Thursday, October 24, 2024

8 Online Dating Profile Advice

8 Online Dating Profile Tips

Get free dating tips on how to make your online profile.

#1. Photographs

Photographs make the first impression! No matter how well your dating profile is written, both men and women look at the photograph first. No profile photograph often means that your profile will not even be read. People who post at least 3 photographs get twice as many messages as those who post one photo. So post at least 4 great color photographs of yourself in different settings. Maybe you could even put up an online dating profile video.


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For example one photograph could be a “selfie”, another photo could be you on vacation or outdoor setting, include photographs where you are with friends or even a pet. Pick 4 or 5 photographs that capture the essence of the “real you”. Avoid wearing baggy sweaters and pants because they often give the impression that you are hiding something. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain! And remember to smile!


#2. Be Positive About Yourself

When writing your online dating profile, be positive and even brag subtly about yourself. A little bit of bravado goes a long way in boosting sex appeal on line.

It may be helpful to ask a couple of your friends what they perceive your good qualities are. We can be our own worst critic, so a friend’s word may provide more optimistic and positive things that you can write in your profile about yourself.


 #3. Be Honest

Be honest…. In what you write in your profile and also with regard to your photographs. If you are looking for a true love match, your honest answers will attract a good match. Be honest about the activities you like to do, because your date will expect you to do those things – it may be the reason that he/she chose to reach out to you.


If you are not an active person, do not write that you enjoy surfing or swimming. Instead, you can write other activities such as enjoy watching movies, tasting wine, etc. Be honest with your pictures – ensure they are current pictures and not photo-shopped. Ultimately you will meet in person and the “real you” will be seen.


 #4. Be Specific

Avoid writing ambiguous or cliché like statements; and instead provide specifics. For example, instead of writing “I love to travel internationally”, mention that you went to Paris or South America last year, and this year you are planning a trip to another country.

Instead of writing “I have a great sense of humor”, write a clever joke in your profile. Instead of writing “I love music”, mention that you like a certain music group. It shows originality and that you put thought into writing your dating profile.

#5. Describe Yourself

Write about yourself and not what you think that your “ideal soul mate” will want to read about you. Avoid tailoring your profile to what you think your mate would want. In other words, take some time to prepare your answers or statements that reflect “you”.


#6. Keep It Short & Sweet

Avoid writing your entire life story in your profile. Keep your dating profile short, honest, add some humor to it, and write from your heart. Your life story is something that you can talk about during your first date.


#7. First Date

When you are writing about your idea of an ideal first date, keep it short but include details. For example, “My idea of a good first date would be grab a slice of pizza from New York Pizza and then go for a walk in Central Park”.



#8. Review

Once you are finished creating your online dating profile, ask a good friend to review it. For feedback on the content as well as to check for any spelling or grammatical errors.


Some people are turned off when they see poorly written statements. Write your profile on a Word document and do a spell and grammar check, and then paste it onto the website.

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