Sunday, February 16, 2025

Crystal Magic – Crystals With Water Element Properties

Crystal Magic – Crystals With Water Elemental Properties

In this article we will take a look at a few crystals used in crystal magic rituals that belong to the water element.

Crystal Associations

Psychic, Telepathy, Fortune Telling, Emotions, Healing, Water, Ocean, Dreams, Throat Chakra (Vishuddha Chakra), Heart Chakra (Anahata Chakra)


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#1. Amethyst

This stone is well-known for its connection to spirituality and can be very powerful in assisting you in overcoming addictions. As a balancing stone of water, it can level out your emotions and serve as a great assistance in transformation. Additionally, it can be used to drown out negative energies, washing them clean.


#2. Aquamarine

The aquamarine stone is used to help attune one to our spiritual awareness and work as a shield for our aura and higher self. It allows you to travel within, and allow you to open up your spiritual energies and open your awareness. It is also known to help you maintain a healthy, youthful appearance.


Crystal Magic – Water Element

#3. Azurite

Azurite, the stone of heaven, is useful in developing our psychic abilities and intuition. Used as a focus, it can be a powerful assistant in meditation, helping one reach the state and bring about prophesy and divination. Can also be used to help cleanse the third eye chakra and bring about balance if it is chaotic.

#4. Blue Calcite

The watery energies inherent in its color allow the opening of the way for the expression of our emotions and for leeching out the pain associated with them. This stone is excellent for aligning our energies and grounding off the excess.

Crystal Magic – Water Element

#5. Blue Lace Agate

This stone’s light blue colors help serve to bring a certain peacefulness to those who grasp it in their hand. The natural layering of the stone lends its energy well to us traveling between the different states of consciousness, leading to stronger intuition and knowledge of our deeper and higher selves. It is a stone most useful in assisting with dream travel, and astral projection.


#6. Blue Tourmaline

Also known as Indicolite, this stone strengthens our communication and opens psychic pathways in the mind. It can help you in your relationships, bringing kindness and understanding to them whether they are of romantic or merely familial natures. It serves as an excellent conduit for energy since it can transmit but not store it.


Crystal Magic – Water Element

#7. Celestite

Celestite, as its name implies, is tied to the heaves, but most of all to the powers of emotion. Like water to the soil, it can aid your growth and increase the flow of creativity, honesty, and clear communication between you and others by washing away the impediments.


#8. Chalcedony

This stone comes in a veritable panorama of hues and is often banded with these colors in appearance. It can be translucent and bears a close relationship to Quartzes and Carnelian. It will enhance our inner goodness, make us more responsive, and properly applied can encourage the generosity of others.


Crystal Magic – Water Element

#9. Chrysocolla

Chrysocolla, with its deep blue colors, helps to ease pain from emotional turmoil. It can expand your ability to love again by washing away the pain from those that you have had before and can help you remain without stress in the face of those things that generate negativity. Properly applied it can purify your home.

#10. Lapis Lazuli

This stone will bring peace to your life, opening up your heart chakra, easing a troubled mind, and clearing the way for wisdom to take its place. The deep blue of this color borders on indigo, and as such serves to assist in the opening of the crown chakra as well, opening the eye, and bringing us into the realm of intuition, greater virility, and honesty.

Crystal Magic – Water Element

#11. Moonstone

This stostone’s color is reminiscent of the celestial body from which it gets its’ name, and in turn, fuses it with the powers of the water that bodthe y controls. As such this stone brings about a great deal of intuition in the person bearing it and opens up our ability to give and receive emotional input. Additionally, with its lunar associations, it can help with the menstrual cycle, bringing ease to it.

#12. Pearl

This jewel of the sea is unique in that it is not formed within the earth but within the body of another living creature. As such they are calming and centering, bringing about a great sense of truth, loyalty, and accountability. It is often seen as a stone of inner wisdom.

Crystal Magic – Water Element

#13. Sapphire

This deep blue carborundum brings about the desire for divine contact, and as such can bring about a deeper spiritual devotion and assist in prayer. The stone will bring about prosperity in those areas of our lives that matter, opening psychic abilities, facilitating joy and happiness, and assisting in our general health.

#14. Selenite

This stone has a most unusual appearance, having deep layers of fibrous appearance, and promoting mental clarity and openness. It can provide us with the ability to be flexible in the face of adversity and can encourage good business practices in those around us, and within ourselves. It can remove energy blocks and overall clear away the obstructions.

Crystal Magic – Water Element

#15. Sodalite

Sodalite is a blue stone interspersed with veins of white and can open the pathway between your head and heart chakras. It will open up the lanes of logic, rationality, and consciousness while opening us up to the powers of wisdom, and healing. When called on to bring about peace, this stone is a good one to carry, being well-known for its ability to facilitate mediation.

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