Saturday, February 15, 2025
feng shui meditation

What Is Feng Shui Meditation?

Feng Shui Meditation – Why It Is Good For You?

In a world of constant change, busy, chaotic, and moving all the time, rarely are we in control or aware of how it impacts us as individual human beings. There is energy all around us, pulling, taking energy from returning it; male and female, positive and negative, life and death energies. Feng Shui meditation creates a harmonious environment that facilitates happiness where you can spend time relaxing your mind and body.

If we are aware of it, we can manipulate and influence it. As a society, we have researched, harnessed, and attempted to implement methods to balance the world’s physical toll.

If we have grown more conscious of the foods and drinks we consume. Strengthening your physical body so that you can live healthier, longer lives. We indulge in various relaxing activities, attempting to “escape” from our stressful reality. We dye our hair to hide the greys and cover our wrinkles with makeup, trying to erase the harshness of the past.

Rejuvenation With Feng Shui Meditation

These are attempts to rejuvenate our energy in one way or another. We seek to implement changes so that being victims of change is less profound. When we stop and think about it, we reflect on our environment. So we are affected and influenced by our surroundings. The Ancient Greek philosopher Hermes Trismegistus wrote, “As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…”.


But this phrase has so much truth and power as it relates to us in the twenty-first century. Not only are we a product of our environment, but we are also a contributing but buying facet of it, alternatively affecting those around us. We experience the world through our five senses; sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch.

What Is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui is the Chinese philosophical system of harmonizing oneself with the surrounding environment. Closely linked to Daoism, it translates to “wind‐water” in English. (Gempundit, 2015) The artistic practice of Feng Shui discusses architecture in metaphoric terms of “invisible forces” that bind the universe, earth, and humanity together, known as qi.


The contemporary Western practice of Feng Shui, often considered irreverent and controversial, has become known as an aspect and style of interior decorating. Critics of contemporary Feng Shui are concerned that this practice’s theory and significance will be lost as time goes on. Eventually, this art will be watered into another “New Age Energy” scam with arrays of metaphysical products, serving another consumerist, aesthetic society; ironically, further.

Feng Shui and Harmony

Feng Shui is meant to create a harmonious environment that facilitates happiness. It is intended to develop a way to produce a shift in energy by making small changes in a physical space to access the deeper mind and the self-image. It is essential to create this self-awareness and this space for yourself.

But it should be a dedicated area of peace and tranquillity, where you can spend the time relaxing your mind, body, and spirit. Many people can achieve this by removing themselves from a particular environment and retreating to another, usually more serene and peaceful, to re‐energize themselves.

One way of doing this at home is to select a particular space or room where you, as an individual, retreat and reflect. This space should be clean and free of clutter. Items that appeal to your sense of peace should be added. These can include a unique book, a painting, and even music.

You want something personally uplifting, creating a peaceful, happy memory for you. This practice evokes positive energy and emotions. Don’t be afraid of using your senses and the elements around you to fortify your meditative and therapeutic experience.


Features Of Feng Shui Meditation

#1. Sight

Be cautious of too much light or too much darkness in your space. Which soothes you more? Surround yourself with visual items that evoke positive energy and emotions; a photograph, special painting, or image, or an item of significance such as a charming bracelet or seashell. The articles should have a personal and positive value to you.


#2. Sound

So many practitioners use a singing bowl, a bell that creates unique sounds that are otherworldly and can be extremely relaxing to the mind and body.

They bring you into an altered state of consciousness. Other practitioners use soothing music, often instrumental. Think of the music you typically hear at spas.


#3. Smell

Using incense or a warm scented candle helps deepen your meditation as smells are associated with emotion and visualization. For example, using citrus scents is refreshing and brings about the vision of lemons, brightness, and happiness.

They are using aromatherapy techniques such as potpourri or room sprays. Air diffusers that add moisture to the air gradually incorporate essential oils and scents such as lavender can have a remarkable calming and soothing effect on the body.

#4. Touch

The texture is an essential aspect of sensory experience. Choosing warm colors and softer textures for fabrics can have a more stimulating experience. Lighter clothing is better; perhaps a particular pattern or color makes you feel safe and happy.

feng shui meditation

Our skin is the largest organ and has several nerve endings that register sensory perception, which becomes a part of our memories and overall reception of the experience at hand. Lighter clothing allows the skin to breathe, which can be refreshing after exposure to harsh chemicals, pollutants, and weather‐related elements.

#5. Taste

But one of my favorite ways to enrich my meditative experience is to drink tea. It not only adds to the aromatic aspect but it enhances the feeling of healing from within.

Loose-leaf teas offer a variety of flavors and aromas and healing benefits. You can even purchase flowering teas that blossom right before your eyes, adding to the visual appeal of your feng shui space.

Plenty of research is available to help you create your sanctuary as you try to achieve a state of harmony and happiness through the art of feng shui.

Using these aspects of feng shui will help you re‐center your energy, creating a source of strength, stability, sustenance, and solace as you endure and aim to create order in a constantly chaotic and changing world.

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