Saturday, July 27, 2024
Famous Events For February 7

Famous Events For February 7 – Today In History

February 7: Today in History – Historical Events

Early Centuries – February 7  Historic Events – Before the 1700s

1. 7th Feb 1208: The Russian city of Vladimir was burnt down by the Mongols on this day.
2. 7th Feb 1301: Edward of Caernarfon, who was later known as Edwards II becomes the first Prince of Wales.
3. 7th Feb 1550: Giovanni Maria del Monte was on this day elected as Pope Julius III.
4. 7th Feb 1569: King of Spain King Phillip II formed an inquisition in South America.
5. 7th Feb 1613: Michail Romanov became the Tsar of Russia on this day, at the age of 16.

6. 7th Feb 1639: Academie Francaise began on this day work on the Dictionary of French Language.
7. 7th Feb 1653: Nicolas Fouquet was on this day appointed as superintendent of Finance of France.

18th Century – What Happened on February 7 – The 1700s

8. 7th Feb 1792: An anti-French covenant was signed on this day by Austria and Prussia.
9. 7th Feb 1795: The 11th amendment to the US Constitution, which affirms powers to the states was ratified on this day.

19th Century – February 7 This Day That Year – The 1800s

10. 7th Feb 1812: An earthquake of magnitude 8.2 strikes New Madrid, Missouri.
11. 7th Feb 1831: Belgium adopts its Constitution on this day.
12. 7th Feb 1839: Legislator and Orator Henry Clay declared in the Senate “ I had rather be right than president”.

13. 7th Feb 1856: “The Electoral Act 1856” was passed on this day by the colonial Tasmanian Parliament. This is the first piece of legislation passed anywhere in the world providing for elections by secret ballot.
14. 7th Feb 1863: HMS Orpheus sinks off the coast of Auckland in New Zealand. 189 people were killed.
15. 7th Feb 1864: Federal troops on this day occupied Jacksonville in Florida.
16. 7th Feb 1872: Alcorn Agricultural and Mechanical College opens on this day.
17. 7th Feb 1889: The first meeting of the Astronomical Society of Pacific was held on this day in San Francisco.
18. 7th Feb 1891: Marks the beginning of the great Blizzard of 1891 in England.
19. 7th Feb 1894: In Cripple Creek, Colorado, the Cripple Creek miners’ strike led by the Western Federation of miners, began on this day.

20th Century – Important Events On This Day February 7th – The 1900s

20. 7th Feb 1900: British troops on this day vacate Vaal Krantz, Natal.
21. 7th Feb 1904: There was a fire in Baltimore that destroyed 1500 buildings across 80 blocks.
22. 7th Feb 1905: A treaty was signed by the Dominican Republic turning customs collection over to the US.
23. 7th Feb 1907: The National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies (NUWSS) organized the Mud March.
24. 7th Feb 1914: Steel work on the Exposition Auditorium in San Francisco was completed on this day.
25. 7th Feb 1915: The first wireless message sent from a moving train to the station was received.
26. 7th Feb 1920: Admiral Kolchak surrendered to Bolshevik troops. He was executed.
27. 7th Feb 1924: Italian Dictator Benito Mussolini’s government exchanges diplomats with the USSR.
28. 7th Feb 1928: On this day the first solo England-Australia flight takes off.
29. 7th Feb 1936: A flag was on this authorized for the US Vice-President.

30. 7th Feb 1937: Colonel H.P. Williamson, the chairman of the local Red Cross Chapter advocates more donations on this day. He appealed to the citizens of Calhoun County of Alabama to contribute additional money for flood relief work.
31. 7th Feb 1940: The British railroads were nationalized on this day.
32. 7th Feb 1943: Shoe rationing begins in the US.
33. 7th Feb 1944: Germans on this day launched a counter-offensive at Anzio in Italy.
34. 7th Feb 1945: World War II General, General Douglas MacArthur returns to Manila.
35. 7th Feb 1945: Harry Truman on this day appointed Irwin C Mollison as judge of the US Customs Court.
36. 7th Feb 1945: London, Washington, and Moscow discuss the final phase of World War II.
37. 7th Feb 1947: Arabs and Jews reject British proposal to split Palestine.
38. 7th Feb 1948: General Dwight Eisenhower was succeeded by Omar Bradley as Army Chief of Staff.
39. 7th Feb 1950: Georges Bidault forms the French government on this day.
40. 7th Feb 1950: The planned walkout by the CIO communications workers of America was postponed after sustained negotiation with federal mediators.
41. 7th Feb 1950: U.S. and Great Britain recognize the Bao Dai Vietnamese regime.
42. 7th Feb 1958: The Dutch auto-transmission car DAF 600 was introduced.
43. 7th Feb 1959: The new Cuban constitution was proclaimed by Castro.

44. 7th Feb 1959: A Cessna lands in Los Vegas after flying for 65 days without landing. It was refueled in the air.
45. 7th Feb 1960: Old handwriting was found in Qumran, near the Dead Sea.
46. 7th Feb 1961: Actress Jane Fonda made her acting debut in an NBC drama “A String O Beads”.
47. 7th Feb 1962: A gas explosion kills 298 in Luisanthal coal mine Voelklingen Germany.
48. 7th Feb 1962: US President John Kennedy on this day began a blockade of Cuba by banning all Cuban imports and exports.
49. 7th Feb 1964: The Beatles arrive at the John F Kennedy airport on this day on their first visit to the United States.
50. 7th Feb 1964: The Beatle Nut ice cream was introduced by Baskin-Robbins on this day.
51. 7th Feb 1964: Heavyweight boxing champion Cassius Clay converts to Islam on this day and is renamed Muhammad Ali.
52. 7th Feb 1965: the US on this day began bombing and strafing on North Vietnam in retaliation against the attack that took place against the US camp Holloway.
53. 7th Feb 1967: There was a fire on this day at a restaurant in Montgomery, Alabama. 25 people died in the fire.

54. 7th Feb 1968: This day marks the fall of the Belgium government of Vanden Boeynants.
55. 7th Feb 1969: Al Fatah leader Yasser Arafat on this day became the president of PLO.
56. 7th Feb 1969: Diane Crump becomes the first woman Jockey at a major US racetrack (Hialeah).
57. 7th Feb 1970: Janet Lynn wins the US female Figure Skating championship.
58. 7th Feb 1970: Tim Woods wins the US male Figure Skating championship.
59. 7th Feb 1971: Women in Switzerland were granted the right to vote on this day.
60. 7th Feb 1973: A select committee for Presidential Campaign Activities was created by the US Senate on this day.
61. 7th Feb 1974: Grenada gets its independence from Britain on this day.
62. 7th Feb 1974: Amid a protracted miner’s strike in the UK, Prime Minister Edward Heath calls for a general ‘snap’ election.
63. 7th Feb 1975: A speed limit of 55 MPH was mandated across Canada on this day. This action was taken 2 years after the 55 MPH speed limit was imposed in the USA.
64. 7th Feb 1976: On this day the world’s largest telescope, a 600 cm telescope goes into operation.
65. 7th Feb 1977: Russia launches Soyuz 24 on this day with two cosmonauts on board.
66. 7th Feb 1978: This day marks the Ethiopian offensive in the Ogaden desert.
67. 7th Feb 1979: In Algeria, Colonel Bendjedid Chadli succeeds President Boumedienne.

68. 7th Feb 1982: Luis A Monge was on this day elected as president of Costa Rica.
69. 7th Feb 1983: Elizabeth Dole was sworn in as secretary of transport. She was the first female to occupy that position.
70. 7th Feb 1984: Bruce McCandless of the US makes the first untethered space walk.
71. 7th Feb 1986: Debi Thomas won the US female Figure Skating Champion.
72. 7th Feb 1986: The President-for-Life of Haiti, Jean-Claude Duvalier flees to France. Henri Namphy became the leader of Haiti.
73. 7th Feb 1986: Although Corazon Aquino had won the election in the Philippines, dictator Ferdinand Marcos was given the election by fraudulent returns.
74. 7th Feb 1987: Brian Boitano wins the US male Figure Skating championship.
75. 7th Feb 1987: After a student died in custody, there were huge protest demonstrations in South Korea. Police make hundreds of arrests.
76. 7th Feb 1990: Karachi police on this day killed 22 anti-nationalistic demonstrators.
77. 7th Feb 1990: Opposition political parties were allowed by the communist party of the USSR.
78. 7th Feb 1991: Haiti gets its first elected president. Jean-Bertrand Aristide was sworn in as President.
79. 7th Feb 1991: During a cabinet meeting in London IRA launches a mortar attack on 10 Downing Street.

80. 7th Feb 1992: The Maastricht Treaty calling for greater economic integration, common foreign and security policies, and cooperation between police and other authorities on crime, terrorism, and immigration issues signed by foreign and finance ministers of the EC members of the states of the European community.
81. 7th Feb 1995: This day was the last day of test cricket for English cricketers Graham Gooch and Mike Gatting.
82. 7th Feb 1997: The Helsinki summit set for March 20-21 was announced by the US and Russia.
83. 7th Feb 1998: The 18th Winter Olympic Games open at Nagano in Japan.
84. 7th Feb 1999: Upon the demise of King Hussein of Jordan, Crown Prince Abdullah becomes the king of Jordan.

21st Century – February 7  This Day In History – The 2000s

85. 7th Feb 2000: The government of Pakistan, through Presidential Ordinance No V of 2000 established the Bahria University.
86. 7th Feb 2001: In the 51st Berlin International Film Festival, “Intimacy” won the Golden Bear.
87. 7th Feb 2002: President George Bush on this day proposed faith-based initiative plans, which would encourage faith-based organizations to provide more social services without breaching the separation of church and state.

88. 7th Feb 2005: Paul Shanley a priest was sentenced to 12 to 15 years of imprisonment for child rape. They condemned the priest for using his status on a vulnerable little boy.
89. 7th Feb 2005: An EF3 tornado strikes the town of Wheatland in Kenosha. It was very unusual for this time of the year. It destroyed 100 homes.
90. 7th Feb 2005: Britain’s Ellen MacArthur became the fastest person to sail solo around the world.
91. 7th Feb 2006: Actress Uma Thurman was named a knight of the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres of France for outstanding achievement in the field of art and literature.
92. 7th Feb 2006: Abu Hamza al-Masri was found guilty at Old Bailey of using his sermons to incite murder and race hate. He was found guilty of most of the charges against him. Muslim leaders welcomed his conviction.
93. 7th Feb 2008: “Elite Squad” wins the Golden Bear at the 58th Berlin International Film Festival.
94. 7th Feb 2008: Congress approved the $168 billion economic stimulus program and sent it to President Bush for signature.
95. 7th Feb 2009: In the worst natural disaster in the history of Australia, bushfires in Victoria leave 173 dead.
96. 7th Feb 2013: Azerbaijan launches its first satellite, Azerspace-1.
97. 7th Feb 2013: “Child’s Pose” wins the Golden Bear at the 63rd Berlin International Film Festival.
98. 7th Feb 2014: German treasurer Helmut Linssen resigns in the middle of a scandal involving offshore banking accounts in the Bahamas and Panama.

99. 7th Feb 2014: The 22nd Winter Olympic Games open Sochi in Russia.
100. 7th Feb 2015: To comply with the orders from Taiwan’s Civil Aeronautics Administration after the crash of Flight 235 into the Keelung River, Trans Asia Airways suspended flights and began retraining all its pilots.

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