Saturday, July 27, 2024
Famous Events For July 3

Famous Events For July 3 – Today In History

July 3: Today in History – Historical Events

Early Centuries – July 3  Historic Events – Before the 1700s

1. 3rd July 1090: German emperor defeated Earl Egbert II at the battle of Hagenoorde.
2. 3rd July 1187: Jerusalem’s crusader army was destroyed by Sultan Saladin of Egypt and Syria.
3. 3rd July 1250: Bai bars’ Mamluk army captures Louis IX of France at the battle of Fariskur while conducting the seventh crusade in Egypt.

4. 3rd July 1608: The city of Quebec was founded by French explorer Samuel D Champlain today.
5. 3rd July 1630: German parliament was inaugurated today by Emperor Ferdinand II.
6. 3rd July 1661: Portugal gave Tangier and Bombay to English King Charles II today.

18th Century – What Happened on July 3 – The 1700s

7. 3rd July 1720: Signing of the peace treaty by Sweden and Denmark.
8. 3rd July 1754: George Washington surrenders Fort Necessity to the French.
9. 3rd July 1767: The first newspaper “Adresseavisen” was published today.
10. 3rd July 1775: At Cambridge in Massachusetts, George Washington took command of the Continental Army today.
11. 3rd July 1778: 360 men, women, and children were massacred by British Forces in Wyoming, Pennsylvania today.
12. 3rd July 1778: Prussia declared war on Austria today.

19th Century – July 3 This Day That Year – The 1800s

13. 3rd July 1814: Fort Erie in Canada was captured by America today.
14. 3rd July 1819: Opening of the first savings bank in America “Bank of Savings” in New York City.
15. 3rd July 1839: The first state normal school in the U.S., with 3 students opened today at Lexington in Massachusetts.
16. 3rd July 1845: French magician Jean-Eugene Robert-Houdini opened his magic theater in Paris today.
17. 3rd July 1848: Danish West Indies frees its slaves.
18. 3rd July 1852: The second mint in the U.S. was authorized by the Congress today.
19. 3rd July 1861: Pony Express arrived in San Francisco carrying overland letters from New York.
20. 3rd July 1871: Outlaw Jesse James robbed $45,000 from a bank in Corydon, Iowa.
21. 3rd July 1883: SS Dolphin sank on Clyde River in Scotland killing 195.
22. 3rd July 1884: First publication of stock index by Dow Jones, the Dow Jones transportation average.

23. 3rd July 1886: The first commercial linotype machine was used for printing the first New York Tribune.
24. 3rd July 1886: Automobile Engineer and inventor Karl Benz drove his first automobile in Germany today.
25. 3rd July 1890: Idaho was admitted today as the 43rd US state.
26. 3rd July 1898: The Dutch Automobile Club was established today.
27. 3rd July 1898: Seaman Joshua Slocum single-handedly completed his first circumnavigation of the globe.

20th Century – Important Events On This Day July 3rd – The 1900s

28. 3rd July 1900: Tsar Nicolas of Russia, to arrest the growing popular resentment, issued a decree abolishing the banishment of dissidents and troublemakers in Siberia.
29. 3rd July 1900: In the Anglo-Boer war, the British evacuated Rustenburg and occupied Commando Nek and Silkaatsnek today.

30. 3rd July 1905: Reformation of Kuyper government in Holland.
31. 3rd July 1907: Pope decreed modernization of theology.
32. 3rd July 1908: In India, in the wake of the Muzaffarpur bombing, Indian nationalist Bal Gangadhar Tilak was arrested by the British for sedition.
33. 3rd July 1915: German teacher Erich Muenter, who exploded a bomb at the Senate reception room the previous day, shot J P Morgan for representing the British government in war contract negotiations.
34. 3rd July 1918: Suze Groenweg of the Social Democratic Workers Party of Netherlands was the first woman to be elected to the Dutch parliament.
35. 3rd July 1920: Bill Tilden of America beat defending champion Gerald Patterson of Australia 2-6, 6-3, 6-2, 6-4 to become the first American male to win the Wimbledon Championship.
36. 3rd July 1920: Air display by Royal Air Force at Hendon in England.

37. 3rd July 1922: Arctic explorer and diplomat Fridtjof Nansen convened an intergovernmental conference in Geneva, on Identity Certificates for Russian refugees and created Nanson passports for stateless persons.
38. 3rd July 1928: The first color television transmission was demonstrated in London by the inventor of color television John Logie Baird.
39. 3rd July 1929: Foam rubber was made by Dunlop Latex Development Laboratories.
40. 3rd July 1934: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation paid off the first depositors of Fon du Lac Bank, East Peoria, Illinois.
41. 3rd July 1938: The Eternal Light Peace Memorial dedicated by President F.D. Roosevelt by lighting the eternal flame at Gettysburg Battle Field.
42. 3rd July 1939: A rocket plane capable of 800 kmph was demonstrated to Adolf Hitler by Ernst Heinkel today.
43. 3rd July 1940: The use of Dutch royal names was forbidden by German occupiers.
44. 3rd July 1942: Adolf Hitler paid a visit to Field Marshal Von Bock at his headquarters in Ukraine.

45. 3rd July 1943: U-623 was today sunk by Liberator bombers.
46. 3rd July 1944: Assault on Coutances Cotentin by US V-III-E Army corps.
47. 3rd July 1946: At a huge meeting in Cape Town attended by 1,500 people, the Cape Passive Resistance Council was established.
48. 3rd July 1947: A record number of people, 252,288 people, passed through Grand Central Station in New York City today.
49. 3rd July 1947: Soviet Union abstained from the Marshall Plan.
50. 3rd July 1952: US Congress approved the Constitution of Puerto Rico today.
51. 3rd July 1962: This day marks the end of the Algerian revolution against French rule.
52. 3rd July 1963: In one of New Zealand’s worst domestic civil aviation accidents, a Dakota DC-3 of National Airways Corporation crashed in Kalmia ranges, killing all 23 passengers and crew.
53. 3rd July 1965: A dam building and economic pact signed by USSR and Persia today.
54. 3rd July 1966: Race riots break out in Omaha Nebraska.

55. 3rd July 1968: Sit down strike in Ireland by Derry Housing Action Committee on the newly opened second deck of the Craigavon Bridge as a protest against housing conditions in Derry.
56. 3rd July 1969: In Rhode Island, the Newport Jazz Festival in Newport was attended by 78,000 people today.
57. 3rd July 1970: A British aircraft crashed in Barcelona killing 112 today.
58. 3rd July 1970: Curfew imposed on the Falls Road area in Belfast by the British army to facilitate the search for weapons in the wake of an attack from official IRA and republican rioters.
59. 3rd July 1974: Two Cosmonauts were taken to space station Salyut 3 by Soyuz 14.
60. 3rd July 1977: The Senegalese Republican Movement was founded today.
61. 3rd July 1981: In New York City transit fares were hiked from 60 cents to 75 cents, new Y-cut-out brass token.
62. 3rd July 1984: England’s spinner Derick Underwood, after 22 years scored his maiden 1st class century for Kent playing against Sussex at Hastings.

63. 3rd July 1984: In a test match at Lords in England, Gordon Greenidge, the West Indies opener scored a brilliant 214 off 242 balls. West Indies won the match by 9 wickets.
64. 3rd July 1986: Kuwait dissolved its National Assembly (Majlis al-Umma) today.
65. 3rd July 1986: Relighting renovated Statue of Liberty was presided over by President Ronald Regan today.
66. 3rd July 1988: An Iranian Airbus 300 was shot down by US Vincennes in the Strait of Hormuz killing 290 people.
67. 3rd July 1992: South Africa which was expelled from FIFA in 1961 got its membership reinstated after a united non-racial FA, release of political prisoners, and freeing political parties.
68. 3rd July 1997: Mississippi was the first state to settle a tobacco suit.

21st Century – July 3 This Day In History – The 2000s

69. 3rd July 2001: OPEC ministers in a meeting agreed to maintain current production rates and consider production cuts when Iraqi oil returns to the market to maintain desired price levels.
70. 3rd July 2004: Bangkok’s subway system was officially opened today.
71. 3rd July 2004: Maria Sharapova became the first Russian player to win the Wimbledon women’s Tennis championship. She beat Serena Williams of the U.S. 6-1, 6-4.
72. 3rd July 2005: Spain legalizes same-sex marriage.
73. 3rd July 2009: Mark II.5 Skytrain cars inducted into Vancouver Metro service.
74. 3rd July 2012: A truck bomb in Iraq killed 25 and wounded 40.
75. 3rd July 2013: Military in Egypt deposed President Mohammad Morsi and appointed Adly Mansour as the interim President.
76. 3rd July 2014: The first nationwide minimum wage law was passed in Germany fixing the minimum wage at 8.5 euros.
77. 3rd July 2018: Obama’s affirmative action policies in college admissions were overturned by the US Justice and Education Department today.
78. 3rd July 2018: Lahore in Pakistan received the worst monsoon rains in decades today, which swamped Lahore and killed 6.

79. 3rd July 2018: In Tunisia, Souad Abderrahim was elected today as Mayor of Tunis. She became the first female Mayor of Tunis.
80. 3rd July 2018: In Malaysia, former Prime Minister Najib Razak was accused of stealing $700 million from state development fund 1MBD and arrested on charges of corruption.

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