Friday, October 25, 2024
Famous Events For March 5

Famous Events For March 5 – Today In History

March 5: Today in History – Historical Events

Early Centuries – March 5  Historic Events – Before the 1700s

1. 5th March 1496: Explorer John Cabot was on this day handed a commission by British King Henry VII to explore new lands.
2. 5th March 1558: Spaniard Francisco Fernandes introduced smoking tobacco into Europe.
3. 5th March 1623: The first alcohol temperance law was enacted in Virginia.
4. 5th March 1624: The upper class was exempted from whipping by legislation in the American colony of Virginia.
5. 5th March 1651: South sea dyke in Amsterdam breaks after a storm.


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18th Century – What Happened on March 5 – The 1700s

6. 5th March 1743: “The Christian History”, the first US religious journal was published today in Boston.
7. 5th March 1766: Antonio de Ulloa, the Spanish governor of Louisiana arrived on this day in New Orleans.
8. 5th March 1770: British troops fired on a crowd in Boston killing five people. This came to be known as the “Boston Massacre”. Two British troops were convicted of manslaughter.
9. 5th March 1793: Austrian troops on this day recaptured Liege by defeating the French.

19th Century – March 5 This Day That Year – The 1800s

10. 5th March 1821: Monroe was this day inaugurated as the 5th President of the US. He was the first president to be inaugurated on 5th March as 4th March was a Sunday.
11. 5th March 1824: The British today officially declared war against Burma.


12. 5th March 1836: The New Jersey legislature on this day chartered Samuel Colt’s Patent Arms Manufacturing of Patterson, New Jersey.
13. 5th March 1842: A Mexican force of over 500 men under the leadership of Rafael Vasquez invaded Texas. This was the first invasion after the revolution.
14. 5th March 1868: To decide charges against President Andrew Johnson, the US Senate was organized into a court of impeachment.
15. 5th March 1872: Triple air brake for trains was on this day patented by George Westinghouse.
16. 5th March 1877: Rutherford B Hayes was on this day inaugurated as the 19th President of the United States.
17. 5th March 1897: This day marks the formation of the American Negro Academy.
18. 5th March 1897: The 5th Earl of Roseberry, Archibald Primrose today became the First Lord of the Treasury (the official title of the Prime Minister of the UK).
19. 5th March 1894: The first municipal employment office in the US was on this day authorized by Seattle.


20th Century – Important Events On This Day March 5th – The 1900s

20. 5th March 1900: Two US battleships were on this day dispatched to Nicaragua to control revolutionary disturbances.
21. 5th March 1900: The American Hall of Fame was founded on this day.
22. 5th March 1901: With the hope of creating an alliance, Germany and Britain started negotiations.
23. 5th March 1902: The National Congress of Miners in France, on this day called for a general strike demanding 8 hour day.
24. 5th March 1903: A treaty was drawn up on this day for the construction of the Bagdad Railway.
25. 5th March 1904: An electrical and mechanical engineer Nikola Tesla, described the ball lightning formation in Electrical World and Engineer.
26. 5th March 1907: The new Duma opened on this day in St. Petersburg Russia. Troops dispersed 40,000 demonstrators.

27. 5th March 1907: This day marks the airing of the first radio broadcast of musical composition.
28. 5th March 1908: There was a fire in the Lake View School in Collingwood. 165 children lost their lives in the fire accident.
29. 5th March 1910: In a show of support to the striking transit workers, about 60,000 people left their jobs in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
30. 5th March 1910: The 1909 agreement with France was on this day signed by the Moroccan envoy.
31. 5th March 1912: Dirigibles were used for military purposes for the first time by the Italians. They used them behind the Turkish lines in Tripoli, for reconnaissance.
32. 5th March 1912: A Spanish Steamer “Principe de Asturias” today sank North East of Spain. 500 people died.
33. 5th March 1917: Woodrow Wilson was on this day inaugurated as the US President for his second term in office.
34. 5th March 1918: The capital city was changed from Petrograd to Moscow by the Soviet Union.
35. 5th March 1920: On this day it was reported that thousands of families had requested the U.S. Government to let their sons join the Army as upon enlistment they would receive quality education which would otherwise be unaffordable for them.


36. 5th March 1921: Panama and Costa Rica were on this day warned by the US to settle their disputes peacefully.
37. 5th March 1921: South Africa today passed the Durban Land Alienation Ordinance which enables Durban
City Council to exclude Indians from ownership or occupation of property in white areas.
38. 5th March 1923: Montana and Nevada enacted old age pension laws.
39. 5th March 1924: King Hussein of Hedzjaz today appointed himself as Kalief.
40. 5th March 1924: On this day Computing-Tabulating-Recording Corporation becomes IBM.
41. 5th March 1927: About a thousand US Marines landed in China today to protect American property.
42. 5th March 1929: A fire at an Auto Show in Los Angeles, California destroyed 320 cars that were displayed.
43. 5th March 1931: British viceroy Lord Irwin and Mahatma Gandhi sign a pact today.
44. 5th March 1933: In German parliamentary elections the Nazi party polled 44% of the votes.
45. 5th March 1933: To stop large amounts of cash withdrawals from the banks, President Roosevelt declared four days of bank holidays.


46. 5th March 1934: The first Mother ’s-In-Law was celebrated in Amarillo Texas on this day.
47. 5th March 1936: Spitfire made its maiden flight today at the Eastleigh Aerodrome in Southampton.
48. 5th March 1943: War losses prompted Germany to call fifteen and sixteen-year-olds for military service.
49. 5th March 1945: Hague in the Netherlands was on this day bombed by the Allies.
50. 5th March 1945: The battle of Ruhr begins during World War II.
51. 5th March 1945: Colon was on this day captured by the US 7th Army Corps.
52. 5th March 1946: The U.S. on this day sent out protests to the U.S.S.R. on incursions into Manchuria and Iran.
53. 5th March 1946: The Left Block was on this day co-founded by the Hungarian Communists and Social Democrats.
54. 5th March 1946: Winston Churchill on this day delivered his first speech condemning what he considered as the attempt of the Soviet Union to spread communism in Europe and around the world. In his speech, he coined the term “Iron Curtain”. This speech came to be known as the Iron Curtain speech.
55. 5th March 1949: In India, the Jharkhand Party was founded on this day.
56. 5th March 1956: The U.S. Supreme Court on this day upheld the ban of segregation of children in public schools.
57. 5th March 1957: The Fianna Fail-Party of Eamon de Valera wins elections in Ireland.


58. 5th March 1958: Explorer II fails to reach the earth’s orbit.
59. 5th March 1959: An Economic and Military Treaty was signed on this day by Iran and the US.
60. 5th March 1960: Hollywood star Elvis Presley was discharged from the US Army on this day after serving for two years in the Army.
61. 5th March 1962: The Income Tax structure of Canada was on this day evaluated. The current tax system of the country was agreed to be examined, which would be carried out by the Royal Commission.
62. 5th March 1962: The US performed its nuclear test at the Nevada test site.
63. 5th March 1963: Arthur (Spud) Melin patented the Hula-Hoop today.
64. 5th March 1964: In Ceylon, due to social unrest an Emergency crisis was proclaimed today.
65. 5th March 1965: In Bahrain a leftist uprising erupted against the British colonial presence.
66. 5th March 1966: A Boeing 707 jet belonging to BOAC crashed in Mount Fuji in Japan killing all 124 people on board the aircraft.

67. 5th March 1966: The US today performed a nuclear test at its Nevada test site.
68. 5th March 1968: The US on this day launched Solar Explorer 2 to study the Sun.
69. 5th March 1969: West Germany today elected Gustav Heinemann as its President.
70. 5th March 1969: Gold prices soared. It reached a record high of $47 per ounce in Paris.
71. 5th March 1970: A nuclear non-proliferation treaty came into effect today with 43 nations ratifying it.
72. 5th March 1973: Two Spanish aircraft collided in mid-air over France today. 68 people died in the crash. It happened because the air traffic controllers had gone on strike.
73. 5th March 1976: The British pound on this day, for the first time in history fell below the equivalent of $2.
74. 5th March 1977: In the first “dial-a-president” radio talk show, President Jimmy Carter appeared on CBS News with Walter Cronkite.
75. 5th March 1979: Petroleum exports were resumed by Iran today.
76. 5th March 1980: Earth satellites record gamma rays from the remnants of Supernova n-49.
77. 5th March 1981: Atlanta was granted a $1 million grant by the US government to search for a black boy murderer.
78. 5th March 1982: Russian spacecraft Venera 14 sends data from Venus after landing.
79. 5th March 1983: Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser was defeated by Bob Hawke of the Labor Party.
80. 5th March 1984: The U.S. today accused Iraq of using poison gas.
81. 5th March 1984: The U.S. Supreme Court today gave a ruling that cities, as a matter of right can display the Nativity scene as part of the charisma display.
82. 5th March 1986: Britain’s first colored national newspaper, “Today” tabloid, was launched today.
83. 5th March 1991: Iraq on this day repealed its annexation of Kuwait.
84. 5th March 1992: The Ethics Committee today voted for revealing congressmen whose cheques bounced.

85. 5th March 1993: The Amateur Athletic Association banned sprinter Ben Johnson from life racing after he tested positive for banned performing-enhancing drugs for the second time.
86. 5th March 1995: In the Estonian elections the Estonia Centrumlinkse Collision party wins the parliamentary elections.
87. 5th March 1997: For the first time in 25 years, North Korea and South Korea met for peace talks.
88. 5th March 1998: NASA announced today that an orbiting craft had found enough water on the moon, not only to support human colonies but also a rocket fueling station.
89. 5th March 1998: It was announced on this day that Air Force Lt. Col. Eileen Collins would lead the Columbia crew, on a mission to launch an X-ray telescope. She became the first woman to command a space shuttle mission.

21st Century – March 5 This Day In History – The 2000s

90. 5th March 2001: Thirty-five Muslim pilgrims were crushed in Mecca during the annual Hajj pilgrimage.
91. 5th March 2006: President of France Jacques Chirac addressed Saudi Arabia’s Shura, its consultative assembly. He was the first non-Arab leader to address the body.
92. 5th March 2006: AT&T Inc., in a significant step towards resurrecting the old AT&T, made an announcement today that it was buying Bell South Corporation. It was broken into eight separate companies earlier owing to anti-trust proceedings by the US Justice Department.
93. 5th March 2007: The United States and North Korea on this day started talks to normalize diplomatic ties between the two countries.
94. 5th March 2010: British Prime Minister Gordon Brown gives evidence to the Iraq Inquire.
95. 5th March 2011: After demonstrations have taken place in the east of the country, Saudi Arabia banned all forms of protests.
96. 5th March 2012: Two Tibetan women died of burn injuries when they set themselves on fire as a mark of protest against Chinese rule in the Tibetan areas of China.

97. 5th March 2013: Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao today addressed the National People’s Congress and announced the country’s goal of 7.5% in GDP for 2013.
98. 5th March 2014: The US Supreme Court on this day ruled that whistle-blower protection under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act extends to private employees working in public companies under contract.
99. 5th March 2014: In protest against the raising of parking fees, taxi drivers in Kenya’s capital of Nairobi, barricaded roads and brought the traffic to a standstill.
100. 5th March 2015: The last Ebola patient was on this day released in Liberia. If there are no fresh cases of Ebola reported in the next 42 days the nation will be declared as Ebola-free by the World Health Organization.

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