Saturday, July 27, 2024
Famous Events For February 10

Famous Events For February 10 – Today In History

February 10: Today in History – Historical Events

Early Centuries – February 10  Historic Events – Before the 1700s

1. 10th Feb 1355: The St. Scholastic’s Day riot breaks out in Oxford, England. 62 scholars and 30 locals lost their lives in the riots in two days.
2. 10th Feb 1535: 12 nude Anabaptists run through the streets of Amsterdam on this day.
3. 10th Feb 1549: Brazil appoints Tome de Souza as its Governor General on this day.
4. 10th Feb 1635: On this day in France the Acadèmie française is formed in Paris.

18th Century – What Happened on February 10 – The 1700s

5. 10th Feb 1713: An accord was signed on this day between the Netherlands and Britain concerning the anti-French barrier.
6. 10th Feb 1720: Edmund Halley was on this day appointed as the 2nd Astronomer Royal of England.
7. 10th Feb 1746: The Pelham brothers on this day resigned from the British government. They resumed office when King George II backed down,
8. 10th Feb 1763: The Treaty of Paris brings to an end the French-Indian war, surrendering Canada to Britain.
9. 10th Feb 1774: On this day the diving suit was demonstrated by Andrew Becker.

19th Century – February 10 This Day That Year – The 1800s

10. 10th Feb 1807: On this day the US coast survey was authorized by Congress.
11. 10th Feb 1814: In the Battle of Chambaubert, the French beat the Russians on this day.
12. 10th Feb 1837: Russian poet Alexander Pushkin on this day was fatally wounded in a duel with a French officer.
13. 10th Feb 1846: On this day the Sikhs were defeated by the British in the Battle of Sobraon in India.
14. 10th Feb 1855: The US citizenship law was amended on this day to grant citizenship to all children of US parents born abroad.
15. 10th Feb 1859: In the Indian mutiny Begum of Oude and Nana Sahib were on this day defeated by General Horsford.
16. 10th Feb 1863: Alanson Crane on this day patented the first US fire extinguisher in Virginia.
17. 10th Feb 1868: The Convention Hall in Florida was seized on this day by conservatives and the military.
18. 10th Feb 1870: The Young Women’s Christian Society was on this day formed in New York City.

19. 10th Feb 1878: Chili and Spain on this day sign the Peace of Zanjón bringing to an end the 10 years of war.
20. 10th Feb 1879: The electric arc light was used for the first time on this day in California Theater.
21. 10th Feb 1880: The encyclical Arcanum about Christian marriage was published on this day by Pope Leo XIII.
22. 10th Feb 1883: There was a fire on this day in an uninsured New Hall Hotel in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 71 people lost their lives in the fire.
23. 10th Feb 1897: On this day New York Times started using the slogan “All the News That’s Fit to Print”.
24. 10th Feb 1899: President McKinley signed the Treaty of Paris on this day bringing to an end the Spanish-American War. The US acquired the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam.

20th Century – Important Events On This Day February 10th – The 1900s

25. 10th Feb 1904: Japan and Russia declare war on this day.
26. 10th Feb 1906: The British battleship Dreadnought was on this day after only 100 days. Its revolutionary design made all the other warships obsolete.
27. 10th Feb 1914: An agreement was reached between General J.C. Smuts and Mahatma Gandhi. In line with that agreement, 60 passive resistance prisoners were released from Pietermaritzburg Prison, 40 in Durban, 8 in New Castle, and 11 in Port Elizabeth.
28. 10th Feb 1915: US President Wilson on this day issued a warning to Germany that it would hold it strictly accountable for ‘property endangered or lives lost’.
29. 10th Feb 1915: US President on this day lodged a protest against Britain for using US flags on British merchant ships to deceive Germans.
30. 10th Feb 1916: Military conscription begins in Britain.
31. 10th Feb 1917: Johanna Westerdijk was installed as a professor in the Netherlands. She was the first female professor in the Netherlands.
32. 10th Feb 1918: To mount a counter-revolution against Bolshevik “Red Guard” in Finland General Carl G Von Mannerheim gathers an army known as the “White Guard”.

33. 10th Feb 1918: Russian Revolutionary Leon Trotsky on this day declared that Russia was leaving the War.
34. 10th Feb 1923: The Standard Ink Company on this day manufactures ink paste for the first time.
35. 10th Feb 1925: The first waterless gas storage tank was put into service on this day in Michigan City, Indiana.
36. 10th Feb 1926: On this day the construction of the Olympic Stadium began in Amsterdam.
37. 10th Feb 1927: President Calvin Coolidge on this day asked for the 2nd disarmament conference.
38. 10th Feb 1929: The beautiful Romanesque church at Saint Patrick in Honolulu was on this day dedicated by Bishop Stephen Alencastre.
39. 10th Feb 1930: The Congress on this day authorized Grain Stabilization Corporation.
40. 10th Feb 1931: New Delhi on this day became the capital city of India
41. 10th Feb 1933: Hitler on this day proclaims the end of Marxism.
42. 10th Feb 1934: 1st Jewish immigrant ship breaks English blockade in Palestine.
43. 10th Feb 1935: The first streamlined electric Rail Road engine begins service today.

44. 10th Feb 1935: Pennsylvania Rail Road begins passenger service on this day with the new electric locomotive.
45. 10th Feb 1937: A United Airlines transport plane on this day crashed and sank in the San Francisco Bay. It was dredged up 14 hours after it went down taking with it all the 11 occupants.
46. 10th Feb 1940: Tom & Jerry created by Hanna & Barbera debuts on MGM on this day.
47. 10th Feb 1941: This day marks the 1st trip made by the 1st highway post office from Washington D.C. to Harrisonburg, Virginia.
48. 10th Feb 1941: An anti-Nazi publication “Het Parool” begins publication in the Netherlands on this day.
49. 10th Feb 1943: The “Manifesto of Algerian People” calls for equality and self-determination.
50. 10th Feb 1943: The British 8th Army swept through North Africa to Tunisia.
51. 10th Feb 1943: Fire was started in the Amsterdam employment bureau during the Van der Veen Resistance.
52. 10th Feb 1944: Kamiel van Baelen, the Resistance fighter and author of Belgium was arrested on this day.
53. 10th Feb 1944: German U boats U-666/U-545/U sink off the coast of Ireland on this day.
54. 10th Feb 1945: The song number “Rum and Coca-Cola” hits #1 on this day.

55. 10th Feb 1946: Gangster Charles “Lucky” Luciano was on this day deported to Italy, never to return to the United States again.
56. 10th Feb 1947: Most of Venezia Giulia was ceded by Italy to Yugoslavia on this day.
57. 10th Feb 1947: On this day Radio Union was formed in the Netherlands.
58. 10th Feb 1947: On this day Finland returns the province of Petsamo to the Soviet Union.
59. 10th Feb 1947: The peace treaties of World War II were signed on this day.
60. 10th Feb 1948: The Gorilla army of Greek general Marko bombs Saloniki.
61. 10th Feb 1952: The first general elections were held in India on this day. Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru retains power.
62. 10th Feb 1954: President Eisenhower on this day warned the US against intervention in Vietnam.
63. 10th Feb 1955: The US army on this day evacuated thousands of people from the Tachen Islands in the Pacific.
64. 10th Feb 1959: Dutch prices Wilhelmina on this day published “Lonely but not alone”.
65. 10th Feb 1959: Tornado strikes St Louis on this day killing 19 and injuring 265.
66. 10th Feb 1961: The hydroelectric project of Niagara Falls begins power production on this day.

67. 10th Feb 1962: USSR on this day swaps spy Francis Garry Power to the US for Rudolf Abel.
68. 10th Feb 1964: On this day Australian Destroyer HMAS Voyager collides with aircraft carrier HMAS Melbourne and sinks killing 82 people.
69. 10th Feb 1966: The government of Harmel in Belgium resigned on this day.
70. 10th Feb 1967: On this day the 10 amendments to the Constitution related to US Presidential Disability and Succession were ratified.
71. 10th Feb 1970: A 120 miles-per-hour dry powder avalanche struck a youth hostel in Val d’Isere, France killing 40 youths from Belgium, France, and Germany.
72. 10th Feb 1971: This day marks the incorporation of American Mensa Ltd in New York City.
73. 10th Feb 1972: USSR performed a nuclear test in Eastern Kazakh, USSR.
74. 10th Feb 1973: In Staten Island an eighty-three meter wide gas tank exploded on this day killing 40 people.
75. 10th Feb 1974: There is unrest along the Iraq/Iran border. Fight breaks out.
76. 10th Feb 1975: On this day there was a truce agreement between the Irish Republican Army, the British government, and the Northern Ireland Office and a cease-fire was agreed to. Centers were established to monitor the cease-fire.
77. 10th Feb 1977: In honor of a Bronx-born Israeli soldier who died freeing hostages in the Entebbe Raid in 1976, a street in Bronx, New York was named Jonathan Netanyahu Lane.
78. 10th Feb 1981: The Los Vegas Hilton suffered a major fire on this day in which eight people died and more than 240 people were injured, mostly of smoke inhalation.

79. 10th Feb 1985: USSR performs a nuclear test on this day at their test site at East Kazakh, in USSR.
80. 10th Feb 1987: In the Lupao Massacre, Philippine troops murdered 17 civilians on this day.
81. 10th Feb 1988: The Army ban on homosexuals on this day was struck down by the 3-judge panel of the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals. This was later overturned by appeal.
82. 10th Feb 1989: A former Supreme Court lawyer Ronald H Brown on this day was elected Chairman of the Democratic Party. He was the first African-American to hold this position in a major political party in the US.
83. 10th Feb 1989: A report made on this day revealed that Ford Motor Company’s net income for 1988 was $5.88 million indicating its comeback.
84. 10th Feb 1989: The United States performed a nuclear test on this day at its Nevada test site.
85. 10th Feb 1991: Lithuania on this day voted for independence from USSR.
86. 10th Feb 1992: Former heavyweight boxing champion was on this day found guilty of raping a Miss Black America contestant Desiree Washington. He was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment.
87. 10th Feb 1998: Voters in Maine repeal a guy rights law passed in 1997. They thus became the first state in the US to abandon that law.

21st Century – February 10  This Day In History – The 2000s

88. 10th Feb 2003: Iraq on this day agreed to a full inspection and agreed to allow U-2 surveillance flights to search for banned weapons. President Bush brushed out Iraqi concessions too little, too late.
89. 10th Feb 2005: On this day Prince Charles of Britain announced that he would marry his long-term partner Camilla Parker Bowles on the 8th of April.

90. 10th Feb 2006: On this day an ancient tomb was discovered in the Valley of Kings. Archeologists at the University of Memphis uncovered the previously unknown tomb.
91. 10th Feb 2006: Former President of Iran, Mohammad Khatami, on this day said that the Muslim world is ready for changes. He said it is time to create a new world in which Islam is compatible with freedom, progress, and democracy.
92. 10th Feb 2006: The 20 Winter Olympics Games open on this day in Turin Italy.
93. 10th Feb 2007: Russian President Vladimir Putin while attending the security summit in Munich warned that the uncontrolled use of force by Washington is dangerous as it is fuelling a nuclear arms race.
94. 10th Feb 2009: Two satellites collided in space on this day. A US-owned communication satellite collided with the Russian military communication satellite. As the number of satellites in use and those no longer in service are increasing, chances of collision also are increasing.
95. 10th Feb 2011: President Jacob Zuma of South Africa, in his State of the Nation address on this day announced the creation of a $1.2 billion fund to help create jobs in the country.
96. 10th Feb 2012: On this day Ann Pettway admitted to stealing a baby from a New York City hospital in 1987. The victim Carolina White who always suspected that she was not a part of the family she was raised, did her investigation and solved her kidnapping case.
97. 10th Feb 2013: In a stampede in the railway station at Allahabad on this day in India, 36 people were killed and 39 were injured.
98. 10th Feb 2013: The authorities in Panama arrested a drug lord who went by the alias Pichi. He was suspected to have run a drug cartel called the Office and ordered the killing of several people.
99. 10th Feb 2014: Yemen on this day has to quell unrest and incorporate more regions into the government rewriting its constitution to make itself into a federation of six different regions. This would become permanent if passed by a referendum.
100. 10th Feb 2016: The government of Venezuela on this day ordered over a hundred malls to close early to save electricity. This measure was taken due to the drought created by El Nino.

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