Thursday, September 12, 2024

7 Chakras Palmistry – Your Fate In Your Palms

7 Chakras and Palmistry

Mounts on the palm represent various Chakras. Thus the beginning of the fate line from different mounts is directly influenced by these 7 Chakras in palmistry.

The Fate Line is associated with the professional life and the career path of the person. It is also called Line of Destiny, and Line of Life Path. When the Fate Line is absent on the palm, the person would struggle to identify the profession that would make him happy.


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Importance of the Fate Line

The Fate Line is important for wealth and a good flow of money. It indicates the amount of income throughout life. If the Fate Line is clear, deep, and without any crosses, squares, breaks, chains, or dots on it, it is a good sign of wealth, but it is not by itself a guarantee for wealth throughout life.


There are a few more important signs needed to predict a wealthy life. These include the quality of the SunLine, the Head Line, and the balance of the hand shape. The Head Line is important in the professional path since any disturbance in it affects the mental flow and therefore affects the career negatively. An island on the headline, for example, indicates confusion at a specific age.


The Fate Line starts from the Wrist

Typically, the Fate Line is centrally located in the middle of the palm running from the wrist to the middle finger. It indicates that the person is driven by one profession which offers both satisfaction and a good income.

If the Fate Line is closer to the Life Line, then the person is driven more by the financial benefits. If it is closer to the Mount of the Moon, the person is driven more by self-fulfillment and by a spiritual cause.


The Chakra Connection

Fate Line starting from the Mount of Venus

You can see the connection to the Chakras in this indication. When the Fate Line starts from the Mount of Venus (the area representing the sacral chakra) the career choice is influenced by the family.


When the Fate Line starts from the middle of the wrist (the area representing the root chakra) the career’s choice is driven by money-making or the survival instinct of the root chakra. And, when Fate Line starts from the Mount of the Moon (they represent the crown chakra) the career choice is driven more by the spiritual life purpose of the person.


Fate Line starting from the Mount of Moon

The Fate Line can also begin from the Mount of the Moon. In this case, the subconscious mind or the spiritual chakra (crown chakra) is affecting the career path of the person. In other words, the person might be driven to a profession without being able to identify exactly what he wants. But, sooner or later, destiny gets activated and some unexpected turn in fortune takes place.

It is also interesting to see it as an extension of the Line Of Intuition which makes the career a way of using intuition in real life and making money from spiritual gifts. It also indicates that one or many persons of the opposite sex will play a major role. This might be in improving the situation leading to success and happiness in a career.

The closer the Fate Line is to the Mount of the Moon, the more likely the person would follow his or her path in career, moving away from home and family restrictions.

Fate Line touching the Life Line

If the Fate Line is touching the Life Line, it indicates a career choice that is influenced. This can be by family advice, tradition, or a need for security. Often the person works in the family business or the same career as one of her parents. For example, Michael Jackson has such a fate line. And, his career as a singer was in a sense the family business.

Also See: Variations of Psychic Readings

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