Friday, February 7, 2025
Famous Events For January 1

Famous Events For January 1 – Today In History

January 1: Today in History – Historical Events

Early Centuries – January 1  Historic Events – Before the 1700s

1. January 1st 990 AD, marks the day on which the Julian calendar was adopted by Russia.
2. 1st January 1430 AD, the Sicilian Jews were exempted from attending conversion services.
3. The Gladiator competition in Rome came to an end after holding the last competition on 1st Jan 404 AD.
4. 1st January 69 AD marks the uprising of the Roman garrison of Mainz.
5. Rio De Janeiro was discovered on this day by the Portuguese navigators on 1st Jan 1502.
6. In 1527 Ferdinand I of Austria was elected as King of Croatia in the Parliament of Cetin by the nobles of Croatia.


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7. It was on this day in the year 1515 that King Luis XII was succeeded by the Duke of Angouleme as Francis I of France.
8. January 1st 0001 marks the origin of the Christian era.
9. 1st January 313 marks the beginning of Pontifical Indiction in Rome.
10. It was on this day in the year 0089 that the German Gov Luis Antonius Saturninus became the Emperor of Rome.
11. It was on this day in the year 1673 that Mail delivery began from New York and Boston regularly.

18th Century – What Happened on January 1 – The 1700s

12. Pedro II was succeeded by his Son John V as king of Portugal on 1st January 1707
13. The entire Protestant Western Europe adopted the Gregorian calendar except for England on 1st January 1700.
14. Bovet Island in Antarctica was discovered on 1st Jan 1739 by the J B C Bovet de Lozier.
15. York was occupied by the New Modal army of Thomas Fairfax on 1st January 1689.
16. Paris premiers “Bajazet” by Jean Racine on 1st January 1672.


17. In the year 1600 Scotland changed its numbered year from March 25th to January 1st.
18. In 1622 January 1st was adopted as the beginning of the year instead of March 25th by the Papal Chancery.
19. Traveler’s cheques valid in 90 European cities came into being and the first of the travelers’ cheques sold in London on 1st January 1772.
20. Times of London, publishes its first issue of “Daily Universal Register” on 1st January 1785.
21. The first Jewish censor was appointed by Russia to censor Hebrew books on 1st January 1798.
22. It was on 1st January 1808 that the importation of slaves was banned by Congress.
23. The White House was reopened officially on 1st January 1818.
24. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland was formed by the Irish parliament voting to join Great Britain on 1st January 1801.
25. On 1st January 1827 the opium monopoly on Java was acquired by the Dutch trade company NMH.
26. The Governor of the Dutch Indies, Baron Van der Capellen resigned as Governor on 1st January 1826.
27. Daily Universal Register of London assumes its new identity as Times on 1st January 1788.
28. General Monk’s Army, on its way to London battles with the Tweed on 1st January 1660.
29. The Continental Union flag was hoisted by President, General George Washington, on 1st January 1776.
30. 1st January 1788 marks the day of the liberation of slaves by the Quakers of Pennsylvania.
31. 1st January 1800 marks the dissolution of the Dutch East Indies Company.


19th Century – January 1 This Day That Year – The 1800s

32. An order was issued by Emperor Gia Long on the 1st of January 1803 to collect all brassware of the Tay Son dynasty and melt them to form nine cannons for the Royal Citadel in Hue, Vietnam.
33. 1st January 1808 marks the formation of an African Benevolent (education) society.
34. The first official horse race was held in Adelaide, Australia on the 1st of January 1838.
35. 1st January 1845, marks the completion of the Cobble Hill tunnel in Brooklyn.
36. The Philadelphia-Liverpool line was inaugurated on 1st January 1851 by the Streamer City of Glasgow.
37. The issue of postage stamps by the Netherlands was done on 1st January 1852.
38. New York City opened its first public bath on the 1st of January 1852.
39. Capital punishment was abolished by Michigan on 1st January 1847.
40. The first horse-drawn fire engine was inducted into service by the US on 1st January 1853.
41. The decimal currency system was adopted by Canada on 1st January 1858.
42. 1st January 1860 marks the end of slavery in Neth Indies.
43. Abraham Lincoln proclaimed to liberate slaves in Confederate states on 1st January 1863.
44. Income tax came into being in the United States of America on the 1st of January 1862.
45. On 1st January 1848, Mosquito Costa was taken by the British from Nicaragua.
46. The first issue of illustrated weekly was published on the 1st January 1842 in the US, in New York City.
47. The salt tax was abolished by Belgium on 1st January 1871.
48. On 1st January 1877, Queen Victoria of England was proclaimed as the Empress of India.
49. Japan adopted the Gregorian calendar on 1st January 1893.
50. Work on the construction of the Panama Canal began on the 1st of January 1880.
51. On 1st January 1861 slavery was declared unlawful in the Confederate States by Abraham Lincoln.
52. Bronx was annexed by New York City on 1st January 1874.

53. South Africa opened Rail traffic from Germiston to Pretoria on 1st January 1893.
54. In Johannesburg South African Athletic Union was founded on 1st January 1894.
55. Mid-European time was adopted by Denmark on 1st January 1894.
56. Mid-European time was adopted by Norway on 1st January 1895.
57. The discovery of the X-ray was announced by its discoverer Wilhelm Rontgen on 1st January 1896.
58. On 1st January 1897 Atlanta U and Tuskegee were engaged in the 1st football game between black colleges.
59. The Whistling buoy at the mouth of SF Bay was replaced by a lightship on 1st January 1898.
60. On 1st January 1898 the present New York City for formed by the merger of Brooklyn with New York.
61. U.S. liberated Cuba from Spanish rule on 1st January 1899 but U.S. occupation of Cuba continued till 1902.
62. On 1st January 1900 education became compulsory in the Netherlands.


20th Century – Important Events On This Day January 1st – The 1900s

63. On 1st January 1903 a great Durbar was held in Delhi to mark the coronation of King Edward VII as the Emperor of India. In honor of this occasion, the British released 16000 prisoners.
64. On 1st January 1905 a nine-hour work day was introduced for diamond miners.
65. Opium production was started in the Nath Indies Islands on 1st January 1904.
66. A driver’s license was made mandatory by Dutch law on 1st January 1906.
67. Australia became the Commonwealth of Australia by the enactment of the Australian Commonwealth Act 1900 by the British Imperial Parliament on 1st January 1901.
68. The first public demonstration of Radio was made by Nathan Stubblefield in Penn on 1st January 1902.
69. Famous cricketer Jack Hobbs makes his test debut at the MC G on the 1st of January 1908.
70. On 1st January 1907, President Roosevelt created a record by shaking 8,513 hands in one day.
71. Robert Fowler created a world record by running a marathon in a record time of 2h52m45.4s on 1st January 1909.
72. 1st January 1909 also marks the institution of old age pension by Great Britain for British subjects over 70 who have a low income.
73. A Nine-and-a-half-hour work day was introduced for Belgian miners on 1st January 1911.
74. The Republic of China was established on 1st January 1912.


75. On 1st January 1913 the post parcel service was introduced by the post office.
76. 1st January 1914 marks the unification of Northern and Southern Nigeria to form the British Colony of Nigeria.
77. The first scheduled airline flight between St Petersburg and Tampa started on 1 January 1914.
78. Austria expelled the Jews of Laibach on the 1st of January 1915.
79. 1st January 1916 marks the first publication of “Journal of Negro History”.
80. On 1st January 1917 T. E. Lawrence joined the forces of Sheik Feisal al Husayn, the Arabian Sheik.
81. Henry Ford was succeeded by his son Edsel Ford as president of Ford Motor Company on 1st Jan 1919.
82. For Finland 1st January 1918 becomes the last day of the Julian calendar.
83. Vancouver changed over to driving on the right side of the road from 1st January 1922.
84. Coal miners started a strike in Transvaal in South Africa owing to wage cuts and escalated to a rebellion against the Government, which came to be known as the Rand Rebellion on 1st January 1922.
85. Christiania, the capital city of Norway changed its name to Oslo on 1st January 1925.
86. Rhine flood strikes Cologne on 1st January 1926.
87. Turkey changed from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar on 1st January 1927.
88. West Java witnesses a Communist uprising on 1st January 1927.
89. The first air-conditioned office building opened on 1st January 1928 in San Antonio.
90. On 1st January 1930, Earl Claus von Stauffenberg earned his promotion to 2nd lieutenant.
91. Unilever was established on 1st January 1930 by the merger of Jurgens & Van den Berg and Lever Brothers.


92. The 200th birth anniversary of George Washington was commemorated by issuing 12 commemorative stamps by the U.S. Post Office Department on 1st January 1932.
93. Massillon Ohio chooses Jacob Cocey Sr as its mayor on 1st January 1932.
94. “The Law for the Prevention of Genetically Diseased Offspring” was passed by Nazi Germany on 1st January 1934.
95. The International Telecommunication Union was established on 1st January 1934.
96. Alcatraz Island was officially declared a federal prison on 1st January 1934.
97. US bank guarantor “Federal Deposit Insurance Corp” comes into effect on 1st January 1934.
98. Wire photo was inaugurated by associated press on 1st January 1935.
99. On 1st January 1935 President Mustafa Kemal Pasha became the self-styled “Ataturk Father of Turkey”.
100. The New York Herald Tribune became the first newspaper to microfilm its current issues on 1st January 1936.

21st Century – January 1 This Day In History – The 2000s

101. 2004: General Pervez Musharraf elected president of Pakistan
102. 2007: Bulgaria and Romania join the European Union
103. 2007: 102 people were killed in the mid-air crash of Adam Air Flight in the Makassar Strait, Indonesia.
104. 2009: Night club fire in Bangkok, Thailand. 66 people died.
105. 2009: Slovakia becomes a part of the Eurozone.

106. 2010: Suicide Bomb attack at a volleyball tournament, Lukki Marwat, Pakistan. 105 killed and 100 injured.
107. 2011: Bomb explosion in the New Year Service, Coptic Christians, Alexandra, Egypt. 23 people lost their lives.
108. 2011: Estonia becomes the 17th Eurozone country. Adopts Euro as currency.
109. 2013:  Félix Houphouët-Boigny Stadium in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. 60 killed and 200 injured in a stampede after the celebrations.
110. 2015: Political and  Economic union between Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan. The Eurasian Economic Union takes its birth.

111. 2015: Lithuania becomes the 19th member of the Eurozone.
112. 2017: 39 die and 60 people are injured in an attack on a nightclub, in Istanbul, Turkey, during the New Year’s Day celebrations.

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