Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Famous Events For September 3

Famous Events For September 3 – Today In History

September 3: Today in History – Historical Events

Early Centuries – September 3 Historic Events – Before the 1700s

  1. 36 BC – War of Naulochus, son of Pompey was defeated thus ending fighting against Second Triumvirate
  2. September 3, 0301 – Saint Marinus created the Republic of San Marino, the smallest and oldest republic in the World
  3. September 3, 0590 – installation of St Gregory I as Catholic Pope
  4. September 3, 1189 – installation of Richard the Lionheart as King in Westminster. King ordered the killing of 30 Jews


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  5. September 3, 1260 – Mongols were defeated by Ain Djaloet, Palestine at the war of Ain Djaloet
  6. September 3, 1483 – Utrecht vanquished by Habsburg defense forces
  7. September 3, 1543 – Cardinal succeeds Earl of Arran as Advisor to Queen Mary of Scotland
  8. September 3, 1632 – Sweden surrenders to Duke Wallenstein at the war of Nuremberg
  9. September 3, 1650 – The War of Dunbar was fought between England and Scotland
  10. September 3, 1651 – Oliver Cromwell finishes English monarchists
  11. September 3, 1658 – Richard Cromwell assumes as chief of the Commonwealth succeeding his father
  12. September 3, 1683 – clash between the Turkish army and that of Vienna
  13. September 3, 1697 – King William agrees with ending the war in America known as the Treaty of Ryswick


    18th Century – What Happened on September 3 – The 1700s

  14. September 3, 1709 – German and Swiss migrants arrive in NC/SC
  15. September 3, 1725 – agreement of Hannover was authorized amongst Britain, France, Hannover, and Prussia
  16. September 3, 1731 – appointment of Willem as viceroy of Friesland
  17. September 3, 1752 – The Gregorian Calendar was accepted by Britain and its colonies in the US losing 11 days triggering a rebellion
  18. September 3, 1777 – at the battle of Cooch’s Bridge, Delaware, the American Flag was hoisted for the first time
  19. September 3, 1779 – Earl d’Orvilliers arrives in Brest
  20. September 3, 1783 – agreement for peace in Paris concludes the American Revolutionary War between Britain and the United States
  21. September 3, 1791 – The Constitution of France approved by the French Parliament
  22. September 3, 1798 – commencement of war between Spain and Britain off the coast of Belize which lasted for 7 days at St. George Caye


    19th Century – September 3 This Day That Year – The 1800s

  23. September 3, 1812 – Opening of a factory to pack food into cans in London, the world’s first, to distribute food to the Royal Defence Forces
  24. September 3, 1826 – the warship starting from New York to orbit around the world was USS Vincennes
  25. September 3, 1832 – Paramaribo Suriname was set fire by a group of unruly slaves
  26. September 3, 1833 – the inauguration of the publication by the New York Sun
  27. September 3, 1838 – Frederick Douglass camouflages himself as a mariner to run away from slavery
  28. September 3, 1849 – a meeting of the California State Statutory Assembly organized in Monterey
  29. September 3, 1852 – rebellion in Stockholm, Sweden against Jews

  30. September 3, 1855 – the village, Sioux, was attacked by 700 army personnel under the guidance of General William S Harney to punish the Grattan killing
  31. September 3, 1861 – associated defense personnel arrive in Kentucky culminating its non-alignment
  32. September 3, 1864 – navigation of Straits of Simonoski by the navy officer of the US, Britain, French, and Dutch
  33. September 3, 1865 – The Freedmen Agency instructed not to occupy land the Army Chief in SC
  34. September 3, 1874 – Naucalpan was raised to the group of villas by an order of the Mexican government and called “Villa de Juarez”
  35. September 3, 1878 – 645 were killed in an accident involving the steamer Princess Alice and a ship carrying coal Bywell Castle, a British traveler ore the steamer sunk in the accident
  36. September 3, 1881 – Anton Bruckner finishes his 6th masterpiece

  37. September 3, 1881 – Richard Sears defeats William E. Glyn at the 1st US Men’s National Championship (6-0,6-1,4-6,6-2)
  38. September 3, 1882 – war between French, Vietnamese/Chinese at Hanoi leaves hundreds dead
  39. September 3, 1889 – Henry Slocum defeats Quincy Shaw (6-3, 6-1, 4-6,6-2) at the 9th US Men’s National Championship
  40. September 3, 1891 – setting up of a union of cotton pickers and their protest in Texas
  41. September 3, 1891 – appointment of John Stephens Durham as US minister to Haiti
  42. September 3, 1895 – Latrobe defeats Jeanette (12-0) in a pro football game, the first time game


    20th Century – Important Events On This Day September 3 – 1900

  43. September 3, 1900 – the Boer Republic of South Africa added to Britain through a public statement by General Lord Roberts
  44. September 3, 1900 – The Russian army governs two sides of the river Amur on the Russo-Manchurian territory
  45. September 3, 1901 – Boer General Smuts arrives in Kiba Drift in Cape Colony
  46. September 3, 1902 – commencement of Sherlock Holmes “Adventure of Illustrious Client”
  47. September 3, 1903 – Sharrock III (England) defeated by Resolute in the 13th American Cup
  48. September 3, 1904 – valedictory of St Louis Olympic Play
  49. September 3, 1906 – Negro Championship in Philadelphia achieved by Philadelphia Giants, before an audience of 10000

  50. September 3, 1908 – debut performance of “What Every Woman Knows” guided by James Barries in London
  51. September 3, 1911 – William Larned defeats Maurice McLoughlin at the 31st US Men’s National Championship (6-4,6-4,6-2)
  52. September 3, 1912 – debut performance of “Funf Orchesterstucke”
  53. September 3, 1914 – installation of Cardinal Giacome della Chiesa as Pope Benedict XV
  54. September 3, 1914 – French army evacuate Rheims
  55. September 3, 1914 – Prince Wilhelm von Weird vacates Albania
  56. September 3, 1914 – Russians defeat Austrians in a 3-day war and seize Lemburg, the headquarters of Galicia
  57. September 3, 1916 – in the war of Verdun, friend’s army drove back Germans
  58. September 3, 1917 – London shelled in the dark by German planes
  59. September 3, 1917 – German army seize Riga, Latvia
  60. September 3, 1917 – Utrecht football group established in Holland

  61. September 3, 1918 – five soldiers were executed for suspected involvement in the Houston rebellion, and 19 radicals were sent to the gallows
  62. September 3, 1918 – The Associated Army drives Germans across the Hindenburg Line
  63. September 3, 1918 – Robert Lindley Murry defeats Bill Tilden (6-3,6-1,7-5) at the 38th US Men’s National Tennis Championship
  64. September 3, 1919 – President Woodrow Wilson travels throughout America to elicit public view on the agreement of Versailles and League of Nations
  65. September 3, 1921 – USA vanquishes Japan in New York at the 16th Davis Cup (5-0)
  66. September 3, 1921 – inauguration of the KPB, Communist Party, in Belgium
  67. September 3, 1923 – debut performance of “Poppy” by Dorothy Donelly in NYC
  68. September 3, 1924 – commencement of Civil Battle in China
  69. September 3, 1924 – debut performance of “What Price Glory?” by L Stallings and M Anderson in NYC
  70. September 3, 1925 – handball competition at the international level organized for the first time
  71. September 3, 1925 – An accident involving the aircraft USS Shenandoah in a hurricane near Caldwell, Ohio leaves 14 dead and 29 survive
  72. September 3, 1928 – Ty Cobb, a baseball player of Hall of Fame level achieves his 419th and last professional hit
  73. September 3, 1929 – The stock price of Dow Jones Industrial touches a highest of 381.17 but soon crashes in 1929
  74. September 3, 1930 – 2000 killed and 4000 wounded when a severe cyclone hit the Dominican Republic

  75. September 3, 1932 – Ellsworth Vines defeats Henri Cochet in the US Tennis trophy
  76. September 3, 1932 – A’s Jimmie Foxx achieves his 50th hit and 51st HR and he becomes No.3 to achieve 50 hits
  77. September 3, 1933 – Communism Peak in USSR scaled by Yevgeniy Abalalov (7495m)
  78. September 3, 1934 – Tunisia started organizing for its independence
  79. September 3, 1935 – Sir Malcolm Campbell drives a car at a speed exceeding 300 mph for the first time
  80. September 3, 1935 – a bowling best high of 2652 points achieved in ten plays by Andrew Varipapa
  81. September 3, 1936 – All-Stars score 7, and Detroit scores 7 at the 3rd NFL Chicago All-Star Game
  82. September 3, 1938 – the venue of the 1940 Olympic play shifted from Tokyo, Japan to Helsinki, Finland
  83. September 3, 1939 – 117 died, including 28 Americans, when a German undersea vessel U-30 under the guidance of Ober lieutenant Fritz-Julius Lemp drowned a British customer vessel SS Athenia
  84. September 3, 1939 – Britain announces battle against Germany after the attack on Poland. France and Austria, New Zealand, South Africa, and Canada joined the war
  85. September 3, 1939 – The war declared by Britain on Germany trigger the suicide efforts by Mitford’s sister and the nazi- supporter Unity Mitford. She died in 1948 from injuries caused by a bullet to her head and lodged in her brain.
  86. September 3, 1940 – Sapulpa, Oklahoma recorded a rainfall of 39.4 cm – a state record
  87. September 3, 1940 – Britain exchanges with US Newfoundland base lease for 50 destroyers
  88. September 3, 1940 – War on England ordered by Hitler
  89. September 3, 1841 – TV transmission channel 3 of KYW in Philadelphia, PA commenced
  90. September 3, 1941 – Zyclon B gas tried in Auschwitz on Russian prisoners of war
  91. September 3, 1943 – arrival of 8th British defence in Southern Italy
  92. September 3, 1943 – no war agreement by General Castellano in Sicily
  93. September 3, 1944 – Anne Frank and a group of Dutch Jews start for the place of detention in Auschwitz
  94. September 3, 1944 – Abbeville, France freed by the British defence forces
  95. September 3, 1944 – At the US Tennis title, Frank Parker defeated Bill Talbert

  96. September 3, 1944 – Lyon was freed by French defense forces
  97. September 3, 1944 – appointment of Prince Bernhard as Chief of Neth Domestic Force
  98. September 3, 1944 – Brussels freed by British Guards using the tanks
  99. September 3, 1945 – Association forces in the Philippines made Japanese forces admit defeat
  100. September 3, 1945, Frank Parker defeated William Talbert at the 65th US Men’s National Championship
  101. September 3, 1945 – Sarah Palfrey Cooke defeats Pauline Betz Addie at the 59th US Women’s National Championship (3-6,8-6,6-4)
  102. September 3, 1947 – Yanks score 18 angles to defeat Red Soxs, 11-2
  103. September 3, 1947 – Bill McCahan of Philadelphia A, defeats Wash Senators, 3-0
  104. September 3, 1948 – Polish Worker’s Party dismisses its general secretary W Gomulka
  105. September 3, 1949 – inferno in Chiang King, China terminates the lives of 7000 persons
  106. September 3, 1950 – Giuseppe “Nano” Farina achieves by three points at the 1st Formula One WDC
  107. September 3, 1951 – debut performance of TV soap play “Search for Tomorrow” on CBS
  108. September 3, 1953 – The agreement on Human Rights by the European Assembly made a law
  109. September 3, 1953 – Francois Mitterrand, French Minister steps down due to differences in foreign strategy
  110. September 3, 1954 – weapons attack by China on Quemoy and Amoy
  111. September 3, 1954 – The Cold War impelled the US to enact the Spying and Disruption Law of 1954
  112. September 3, 1954 – Pope Pius X consecrated a saint
  113. September 3, 1954 – The islands of Quemoy under the rule of ROC bombarded by the People’s Liberation Army
  114. September 3, 1954 – A German Boat commenced its journey to Chicago’s Museum of Science and Industry from a berth particularly built for the purpose
  115. September 3, 1955 – debut performance of KTBS TV transmission Channel 3 from Shreveport, LA (ABC)
  116. September 3, 1956 – heavily armored mechanically powered vehicles used to control the rebellion in Clinton, Tennessee
  117. September 3, 1957 – ultimate play by Dodgers in Jersey City
  118. September 3, 1957- the inauguration of KTCA TV transmission channel 2 in St Paul-Minneapolis, MN
  119. September 3, 1962 – LPGA Spokane Golf Open achieved by Mickey Wright
  120. September 3, 1964 – Robert F Kennedy steps down as US attorney general
  121. September 3, 1964 – President Lyndon B Johnson decrees the Wilderness Act
  122. September 3, 1964 – A race rebellion between Chinese and Malay in Singapore left 13 dead and 106 wounded
  123. September 3, 1965 – installation of Garcia Godoy administration in the Dominican Republic
  124. September 3, 1965 – 3 HRs hit in a play achieved by Jim Hickman, 1st NY Met
  125. September 3, Angles renamed themselves from LA to California, to shift to Anaheim
  126. September 3, 1966 – Gene Roddenberry bestowed with honours by the 24th World SF resolution
  127. September 3, 1967 – valedictory of the chapter of “What’s My Line” presented by John Charles Daly on CBS TV transmission
  128. September 3, 1967 – LPGA Ladies’ World Series Golf triumphed by Kathy Whitworth
  129. September 3, 1967 – Installation of Nguyen Van Thieu as President of South Vietnam as per the revised composition
  130. September 3, 1967 – left-hand driving regulation changed to right-hand regulation in Sweden
  131. September 3, 1967 – debut performance of WJPM TV transmission Channel 33 in Florence, SC
  132. September 3, 1968 – An American League record of 39 fails by 1 run by the Chicago White Sox
  133. September 3, 1970 – Billy Williams was requested to stay away after the National League best of 1117 successive plays
  134. September 3, 1970 – An offer of $ 30000 for a tour of Australia for 2 weeks was not accepted by Bill Halley and Comets
  135. September 3, 1970 – President Suharto of Indonesian arrives in the Netherlands
  136. September 3, 1971 – John Lennon leaves the UK for NYC for good
  137. September 3, 1971 – Manlio Brosio steps down as Secretary General of NATO
  138. September 3, 1971 – freedom granted to Qatar by Britain
  139. September 3, 1971 – Watergate crew forcibly enter into Daniel Ellsberg’s doctor’s clinic
  140. September 3, 1971- firing events in Northern Ireland leave a girl baby and a soldier dead
  141. September 3, 1973 – General Walters stepped down at the end of his tenure as temporary director of the CIA
  142. September 3, 1973 – 8th fundraising performance by Jerry Lewis
  143. September 3, 1974 – first performance of John Montefusco of Giants in his most important league
  144. September 3, 1974 – Oscar Robertson superannuated as NBA guard
  145. September 3, 1974 – Ambassadorial-level dealings set up between the US and the German Democratic Republic
  146. September 3, 1975 – an air accident involving Chartered Boeing 707 in Atlas Mts leaves 188 dead
  147. September 3, 1976 – the landing of Viking 2 on Mars and sends pictures
  148. September 3, 1977 – the score achieved by Aaron was exceeded by Japan’s Sadaharu Oh achieving 756 HR
  149. September 3, 1977 – ultimate show event of “The Mary Tyler Mooe Show” on CBS
  150. September 3, 1978 – the team of Soyuz 31 comes back to earth on board Soyuz 29
  151. September 3, 1978 – European marathon championship achieved by Leonid Mossejey (2:11:57.5)
  152. September 3, 1978 – Pope John Paul I appointed as the 263rd highest pope
  153. September 3, 1979 – cyclonic storm, David, an Atlantic gale kills more than 1000 persons
  154. September 3, 1979 – Mahabad seized by Iran’s army
  155. September 3, 1979 –in a fundraising 14th performance by Jerry Lewis collects $30000000
  156. September 3, 1979 – LPGA Rail Charity Golf Classic achieved by Jo Ann Washam
  157. September 3, 1981 – in a baseball play, 6 hits achieved by Gerald P Remy of Boston
  158. September 3, 1982 – the regime of Anker Jorgensen in Denmark comes to an end
  159. September 3, 1984 – in a lucky draw in Illinois a 28 year from Chicago gets $40 million
  160. September 3, 1984 – LPGA Rail Charity Golf Classic achieved by Cindy Hill
  161. September 3, 1984 – The structure of South Africa approved
  162. September 3, 1985 – Discovery 6 of the Space Shuttle Mission comes back to earth
  163. September 3, 1985 – England defeats Australia at The Oval to recover Ashes
  164. September 3, 1985 – Three successive HRs in a play achieved by NY Met Gary Carter
  165. September 3, 1986 – debut performance of “Woman in Mind” by Alan Ayckbourn in London
  166. September 3, 1986 – a maximum number of 53 thespians were utilized by the Astros and Cubs in an 18-inning play
  167. September 3, 1987 – Democracy was abolished due to a military coup in Burundi
  168. September 3, 1988 – as per a calculation, the fatalities due to chemical warfare between Iraq and Iran, exceeds 50,000
  169. September 3, 1989 – after 764 shows, “Into the Wood” closes at Martin Beck Theatre NYC
  170. September 3, 1989 – in an air accident, Ilyushin-62 falls in a suburban area killing 170
  171. September 3, 1990 – Blue Jay Dave Stdeib vanquishes Clave, 3-0 in a 9th no-hitter of 1990
  172. September 3, 1990 – LPGA Rail Charity Golf Classic achieved by Beth Daniel
  173. September 3, 1990 – in a fund-raising 25th performance, Jerry Lewis collected $44,172,186
  174. September 3, 1990 – singing of the National anthem by Helen Hudson in 26th Park
  175. September 3, 1991 – Golden Lion awarded to “Close to Eden” guided by Nikita Mikhalkov at the 48th Venice Film Festival
  176. September 3, 1992 – in a fund-raising 27th performance Jerry Lewis collects $45,759,368
  177. September 3, 1994 – the number reading the Neth Telegraph/News of the Day touches 800,000
  178. September 3, 1995 – the first defeat by Carolina Panthers in the NFL play (Atlanta-23, Carolina 20)
  179. September 3, 1995 – the first defeat by Jacksonville Jaguars in the NEL play (Huston 10, Jaguars 3)
  180. September 3, 1995 – Tony Fernandez of Yankee hits a single, a double, a triple and a HR in the same play
  181. September 3, 1995 – launching of Soyuz TM22 into space
  182. September 3, 1996 – Slowinski and Gage announce the largest prime number (2 to the power of 1257787 minus 1), It is also known as the Mersenne prime.
  183. September 3, 1997 – air accident involving a Vietnam Aircraft TU 134 which crashed on a road leading to Phnom Penn aerodrome, 64 persons died
  184. September 3, 1998 – Golden Lion Awarded to “Cosi Vigevano” guided by Gianni Amelio at the 55th Venice Film Festival

    21st Century – September 3 This Day In History – The 2000s

  185. September 3, 2004 – in the carnage at the Beslan school that left 344 school children and teachers dead
  186. September 3, 2005 – Maryland defeats Navy 23-20 in the 20th College Football Crab Bowl Classic in Baltimore
  187. September 3, 2007 – thousands of people witness the extension project of the Panama Canal which started with the big detonation
  188. September 3, 2011 – Usain Bolt achieves the 200m at the 13th World Championship in Athletics
  189. September 3, 2012 – declaration by New Zealand about its retraction from Afghanistan
  190. September 3, 2012 – A terror campaign using a car in Peshawar, Pakistan leaves 3 dead and 19 injured
  191. September 3, 2012 – Cyclone Bolaven strikes North Korea and kills 48 persons
  192. September 3, 2013 – an Egyptian defence helicopter murderers 15 radicals in the Sinai Peninsula
  193. September 3, 2013 – Nokia sold to Microsoft for a price of $7.2 Billion
  194. September 3, 2015 – an official in Rowan Country rejects marriage certificate to gay pair and imprisoned
  195. September 3, 2015 – a sheep in Canberra, Australia yields 40 kg shaved wool – a world’s best record

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