – in an aircraft and missile accident involving Siberia Airlines Flight 1812, and a Ukrainian S-200 missile that plunged into the Black Sea, 78 people lost their life
October 4, 2003 – In a reckless Maxim hotel bombing in Haifa, Israel, 21 Israelis, Jews and Arabs lost their life and 51 injured
October 4, 2004 – The Ansari X Prize was awarded to Space Ship One
October 4, 2005 – publication of “All the Right Reasons” a musical by Nickelback
October 4, 2006 – Julian Assange, an internet crusader fashioned WikiLeaks and inaugurated
October 4, 2009 – The Panhellenic Socialistic Movement guided by George Papandreou vanquishes the incumbent New Democracy Party in Greece in an election victory
October 4, 2010 – Europe triumphs 14.5-13.5 in the 38th Ryder Cup at Celtic Manor Resort, Wales

October 4, 2011 – Abu Baker al-Baghdadi is declared a World Extremist by the US and announced a reward of $10 million for any news about him for his detention
October 4, 2012 – military action across the boundary in Syria approved by the legislature in Turkey
October 4, 2012 – mudslide in Yunnan, China buries 19 people
October 4, 2012 – A fresh election was ordered in Jordan by King Abdullah
October 4, 2012 – Michael Schumacher, a celebrity in Formula One steps down
October 4, 2014 – Australia defeats New Zealand, 27-19 to achieve the 20th Rugby Championship
October 4, 2017 – British Prime Minister Theresa May’s lecture was married by prolonged cough and her voice failed, and the set breakdowns
October 4, 2017 – Jacques Dubochet, Joachim Frank, and Richard Henderson share the Nobel Prize for Chemistry for their research on Cryo-electron microscopy

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