Saturday, July 27, 2024
Famous Events For March 28

Famous Events For March 28 – Today In History

March 28: Today in History – Historical Events

18th Century – What Happened on March 28 – The 1700s

  1. 28th March 1774: A coercive act against Massachusetts was passed by Britain.
  2. 28th March 1794: The washing machine was patented by Nathaniel Briggs today.
  3. 28th March 1799: New York State today abolished slavery.

    19th Century – March 28 This Day That Year – The 1800s

  4. 28th March 1804: Ohio passed a law that restricts the movement of Blacks.
  5. 28th March 1809: France defeated Spain at the Battle of Medellin.
  6. 28th March 1834: The U.S. Senate today voted in favor of censuring President Jackson for the removal of federal deposits from the Bank of the United States.
  7. 28th March 1845: Mexico drops diplomatic relations with the US.
  8. 28th March 1854: Britain and France today declared war against Russia, marking the beginning of the Crimean War.
  9. 28th March 1864: Federal soldiers were today attacked by a group of copperheads killing five and injuring twenty.
  10. 28th March 1865: New York today passed legislation on outdoor advertising which banned painting on trees, rocks, and stones.
  11. 28th March 1866: The first ambulance goes into service today.

  12. 28th March 1885: Today “The Salvation Army” was officially organized in the United States.
  13. 28th March 1891: The first world weightlifting championship was held today.
  14. 28th March 1898: The Supreme Court of the United States today ruled that a child born in the U.S. to Chinese immigrants was a U.S. citizen. They could thus not be deported under the “Chinese Exclusion Act”.

    20th Century – Important Events On This Day March 28th – The 1900s

  15. 28th March 1904: Japanese troops advance in Korea. They defeated the Russians at Chengiu and captured the town.
  16. 28th March 1905: Today the U.S. took full control over Dominican revenues.
  17. 28th March 1905: Paramaribo-Dam railway opened today in Surinam. It was never used.
  18. 28th March 1908: In a terrible mining accident in Canada, the Spruce Creek Mine caved in while miners were involved in a drifting operation. Two well-known miners were entrapped and died. A third person who had escaped sounded alarm but it was too late.
  19. 28th March 1908: In the U.S., the automobile owners today lobbied with the U.S. Congress in support of a bill calling for vehicle licensing and federal registration.

  20. 28th March 1910: In France, the first seaplane took off from the waters of Martinique. The plane was flown by Henri Fabre.
  21. 28th March 1911: Suffragists in New York today performed a political play “Pageant of Protest”.
  22. 28th March 1913: Guatemala today became a signatory to the Buenos Aires copyright treaty.
  23. 28th March 1917: Today the “Women’s Army Auxiliary Force” was founded, during World War I.
  24. 28th March 1917: Jews are today expelled from Tel Aviv and Jaffa by Turkish authorities.
  25. 28th March 1920: More than 200 people lost their lives and over a thousand people were injured when tornadoes swept through the mid-western and southern parts of the United States.
  26. 28th March 1920: Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk was today elected President of Czechoslovakia.
  27. 28th March 1921: William Howard Taft was today named the Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, by President Warren Harding of the U.S.
  28. 28th March 1922: The microfilm reading device was patented today by Bradley A. Friske.
  29. 28th March 1927: Majestic Theater opens today at 245 W 44th Street, New York City.
  30. 28th March 1929: The Democratic constitution goes into effect in Ecuador today.
  31. 28th March 1930: The name of Constantinople was today changed to Istanbul and that of Angora was changed to Ankara.

  32. 28th March 1933: There was a wet and dry rally and parade in Oklahoma. Both supporters of alcohol and supporters of dry laws attended the event. There was also a debate on the legalization of the pari-mutuel horse-betting systems on the same day.
  33. 28th March 1933: Nazis in Germany today ordered a ban on all Jews from businesses, professions and schools.
  34. 28th March 1933: The German Reichstag today conferred dictatorial powers on Hitler.
  35. 28th March 1935: Robert Goddard controls a rocket using gyroscopes.
  36. 28th March 1938: Psychiatrists in Italy, today demonstrated the use of electric shock therapy for treatment of certain mental illnesses.
  37. 28th March 1939: The Spanish Civil War ended today with the fall of Madrid to Francisco Franco.
  38. 28th March 1940: Construction work begins for the exhibition center to host the Thessaloniki International Trade Fair.
  39. 28th March 1941: The British today defeated the Italian fleet at the Battle of Matapan.
  40. 28th March 1942: The Nazi-occupied French port of St Nazaire was today raided by the British Naval forces.
  41. 28th March 1942: King Georg VI awarded the people of Malta, a small Mediterranean island, the Georg Cross Medal for Bravery.

  42. 28th March 1945: Germany today launched the first of the V-2 rockets against England.
  43. 28th March 1947: The American Helicopter Society revealed today, a flying device that can be strapped to a person’s body.
  44. 28th March 1950: Yugoslavia and the United States made an effort to pave the way for clearing the travel restrictions to Yugoslavia. The issue of dual nationality was also discussed.
  45. 28th March 1957: The first National Curling Championship was held today.
  46. 28th March 1959: China dissolves Tibet’s government 11 days after the Tibet uprising and installs Panchen Lama.
  47. 28th March 1960: The first Japanese, African, and Filipino cardinals were appointed by Pope John today.
  48. 28th March 1960: A Scotch whisky factory in Glasgow, Scotland exploded. Twenty firefighters were buried in the explosion.
  49. 28th March 1962: The U.S. Air Force today announced research in the field of application of lasers for intercepting missiles and satellites.
  50. 28th March 1962: There was a military coup in Syria. President Nazim al-Kudsi flees Syria.
  51. 28th March 1963: Amid the Cold War between Russia and America, an American woman married a Russian man while studying in Moscow despite opposition from the mother of the woman and the Red Communist Party in Russia.
  52. 28th March 1964: The first pirate radio station (Radio Caroline) was set up near England.
  53. 28th March 1964: A massive earthquake of 9.2 magnitude rocks Prince William Sound in Alaska.
  54. 28th March 1967: The UN proposals for peace in Vietnam were today made public by UN Secretary-General U Thant.

  55. 28th March 1968: The United States today lost its first F-111 aircraft in the Vietnam War. North Vietnam claimed that they had shot the plane down.
  56. 28th March 1970: An earthquake of magnitude 7.4 destroys 254 villages in Turkey. 1086 people lost their lives.
  57. 28th March 1972: A small bit of farming information appeared in print which said that a typical U.S. farm now produces enough food and fiber to supply the needs of up to 45 people (39 at home and 6 abroad). Ten years ago an average farm could support only 24 people.
  58. 28th March 1972: USSR performs nuclear test at Eastern Kazakh/Semipalitinsk USSR.
  59. 28th March 1977: Morarji Desai forms government in India.
  60. 28th March 1978: Daryl Gates today became the 49th chief of the Los Angeles Police Department.
  61. 28th March 1979: In a major accident that occurred at Pennsylvania’s Three Mile Island nuclear power plant, the nuclear power reactor suffered a partial meltdown.
  62. 28th March 1979: British government of Callaghan falls.
  63. 28th March 1981: Indonesian terrorists hijacked a plane in Bangkok, Thailand. Four of the five terrorists were killed on March 31st.
  64. 28th March 1981: France performs a nuclear test today.
  65. 28th March 1982: In El Salvador, JN Duarte’s Christian Democrats win elections.
  66. 28th March 1986: A $ 100 million aid package to Nicaragua contras was today passed by the U.S. Senate.
  67. 28th March 1986: In Ludhiana, Punjab, in India, 13 Hindus were killed by suspected Sikh Extremists.
  68. 28th March 1986: “We are the World” was today played simultaneously on more than 6000 radio stations of all formats at 10:15 EST.

  69. 28th March 1990: A joint Anglo-US sting operation carried out in Britain came to an end today with the seizure of 40 capacitors that can be used for the triggering mechanism of nuclear weapons.
  70. 28th March 1990: Lithuania which was formerly a part of the USSR decided against their earlier plan to implement a border guard to avoid conflict with Soviet troops.
  71. 28th March 1990: U.S. President George H. W. Bush today gave away the Congressional Gold Medal to Jesse Owens.
  72. 28th March 1991: A fire broke out in Moscow which severely damaged the US Embassy.
  73. 28th March 1993: The parliamentary elections in France were won by the Conservatives.
  74. 28th March 1994: In Johannesburg, 18 people died due to violence between the supporters of the African National Congress and the Zulus.
  75. 28th March 1994: The right-wing alliance under Silvio Berlusconi in Italy wins the elections.
  76. 28th March 1994: BBC Radio Five Live broadcast for the first time in the United Kingdom.
  77. 28th March 1995: Japan’s Mitsubishi Bank and Bank of Tokyo merged today to form the World’s largest bank.

    21st Century – March 28 This Day In History – The 2000s

  78. 28th March 2000: A CSX freight train rams into a Murray County, Georgia School bus today. Three children died in the accident.
  79. 28th March 2000: As President Robert Mugabe pressed on with his plan to remove Zimbabwe’s farms from white ownership, a white farmer was shot dead by squatters occupying his land.
  80. 28th March 2002: The exhibit “The Italians: Three Centuries of Italian Art” opened today at the National Gallery of Australia.
  81. 28th March 2002: The wife of Lt. Colonel Mark Engenan, Charlotte, who was a very active medical volunteer in Northern Italy received the “Spouse of the Year Award”.
  82. 28th March 2005: An earthquake of magnitude 8.7, the second strongest earthquake since 1960 which hit Sumatra, rocked the entire Indonesia.
  83. 28th March 2006: More than a million people, mostly students took to the streets in France to protest against the “Conrat premiere embauche”, the employment contract which would make it easier for employers to fire employees below 26 years of age without assigning any reason and with very little notice.

  84. 28th March 2007: Arab leaders are holding a peace talk in Saudi Arabia’s capital city of Riyadh. They have urged Israel to accept the Arab peace initiative proposed in 2002 under which the Arabian countries would recognize Israel if it withdraws from lands it has occupied since 1967. The plan also caters to the creation of a Palestinian state and the return of Palestinian refugees.
  85. 28th March 2008: Germany today recognized Kosovo’s independence and converted its diplomatic office in Prishtina into an embassy.
  86. 28th March 2008: President George Bush of the United States today said that the economy of the United States is only slowing down and the United States is not going into recession.
  87. 28th March 2009: Thousands of people led by the Put People First alliance of charities and unions marched through the streets of London to demand action on poverty, climate change, and employment.
  88. 28th March 2009: President Obama promotes a Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate forum in Washington to address climate change issues.
  89. 28th March 2010: China’s Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Co. today signed a deal to buy Ford Motor Company’s Volvo car unit.
  90. 28th March 2010: Israel seals off the West Bank from midnight until midnight of 6th April during its traditional Passover biblical religious holiday.
  91. 28th March 2012: After North Korea violated a missile test moratorium by announcing their plans for a rocket launch in the middle of April, the United States suspended plans to send food aid to that country.
  92. 28th March 2013: In a conflict between rebels and government troops in Pibor County in Sudan, 143 rebels and 20 government troops lost their lives.
  93. 28th March 2013: 15 students were killed and 7 were injured when a mortar struck Damascus University.
  94. 28th March 2013: Thousands of students in Chile clashed with authorities in a protest for education reforms. The issue has been a point of contention since 2011.
  95. 28th March 2013: Pope Francis became the first Pope to wash the feet of women in the Maundy Thursday service.
  96. 28th March 2013: After remaining closed for two weeks, banks in Cyprus re-opened with the government agreeing to a 10 billion euro bailout deal with the European Union and the International Monitory Fund.
  97. 28th March 2014: Suspected militants attacked an Indian military camp in Kashmir. One person was shot and killed.

  98. 28th March 2014: Russia today increased the price of gas to Ukraine by 80%.
  99. 28th March 2014: Among people who traveled to Guinea, 2 cases of Ebola were reported in Liberia.
  100. 28th March 2015: Officials find that the co-pilot of the downed Germanwings Flight 4U 9525, Andreas Lubitz, had mental and physical health problems that he hid from the airline. The doctor’s note, excusing him from work on the day that he crashed the plane.

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