Thursday, February 6, 2025
Teen's Bedroom

6 Fantastic Feng Shui Tips For Teens Room

Feng Shui Tips for a Teen Room

No matter where they live, parents will often ask themselves what happened to their darling little girls and boys when the teenage years hit. Arguments, discord, and perhaps outright defiance make life challenging, not only for the parents but also for the teens themselves. Let’s read more about Feng Shui tips for a teen’s room.


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What is a parent to do? Most parents want what is best for their children, no matter how old they are, and many of them spend a great deal of time looking for answers. Because they are dealing with complex human beings, simple answers are not enough. That being said, Feng Shui does offer some insights and suggestions for making life easier and more harmonious.

Feng Shui comes from China, and the philosophy has been around for thousands of years, so it has had a chance to work out many details. What it focuses on most are people and the spaces they inhabit. For teens, this means the center of their worlds, themselves, and their bedrooms.


Teens Room Feng Shui

#1. Clear the clutter

The stereotypical teen’s room is a nightmare; dirty clothes all over the floor, moldy food under the bed, etc. Most Feng Shui practitioners will tell you that this is where the problems start. In Feng Shui, there must be room for good energy or Qi to move about. If there is clutter, or worse yet, garbage in the way, that won’t happen.

The physical and spiritual air becomes stagnant, and bad energy is allowed to pile up. It is no wonder that so many teens have negative attitudes! Before you sneak into a teen’s room with cleaning gloves, buckets, and garbage bags, it is important to have the teen participate in the process.


This may take some convincing, but try to explain the Feng Shui principles instead of lecturing about hygiene. Let them know that they need to be a part of creating their own positive space.

Separate piles for trash, charity, and washing. Clean everything that stays, especially the bed. Do not leave anything under the bed if at all possible because that is considered bad luck.

If the task is too much for one day, set aside a three-day weekend or part of a vacation and make it part of a bigger makeover. If the center of the project is the teenager’s happiness, the teen will be more willing to participate.

#2. Color dos and don’ts

Let’s face it. Some teens love to color everything black or red, to be dramatic. Even if it means a temporary battle, do not give in. Feng Shui uses the five elements: wood, fire, earth, metal, and water, to balance energy. Each element has its characteristics, materials, and colors.


Each section of the home is best attuned to some elements more than others. Again, rather than suggesting black or dark red are morbid, try to explain what they mean in Feng Shui, and see if your teens respond more positively. Water is not a good element for the bedroom.

Yes, it is restful, but if it is used too much, such as painting all the black or dark blue colors associated with water, it will upset the room’s balance. The result is melancholy, depression, lethargy, and even lung issues. Another element that is not good in large doses is fire.


Colors like red or bright orange are useful in small doses for couples who need a little spark in their love lives but too much, and the room is no longer restful.

The result is insomnia, irritability, defensiveness, and even rage. What is a parent to do with a stubborn teen? Sometimes compromise is best. Let the teen choose one wall for their favorite color, and then you choose the colors for the rest together.

Wood colors (green shades) are healing and very helpful, while earth colors (browns and pale yellows) foster stability and steadiness. Work on color combinations with these for a happy medium.


#3. Bed placement

Like any other bedroom in the house, there are a few furniture placement rules that will make the occupant feel more comfortable and secure. The bed is the most important piece.

The headboard (there should be a headboard, if possible) should be against a wall or in a corner. It is a good idea to have a headboard because it offers an extra feeling of security to the person in bed.

It is best to situate the bed so that the sleeper sees the door (again, for feelings of security), but under no circumstances should the sleeper’s feet be in direct alignment with the door. This is considered very unlucky. Along those same lines, make sure that neither of them gives a direct reflection of the bed if there is a mirror or television in the bedroom.

#4. Study area placement

Make sure the teen does not have his or her back to the wall when at the desk. Just like with the bed or any other piece of furniture, Feng Shui suggests that sitting with one’s back to a wall or corner is the most comfortable and secure. If you think about it, this is common sense. Feng Shui has been around for thousands of years, and it is based on observation.

If you had your back to the action in the room, you would leave yourself open to attack. Those same impulses are buried inside most of us. If you want your teens to focus, limit their distractions. Another distraction is having them face a window directly.

This is not considered a good idea. Once again, this makes common sense, too. Who wouldn’t rather watch the world go by? Consider helping your teen create an accomplishments board by the desk. Let them help you decorate it and decide what goes on it.

It should celebrate what they like and where they excel. That way, if they are feeling low or frustrated, they have a source of positive energy to boost their spirits.

#5. Mirrors in the bedroom

Placing mirrors in the bedroom is not recommended, as they are said to bounce energies around. If you do not know how to do this correctly, you could do more harm than good.

Feng Shui For Teens Room

At the same time, most teens would be depressed without one; pick your battles. One last thing; make sure the bed is not against a shared wall with a bathroom. It is considered unsanitary, both physically and spiritually.

#6. Art in the bedroom

This is often another bone of contention between parents and teens. Some compromise is still possible, but the Feng Shui philosophy is very clear about violence or terror; they create negative energy. That negative energy fills up the room and the teen.

You may allow the teen to keep one poster they cannot live without if there is no other way around it, but if at all possible, try to replace the violence with abstract art that speaks to your teen.

Some parents are fortunate to have a positive experience with their teens, and some of the issues discussed here are not serious problems for them. In this case, it is still a good idea to allow your teens to take part in the decorating decisions for their rooms.

Conclusion: Feng Shui for Teens Room

Of course, parents have the final say, but the bedroom is considered a very private and sacred space in Feng Shui. If your teen feels safe and positive in that space, you will be surprised at the constructive changes that will take place.

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