Saturday, January 18, 2025

9 Feng Shui Tips For Healthy Finances

9 Feng Shui Tips For Improving Finances

Did you know that being superstitious can help you manage your money? I’m not talking about winning the lottery after visiting a wishing well, nor am I talking about making a thriving trade in the stock market because an Ouija Board told you to do so. However, I am talking about the ancient superstitious philosophy of Feng Shui. 9 Feng Shui Tips For Healthy Finances can help you transform the way you think about personal finance for the better.


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Translating to “wind-water,” Feng Shui was born from the old Chinese philosopher Gui Pu’s Classic of Burial as one of the Five Arts of Chinese Metaphysics. It was chastised by Westerners thanks to the Boxer Rebellion and the media, but as of the 1970s, it has been rebranded in the West thanks to interior decorators, architects, and artists.

In short, Feng Shui is the practice of organizing structures in the metaphoric terms of invisible forces that bind everything together. These unseen forces are called “qi” (pronounced with a hard “ch” sound and rhyming with tea). Both physical and metaphysical things apply when it comes to this type of organization.


Now, you may be asking how on earth this philosophy relates to personal finance. It’s a system that stresses formulaic organization and constant awareness, and the inner workings and rules that Feng Shui upholds can directly apply to keeping track of your funds, saving, and spending your money wisely.

More than the superstition of balancing qi, the actual practices of Feng Shui can help you transform the way you think about personal finance for the better. Here are nine ways that Feng Shui can help you manage your money:


Feng Shui for finances

How To Make Money With Feng Shui

#1. Organization

This is essential in many facets of life but is an especially integral part of Feng Shui. The organization is the essence of arranging your personal life to maximize the flow of positive energy. For you to even begin to keep track of your funds and expenditures, you must be able to effectively organize all of the necessary documents and files about your savings and spending.

It is said that the cardinal southwest is the most prosperous direction, so the Feng Shui philosophy encourages its followers to store valuable items in that area of their home. This tip won’t directly affect your finances, but it is a fun way to start the process of organizing your paperwork and which items you, and others, find valuable.

#2. Keep track of funds

Feng Shui stresses checking up on things in your personal life regularly to make sure everything is orderly and organized to maximize a healthy qi balance. This directly applies to personal finance by continually checking your account balances, checking and savings alike.

This will help encourage you to not splurge or overspend on something you can’t afford by acting as a constant reminder of exactly how much money you have.


#3. Save receipts and invoices

Feng shui pushes its subscribers to save, be it physical items or something intangible such as time. One of the best ways to manage bills, payments, and general spending is to keep the payment receipts.

If you have less money in your checking account than you anticipated by the end of the month, saving receipts and invoices allows you to go back and accurately check your spending to find any mistakes, as well as lets you plan for the next month, so you don’t find yourself short again.


Feng Shui for finances

#4. Keep it simple

Anyone who subscribes to Feng Shui will preach simplicity. Just as an arrangement of buildings or furniture, there should never be anything that doesn’t have an essential purpose or function. To reduce clutter, get rid of any unnecessary documents.

Make sure that anything of value you have that draws away from the qi of the room or building is put away in a safe, protected place.


#5. Be humble

Not only is being a braggart frowned upon in the context of this philosophy and life, but it can sometimes add to the clutter of the area, decreasing the flow of energy. Don’t be afraid to liquidate valuables that you don’t need to remove clutter and add some paper backing to your savings accounts.

Don’t prominently display a valuable item if it doesn’t add to the décor of the room, instead lock it away for safekeeping. Not only will this help protect your more precious belongings, but it will also help to change and reinforce positive qualities that others will respect upon entering your home.

#6. Make sensible purchases

Going hand-in-hand with the values of humbleness, it is crucial in both maintaining Feng Shui philosophy as well as ineffective personal finance to only buy things within reason. Stray away from any purchases that could be regarded as superficial.

Online shopping is dangerous in this way, due to it being straightforward sometimes to forget the sheer quantity of items you may be purchasing.


Feng Shui for finances

#7. If you splurge, make sure it’s something worthy

The last point doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t buy anything deemed unnecessary. Perhaps you’ve always wanted to complete a collection of craft beers, or maybe there was a trip you’ve always wanted to take.

Feng shui tradition makes room for some purchases as long as they’re part of a productive goal you’ve previously had. Remember, don’t make the additional purchase unless all other facets of your financial life are sound. Organization and sensibility are critical here.

#8. The Five Elements, or know who you are

Feng Shui highlights the five primary elements and claims that a person will embody all of those elements but will tend to gravitate closer to one in particular. Those elements are wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. Wood personalities tend to be competitive and ambitious, while fire personalities are lively and social.

Earth personalities are more nurturing and crave a sense of belonging while metal personalities enjoy neatness and honor. Last but not least, water personalities are the most modest and introspective.

While you don’t necessarily need to fit one of these descriptions, it is essential to take a good look at your personality and tendencies to make any decision, let alone a financial one. Feng shui elements can be a great start to your self-analyzation.

#9. Stay informed

Possibly the most general value that Feng Shui gives us is the urge to stay informed and knowledgeable. Half the battle is knowing where your money is currently, but the other half is knowing what to do with it in the future. Reading up on the economic and financial news is just as important as analyzing the institution or account type you decide to invest your money in.

Remember, knowledge eventually transforms into wisdom, and being wise is not only crucial in personal finance but also in the actualization of your world that Feng Shui strives to reach.

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