
Maura Gallagher Biography, Life, Interesting Facts

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Maura Gallagher

Birthday :

January 1, 1961

Birth Place :

Republic of Ireland

Zodiac Sign :


Chinese Zodiac :


Birth Element :


Early Life

Maura Gallagher was born in Republic of Ireland and brought up in Ireland. Information is not available on her parents and her education Maura Gallagher was born on January 1, 1961.


Personal Life

Maura Gallagher married Bobby Horan. Maura Gallagher had two children from this marriage named Niall Horan and Greg Horan. They divorced when Niall was a five-year-old. Maura married again to Chris.

Maura Gallagher is a very enthusiastic personality and cared very much for Niall and went along with him in his tour of America in 2012. Denise Horan, the daughter-in-law of Maura.

Maura Gallagher at presently residing in, Edgeworth town, Co Longford, Ireland.

January 1 Horoscope

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