Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Nymphs – Fairy Grimoire

Who Are Nymphs?

Mysterious maidens hiding in nature, a nubile young lady swimming nude in a pond in the deep woods, these are stories that have been passed down through history in every culture. Most likely these are ‘nymphs‘. These spirits are stewards of nature, and there are five types which were popular with Grecian scholars. Each type was symbolic to some aspect of nature and gave life and virility to that natural space.


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The spaces that you will find nymphs inhabiting will be places of great natural beauty.  And, one must take great caution with these places. They will defend them with what abilities they have. But, know that you can cause harm to these gentle beings by polluting the area they inhabit. They are inextricably bound to these natural features and are affected by things that affect these places.


Types Of Nymphs

In some cases, there are names for certain classes of nymphs. There are Celestial Nymphs, Land Nymphs, Plant Nymphs, Underworld Nymphs, and Water Nymphs by classification. But the water nymphs themselves are typically the Nereid. In addition, some speculate that mermaids, and sirens, fall under the spectrum of nymphs, but these are likely different creatures with their realms of control.


Nereids were the most common because one can find water just about everywhere. Also, they are certainly the most popular, and in some cases reviled. Nymphs love tricking and attracting men and women.


They as such are quite fond of being coy and playful. They bathe nude in the waters of mountain and forest streams and waterfalls. Also, they deliberately act out in ways to attract attention to themselves like the fairies. If you allow them to get a hold of you, they will drag you into their watery realm and no one will ever see you again.

These tendencies have carried over in some of the terminology we’ve been known to use today. The term nymphomania is a “desire to engage in human sexual behavior at a level high enough to be considered clinically significant”, and young girls who are sexually precocious are referred to as nymphet, a word made infamous by Vladimir Nabokov’s book “Lolita”.



If you should find yourself near a Neried’s home, or a place you believe a nereid to inhabit, remember that respect of their home and their realm is of paramount importance. Leaving them small gifts such as swaths of cloth, candles, or even simply scattering rose petals upon the waters of their homes can be welcome.


One can leave small crystals for those who dwell in earthier dwellings, or toss them into ponds. One can tie ribbons and decorations about as well.


Also, remember that they are vain creatures, and like all vain creatures, you may appease them rather than deal with their mischievousness.

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