Thursday, January 16, 2025

7 Tips For A Great First Vacation With Your Boyfriend

7 Tips For A Great First Vacation With Your Boyfriend

Have you and your new guy been hit with wanderlust? Are you mooning over travel brochures and imagining romantic walks on the beach?


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You may be ready for your first vacation together. But before you book the flight, consider these dating tips that will help you make the most of your vacation and minimize the chance of a tropical breakup.


#1. Find a destination that matches both your personalities

When planning your vacation, think of how you both like to relax. Do you love non-stop go-go activity or do you prefer snoozing under a beach umbrella? Do you love urban spaces or country places?


Do you prefer museums or shopping? Discuss your options with your boyfriend, and be honest with each other about what you really like. If he’s not into surfing, don’t pick this first vacation to convince him otherwise.


#2. Stay relatively close to home

You can usually find exotic locales within a 2-3 hour plane ride. Don’t pick a place so far away that you spend most of your time traveling.

Jet lag will make you both cranky, which is no way to spend a first vacation together. Also, try to stay in one place. Attempting to see 5 cities in 4 days will add logistical stress to your get-away.

#3. Keep it short

You may be tempted to go for the two week cruise, but for this first trip, keep it to between 3 and 5 days, especially if you haven’t spent a lot of non-stop time with your guy before.

The stress, uncertainty and novelty of travel can bring out new personality traits in anyone. If you realize that you made a big mistake, a short trip means you don’t have long to endure it.


#4. Choose a relaxed vacation

Wherever you decide to go, don’t plan for something too intense. Don’t choose this trip to do your first Iron Man triathlon or engage in a primal scream therapy retreat. Find something amusing but not demanding, like a cruise, a resort or car camping.

Don’t over schedule a trip either. Plan on a couple of fun activities and then leave the rest open. Most people forget how tiring travel can be, and if you push yourself to keep up with a jammed schedule, you’ll be too exhausted to have fun.

Along with scheduling light, be sure to pack light. Don’t make plans that require formal wear and bring the bare minimum. You can always purchase last minute necessities when you get there.

#5. Plan ahead as much as possible

Although you are keeping your vacation relaxed and simple, do plan ahead for any activities that require tickets, reservations or departure times. Get transportation tickets, show tickets, hotel reservations before you leave.

These major plans will form the structure of your vacation and if you have it ironed out ahead of time, you’ll have less stress dealing with it on your trip.


Having these major items planned out ahead will also help you see what the expenses of the trip will be. Talk with your boyfriend about how you’ll split those expenses before you make any reservations. A 50/50 split is fair, and then you can pay for your own souvenirs, massages, or snorkeling lessons.

#6. Be super flexible

Once you hit the road, you can count on surprise difficulties. Disney World will be closed due to a rabid mouse infestation. Your rental car will die 60 miles outside of nowhere. One of you will get sick on the sushi you bought at the highway truck stop.


When these bumps come up, try to deal with them graciously. Look for any way to make the best of the situation.

If Disney is closed, go to the beach instead. The point of the vacation is for the two of you to get away together. If it doesn’t turn out exactly as planned, be flexible enough to work around it.


#7. Have fun!

Regardless of where you go or what you do, focus on having a great time. Remember why you wanted to spend time with your terrific guy in the first place, and enjoy having him all to yourself for a while.


It’s ok to have some separate activities, too. He might want to play golf while you check out the shops. Just make a plan to meet up later and share your triumphs.

Taking a vacation with your boyfriend can be one of the most exciting, romantic, and intimate experiences you two have. Ideally, you’ll create great memories and deepen your relationship. Just stay focused on what’s important, and you’ll have an adventure to remember forever.

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