Saturday, July 27, 2024

Mercury Retrograde Dates For 2023 – 2024

2024 Mercury Retrograde Dates

January 1st, 2024 (Capricorn) – January 2nd, 2024 (Capricorn)

April 3rd, 2024 (Aries) – April 25th, 2024 (Taurus)

August 12th, 2024 (Leo) – August 27th, 2024 (Virgo)

2024 Mercury Retrograde Dates

2023 Mercury Retrograde Dates

January 1st, 2023 (Capricorn) – January 12th, 2023 (Capricorn)

April 22nd, 2023 (Taurus) – May 15th, 2023 (Taurus)

August 24th, 2023 (Virgo) – September 14th, 2023 (Virgo)

December 15th, 2023 (Sagittarius) – December 31st, 2023 (Capricorn)

2023 Mercury Retrograde Dates

2022 Mercury Retrograde Dates

January 15th, 2022 (Capricorn) – February 5th, 2022 (Aquarius)

May 11th, 2022 (Taurus) – June 2nd, 2022 (Gemini)

September 11th, 2022 (Virgo) – September 30th, 2022 (Libra)

December 31st, 2022 (Capricorn) – January 12th, 2023 (Capricorn)


2021 Mercury Retrograde Dates

January 30th, 2021 (Aquarius) – February 19th, 2021 (Pisces)

May 31st, 2021 (Gemini) – June 21st, 2021 (Gemini)

September 28th, 2021 (Libra) – October 16th, 2021 (Libra)

2021 mercury retrograde dates

2020 Mercury Retrograde Dates

Let us take a look at the Mercury Retrograde calendar for the coming year!

February 18th, 2020 (Aquarius) – March 9th, 2020 (Pisces)

June 19th, 2020 (Gemini) – July 11th, 2020 (Cancer)

October 16th, 2020 (Libra) – November 2nd, 2020 (Scorpio)

mercury retrograde 2020

2019 Mercury Retrograde Dates

March 5th, 2019 (Pisces) – March 26th, 2019 (Aries)

July 9th, 2019 (Cancer) – July 30th, 2019 (Leo)

November 1st, 2019 (Scorpio) – November 18th, 2019 (Scorpio)

mercury retrograde 2019

Revisiting Retrogrades

Anyone who has the slightest knowledge of astrology beyond their zodiac sign knows that Mercury retrograde can be a very frustrating time. Wires get crossed during failed attempts to communicate with others. Technology goes on the fritz. Accidents happen on the road.

God help you should you sign a contract during a Mercury retrograde! Invariably, there will be something wrong with that contract. Either something crucial will have been overlooked, or the agreement will fall through in some way, usually with very dire consequences to one or more parties involved.

People seem to live in fear of Mercury going retrograde, which is understandable, but silly since it happens three times every year. Mercury only stays retrograde for three weeks at a pop, but if you don’t know what to do to weather the storm, those three weeks can feel like an eternity.

Mercury Retrograde Meaning

Mercury retrograde is all about slowing down and being more mindful. Communication is difficult (but not impossible) during this period. Be patient with other people and be more present in your expression.

Nine times out of ten, this compassionate deliberation will get you through. In that rare case where compassionate deliberation is not enough, it might be best to put the interaction off until Mercury goes direct again in a few weeks.

Influence of Mercury Retrograde

Mercury retrograde calendar encourages us to slow down in all aspects of our lives. Our modern mindset forces us to constantly go, go, go. We never seem to relax, and, what’s worse is that we always seem to be jumping from project to project in an attempt to accomplish something new or better. Too often, this urge to succeed prevents us from being thorough in the projects that we do take on. We don’t strive to get them done right, to get them done.

Mercury in retrograde gives us a chance to go back and redo it the correct way. By slowing down, going back to our previous work, and tying up loose ends, we will be more in line with the energies present during a Mercury retrograde.

Aligning ourselves with these energies will prevent us from fighting the current, which will make our own lives easier during these frustrating times. Ultimately, by going retrograde ourselves (going back over our work), we will avoid many of the pitfalls normally associated with this period in the planetary cycle.

As I have been saying throughout this entire series of articles, the wise choice is to go with the flow and not fight the current of life. There is a time for everything, and if you approach everything in its time, you will succeed effortlessly.

What Do We Learn From Mercury Retrogrades

So, how do we, as mere mortals, learn from the ways of the wise?

The answer: Apply this astrological knowledge to your mundane life. Consider all of the projects you are currently working on. Next time Mercury goes retrograde, stop attempting to progress on each of your endeavors.

Instead, comb through those projects and find where you can go back, review, edit, redo, re-evaluate, change tacks, or slow down and check your accuracy.

Use Mercury retrograde periods as a welcome reprieve from the crazy break-neck pace that society requires you to take the other 302 days a year and slow down.

Mercury Retrograde happens 3 to 4 times in year when planet Mercury comes between the Sun and the Earth. With its concentration of iron, the planet has a magnetic influence on the behavior of human beings, and some strange things appear to happen during the retrograde period.

Though the Retrograde of Mercury lasts for three weeks, the whole cycle lasts two months. Three Mercury Retrogrades happen in the year 2015.

2015 Mercury Retrograde Dates

January 21st, 2015 – February 11th, 2015 (In Aquarius zodiac sign)

May 18th, 2015 – June 11th, 2015 (In Gemini zodiac sign)

September 17th, 2015 – October 9th, 2015 (In Libra zodiac sign)

Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra are all air signs.

Three Mercury Retrogrades happen in the year 2015

The world is moving at a rapid speed and if we have to succeed we have to adapt to situations and our intellectual faculties should respond quickly to the changing environment.

We have to expand the limits of our vision and start thinking out of the box to create new possibilities, innovations, and ingenious methods. These are what planet Mercury symbolizes in astrology.

Year 2015 as per numerology adds up to Number EIGHT combines the intellectual and practical abilities to produce new products, technologies, businesses, and professions. We have the right opportunity to transform the world with our new ideas and inventions this year if we put our minds to it.

2016 Mercury Retrograde Dates

January 5th 2016 (Aquarius) – January 25th 2016 (Capricorn)

April 28th 2016 – May 22nd 2016 (Taurus)

August 30th 2016 – September 21st 2016 (Virgo)

December 19th 2016 (Sagittarius) – January 8th 2017 (Capricorn)

2016 Mercury Retrograde Dates

Planet Mercury in astrology is connected with creativity and mental abilities. The transit of the planet Mercury between the Sun and the Earth will cause these retrogrades. These retrogrades normally last for three weeks while the overall effects will be felt over 2 months.

Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo are all earth zodiac signs and the retrogrades will bring in changes in the physical elements. They will directly influence the health, financial situation, and professional environment during the period of Mercury Retrograde in 2016.

Year 2016 adds up to Number NINE which signifies the completion of the nine-year cycle. This is a year of completion of the existing ideas and projects paving the way for fresh thoughts and projects next year.

We can enjoy the benefits of our actions over the past eight years and review the necessary changes for the next nine-year cycle based on our experience.

See Also:

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