Friday, July 26, 2024
Famous Events For June 3

Famous Events For June 3 – Today In History

June 3: Today in History – Historical Events

Early Centuries – June 3  Historic Events – Before the 1700s

1. 3rd June 1083: Henry IV of Germany stormed into Rome and captured St. Peter’s Cathedral.
2. 3rd June 1140: Peter Abelard the French scholar was today found guilty of heresy.
3. 3rd June 1326: The border between Russia and Norway in Finnmark delineated by the Treaty of Novgorod.

4. 3rd June 1539: Spanish explorer Hernando De Soto today claimed Florida for Spain.
5. 3rd June 1620: In Quebec City in Canada, construction for the oldest stone church in French North America began today at Notre-Dame-Des-Anges a Parish municipality in Quebec.
6. 3rd June 1658: Francois de Laval was today appointed vicar apostolic in New France by Pope Alexander VII.

18th Century – What Happened on June 3 – The 1700s

7. 3rd June 1748: A municipal postal service was established in Amsterdam today.

20th Century – Important Events On This Day June 3rd – The 1900s

8. 3rd June 1916: The National Defense Act 1916 was on this day recognized as a law. The law deals with the recognition of the United States Army and it compelled the National Guard to increase its strength to 450,000.

9. 3rd June 1918: In its ruling in the Hammer Vs Dagenhart, the US Supreme Court ruled child labor laws unconstitutional.
10. 3rd June 1919: The first insurance company organized by the African American community “Supreme Liberty Life Insurance Company (Chicago)” was formed today.
11. 3rd June 1921: A sudden cloud burst killed 120 people near Pikes Peak in Colorado.
12. 3rd June 1924: The US Forest Service established the Gila Wilderness Area today.
13. 3rd June 1929: First Trade Show organized at Atlanta City Convention Centre.
14. 3rd June 1932: In Germany, the German Parliament was disbanded today by Paul von Hindenburg.
15. 3rd June 1933: Encyclical of Pope Pious XI “On Oppression of the Church in Spain”.
16. 3rd June 1934: Physician Dr. Fredrik Banting was knighted today for his discovery of insulin.
17. 3rd June 1935: SS Normandy the French liner on its very first voyage crossed the Atlantic in a record time of four days three hours and 14 minutes.
18. 3rd June 1940: The Luftwaffe launched an attack on Paris. They bombed areas of the civilian population in a bid to create terror and confusion.
19. 3rd June 1941: Nazi soldiers advanced into the village of Kandanos in Greece and wreaked havoc. The village was in ashes by nightfall and nearly 180 residents were killed by the German troops.

20. 3rd June 1943: The Zoot suit which was a rage especially among the Mexican immigrants during this period was considered unpatriotic by the American soldiers. The tension between the American soldiers and Mexican immigrants turned into a riot.
21. 3rd June 1943: The United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration was formed today.
22. 3rd June 1944: This day marks the pull out of Nazis from Rome.
23. 3rd June 1944: General Giraud and General de Gaulle reached an agreement on the constitution.
24. 3rd June 1946: The first Bikini bathing suit was displayed today in Paris.
25. 3rd June 1946: In Tokyo, the International Military Tribunal opened today against 28 Japanese war criminals.
26. 3rd June 1947: Lord Mountbatten the British Viceroy of India visited Pakistan today.
27. 3rd June 1948: A 200-inch Hale telescope was dedicated today at Palomar Observatory.
28. 3rd June 1949: Wesley Antony Brown graduated from the US Naval Academy today and became the first Afro-American to do so.
29. 3rd June 1950: A French expedition reached the Himalayan Peak of Annapurna in Nepal today.

30. 3rd June 1952: In Romania Prime Minister Petru Groza was chosen as President today.
31. 3rd June 1956: On British Railways, third-class travel came to an end today.
32. 3rd June 1959: The first US Air Force graduation was held in Colorado Springs in Colorado today.
33. 3rd June 1959: Singapore adopted its constitution today.
34. 3rd June 1961: US President John F Kennedy and Soviet First Secretary Nikita Khrushchev meet in Vienna today.
35. 3rd June 1962: A Boeing 707 of Air France crashed during takeoff in Paris killing 130 people today.
36. 3rd June 1963: A DC-7 of the Northwest Airlines crashed in the Pacific off the coast of British Columbia killing 101.
37. 3rd June 1965: The US today launched its second 2-man flight Gemini 4.
38. 3rd June 1966: In Copenhagen, the European DX Council (short wave listeners) was formed today.
39. 3rd June 1968: Canada announced that its silver coins would be replaced by nickel coins.

40. 3rd June 1968: American diplomat Henry Kissinger convened peace talks between North and South Vietnam to ease growing tension. Le Duc Tho a North Vietnamese communist party official joined the talk and was appointed special councilor of the negotiating team which finally ended the Vietnam War.
41. 3rd June 1970: The first artificial gene was synthesized today.
42. 3rd June 1971: Imran Khan of Pakistan makes test cricket debut.
43. 3rd June 1972: Sally J Priesand at the age of 25 was installed as the first US female rabbi.
44. 3rd June 1973: During the Paris air show a Soviet passenger jet “Tupolev TU-144” crashed killing 14 people.
45. 3rd June 1974: In Israel, Yitzhak Rabin forms a new government.
46. 3rd June 1976: The United States was presented with the oldest known copy of the Magna Carta.
47. 3rd June 1977: The US and Cuba held talks about diplomatic relations today.

48. 3rd June 1979: A technical snag in the drill rig during a drilling operation in the Gulf of Mexico caused one of the largest oil spills. 30,000 barrels of oil were spilled per day before mud was pumped into the well.
49. 3rd June 1984: Operation Blue Star was ordered by the then Prime Minister of India Indira Gandhi to capture Jernail Singh Bhindranwale who had taken refuge in the Golden Temple at Amritsar. Over 5000 civilians were killed in the operation.
50. 3rd June 1989: In China, citizens protesting against the authoritarian communist regime gathered at the Tiananmen Square. When they refused to vacate. The government cracked down on the agitators with brute force in which hundreds died and thousands of others were imprisoned.
51. 3rd June 1990: The three-day summit meeting between President of the Soviet Union Gorbachev and US President George W Bush on the unification of Germany and independence of Lithuania ended today without reaching an affirmative conclusion.

52. 3rd June 1991: In Japan, Mount Unzen erupted. It was one of the worst eruptions in the history of Japan.
53. 3rd June 1992: In Brazil, the world’s largest environmental summit opened in Rio de Janeiro today.
54. 3rd June 1994: An earthquake of magnitude 5.9 caused floods in SE Java killing over 150 people.
55. 3rd June 1998: In Germany an ICE high-speed train derailed in Lower Saxony killing 101 people.

21st Century – June 3 This Day In History – The 2000s

56. 3rd June 2001: In response to the UN resolution that extends the oil-for-food program by only one month instead of the normal 6 months period, Iraq today announced that it will halt crude oil exports.

57. 3rd June 2003: The novel “Sunset in St Tropez” by novelist Danielle Steel was published today.
58. 3rd June 2005: In a historic publication “The Knight of Sainte-Hermine” written by Alexander Dumas was published in France 135 years after the author’s death by Editions Phébus, completed by Claude Schopp.
59. 3rd June 2007: USS Carter Hall (LSD-50) engaged with pirates after they boarded Danish Ship Danica White off the coast of Somalia.
60. 3rd June 2013: A poultry farm fire in Jilin province in China killed 119 people.
61. 3rd June 2013: The US extended its sanctions against Iran through its automotive industry and currency.
62. 3rd June 2013: In Afghanistan, 20 people including 10 children were killed in a suicide bombing in Kabul.

63. 3rd June 2014: Hashmi Amla a non-white became captain of the South African cricket team. He became the first non-white to captain the team.
64. 3rd June 2014: US President Barack Obama announced his plan for a one billion dollar fund to increase deployment of US troops to Europe.
65. 3rd June 2015: An explosion at a gasoline station in Accra Ghana killed 200 people.
66. 3rd June 2015: The world’s first partial-skull and scalp transplant was performed at the Houston Methodist Hospital by Dr. Jess Selber today.
67. 3rd June 2016: A week-long heavy downpour in Germany in Germany and France left 10 dead. Paris museum along the Seine, including the Louve was closed.
68. 3rd June 2017: In a terrorist attack in Borough Market in London three men in a van drove into pedestrians, stabbed 7 people to death, and injured 48 others. They were shot dead by British Police.
69. 3rd June 2018: In Guatemala Fuego volcano erupted killing at least 110 and 332 missing. Over 3100 people were forced to evacuate.

70. 3rd June 2018: In Tunisia, 48 migrants drowned when a boa

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