Saturday, July 27, 2024

7 Ways to Find your Psychic Mojo

Psychic Mojo – True or False?

Is your life taking a path that you weren’t anticipating? Are you feeling overwhelmed and frustrated?  Is this not the path you had envisaged for yourself? Life can be a lot of normal, and very little highs and lows, as we would like it. But, you could be wondering if the life you are experiencing is all it could be.  Are you feeling uninspired, depressed, and alone, like you are lost and just out of options? Sometimes we are beyond our interpretation and need help to focus and understand our future path. Have you lost your psychic Mojo, you might find yourself and others saying.

What is Psychic Mojo?

Mojo, you may have heard the word but wonder what it’s all about.  Mojo has been described as a spell or magic charm, but in this article, we refer to the magical power it has to influence a person’s life purpose.  Also, psychic mojo is your soul energy and is very powerful as it can bring peace to your inner core.

Steps to Know Your Psychic Mojo

Life Path

It is always a good thing to look back on your life path.  Examine how one feels about where life has taken you. Is it what you want out of your life?  You’ve probably heard many times people say that life was sucked out of a person.  This could be because a person has a lot of bad experiences, which leads to negative thinking and living in a negative environment.

Sometimes what is needed is to open to the possibility of having a reading done to show the best route to take to find one psychic Mojo.  A gifted reader cannot solve anyone’s problems but would focus on helping one find the answers themselves.  The universe has a wonderful way of clearing a muddy mind and giving a person clear discernment as to the future.

Write Things Down

It is always advantageous to write things down.  Sometimes we are not sure what the problem is.  By channeling our energy into writing things down, the result will clearly understand what it is.

Have a notebook next to your bed, and write first thing in the morning.  Your mind and body are fresh and focused, ready for a new day.  To write down what you are feeling will be liberating.  It may take a little time.

Writing might not be that comfortable for you, not something you are used to doing.  But eventually, it will reveal what is deep within your subconscious will surface.  You will start to see a pattern, and the negative will surface and become clearer.

Focus Area

Focus on the different areas of your life, and choose your focus area. Next, identify the most important issue within that sphere of your life. Finally, write down clear and concise words where you want to focus.

When you focus all your energy and effort on your number one priority, you will find that your energy starts to flow.  The energy that starts to flow will open the way for your psychic Mojo to emerge. You are creating your realization. Your mind will start to focus, and your future will be clearer.

When you let the universe guide you, you will be provided opportunities, and people will be drawn to you.  This is because you have allowed your Mojo to energize you, and you have embraced your purpose.

Once you have come to the self-realization that you need to reconnect with your Mojo.  Stand tall and take the plunge to rectify the situation.  It would be best if you committed to yourself to awaken your passion, to reconnect with your inner soul.

Make Changes To Your Life

You may need to make changes to your seemingly mundane life.  It might be that you need to join the gym, start going on date nights with your life partner, or even start a hobby that you have been putting off for years.  You need to reconnect with yourself.

Don’t try and do everything at once.  Start with one thing and progress on the next, but don’t wait too long!  You are the only one who knows what is going on inside you. Listen to your inner voice.  It knows what’s best for you!

Learn by Your Mistakes

Making mistakes is how we learn.  Maybe you don’t get it the right first time, maybe you are not even sure of the direction you are going.  That’s OK, follow your instincts.  You will see that life will come together because of why you are making the changes.

Meditation is the art of training your mind to attain the desired benefit.  Not only does it reduce stress, but it has health benefits too, in that it restores balance to your blood pressure.  A meditation center can be created to establish what you are missing or need to do to regain it.

Feng Shui

Feng Shui says that if you seek to revitalize or want to have abundance in your life, you need to create a meditation center in the left corner of your home.  Create a warm space with fabric and stones, and use green and gold candles if you add jade and crystals, and maybe a few beads that will add to the setting.

Create A Meditation Center

If you were having relationship issues or are lonely, you would create your mediation center in the far right corner of your home.  To focus on the heart chakra, you would utilize red, burgundy, or pink fabric, crystals, candles, and beads.  Rose quartz or Rhodonite is used to help focus on love and remove negative energies. Read about Dreaming about Beads.

Maybe you have never created a meditation center before.  Don’t overthink it. You need to create a space that is comfortable and inspiring for you.  It doesn’t matter how friends have created a meditation center.  This is your space, and it needs to be familiar to you.

To create your meditation center, you would need something to hold all your meditation items together. A wooden tray would do perfectly.  Reclaim the space in your house where you want to create your meditation center.

There is no right or wrong on how to put your items together, this is your space, and you need to be comfortable with it.  Leave the mobile phone far away from your meditation center.

White Sage

White Sage is very popular in purifying negative energy.  Take the time to burn some white sage. It will help you relax before you start your session. Have a small vase of leaves or fresh flowers. The color green will help with creativity and inspiration.

As humans, we are always told not to wear our hearts on our sleeves.  Don’t be negative, rather always smile and say that life is just peachy!  What is often overlooked is that our emotions are the indicators of what is going on inside of us.

You might not understand completely what is happening.  You may try to suppress the negative, try to get on with life without dealing with it. But, unfortunately, it doesn’t go away but rather festers and grows and can eventually consume us.


So stop, and look at where you are. Can you change it?  If not, you need to accept it and endure it for a short period.  You will be amazed at the life lesson you will come away with.  Change is as good as a holiday, life is never constant, and change will come.