Sunday, February 16, 2025

Voodoo – Introduction To The Lwa Gods

A Brief Introduction To The Lwa Gods

Lwa are the entities that serve a purpose much akin to that of Gods from other faiths, but in their nature are often much different from these entities. There are multiple nachons (nations or families) of the Lwa or Loa in voodoo. But the two of the more prominent are listed below, with some brief explanation of their more important members.


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Rada Loa

These Lwa include the more beneficial and benevolent of the spirits and deeply connect to the ancient roots in Africa. They are traditionally symbolic with the color white, in addition to those colors found to be symbolic of individual Lwa. A few members are listed below.


Voodoo: Lwa Gods

Papa Legba

The intermediary between the Lwa spirits and mortal humans. He is at the crossroads and grants or denies permission to speak with the spirits of Guinee. He speaks all human languages.



Patron Lwa of those who work with healers and trees. He is the husband of Ayizan, the first Mambo, and he is considered to be the first Houngan.


She is known to be both the first Mambo, and the Lwa of trade and commerce, presiding over marketplaces. She is often also associated with Saint Claire, and her symbol is the palm frond.


Anaisa Pye

She is the patron saint of money, happiness, and love. She is generous and playful and decidedly carries an air of flirtation.

Anaisa Pye

is a little vain, thinking herself able to provide anything a person could request, and is jealous of the other female Lwa.


Agwe is a Lwa symbolic to the sea, he rules over all of its treasures. Be it fish, aquatic plants, or the sailors that sail upon his waters. He is married to the Lwa Erzuli, and is known as koki la me “Shell of the Sea.” He assists fisherman both in their catch and in finding their way home.



Petro Loa

These Lwa are full of fire, warlike, and aggressive, and have deep associations with the New World and Haiti. Among their number, Ezili has an important role. They appeared to a congregation during French rule and charged them to fight for their freedom. Their primary color is red.


Ezili Dantor

Ezili is the patron of motherhood, specifically that of single mothers. She is often a Black Madonna. She is deeply symbolic with the black Creole pig of Haiti, being her favored sacrifice.




This Lwa was a cruel and vicious Loa who was raised to be a Lwa after her death. She is also the “Marinette Bwa Chech” (Marinette of the dry arms) or “Marinette pied Cheche” (Marinette of the Dry Feet). Both of these titles suggest that she is skeletal in form. She is symbolic of the screech owl and is the protector of Werewolves.

Met Kalfu

He, like Papa Legba, is a master of the crossroads. He often appears as a red-skinned youth and favors rum infused with gunpowder. Met Kalfu has the power to grant or deny access to all spirits and often allows the crossing of malignant beings.

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