Sunday, February 16, 2025
“The world is built upon the power of numbers.”

History of Numerology

How does Numerology work?

When we speak of the history of Numerology, it would be impossible not to mention the name of Pythagoras. Pythagoras is considered in history to be the father of numbers and numerology. He once postulated that “The world is built upon the power of numbers.” He was also recorded to have said “Number is the ruler of forms and ideas and the cause of gods and demons.” Pythagoras believed that the number ten (10) encompasses all arithmetic and harmonic magnitudes.


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His followers, the Pythagoreans, allotted non-numerical characteristics for each number. For example, the number one (1) stood for reason and willpower. Number two (2) was associated with balance, duality, and peace. The number three (3) was for creativity and joy. The number four (4) was connected with order and justice. Five (5) were connected to marriage and adventure. The number six (6) was linked with perfection and idealism.

Wisdom and magic were embodied by the number seven (7). For the number eight (8), karma and authority were often allied. Forgiveness and inspiration were related to number nine (9). Odd numbers were believed to be masculine while the even numbers were feminine. Followers of Pythagoras also classified the properties of numbers into shapes.


History of Numerology

Classification of Numbers

The numbers one (1), four (4), and (9) were classified as squares since they can form a square when dots are arranged together. Three (3), Six (6), and ten (10) were categorized as triangular since they form triangles. Two (2), six (6), and twelve (12) were classified as oblong since they form rectangles when formed together.


Numerology also had its roots in Gematria, the application of translating words into numbers for prophetical purposes. The early Greeks and Hebrews practiced this widely, although it was the German Kabbalists who developed this. Gematria is also known by another name which is cryptograph.

This is where the translation of personal birth names and birth dates into single numbers to ascertain paths and personalities began. The Greeks believed ten (10) to be the perfect number. They also understood that 888 represented wisdom or the “Higher Mind”. In the Bible, the number 666 was denoted as the number of the beast.


Today, there is a quite prevalent belief system involving the importance of numbers in events, good or bad luck, personality assessment, and the prediction of the future. Numerology is both a historical and modern form of divination. It is a belief system that is built upon the notion that all things have a numerical equivalent.

History of Numerology

Numerical Values

In our present day, these numerical values can be derived from the birth name or the date of birth of a person. Each letter of the alphabet has a corresponding value. For example, A is 1, B is 2, C is 3, and so on.


These matching digits are then summed further to create a single-digit equivalent. When a single digit is derived by summing all the numbers, a person’s life path, personality, level of luck and fortune and such can be ascertained by referring the number to its mystical or spiritual meaning.

Presently, numerology is being widely utilized for a variety of reasons. It can be used to ascertain lucky days or lucky years, the most favorable career choices, which personality traits to change or accentuate, and finally in the sphere of love and romance, how and what to find in a lifetime partner. Numbers have always been believed to have their vibrations.


And because every single object, every single person on this earth can be reduced to its numerical equivalent, it becomes very important for their vibrations to be in sync with the vibrations of that one particular number concerning their personal or life path.

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