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december 2021 chinese horoscope

December 2021 Chinese Horoscope Predictions

December 2021 Chinese Monthly Horoscope For All Zodiac Signs

Welcome to the December 2021 Chinese horoscope. Let us see what the last month of the year has in store for the 12 zodiac signs. Get free accurate predictions about the various aspects of life such as career, finance, love and family relationships, and health. Free monthly 2021 Chinese predictions at your fingertips for this month of the white metal ox.

2021 Chinese Monthly Horoscopes

Rat Monthly Prediction for December 2021

rat december 2021

Predictions for Rat in the lunar month of December are quite promising in various areas of life.
Career advancement will be excellent and they can look forward to promotions and an increase in emoluments.
Finances will be satisfactory with a good flow of money foretells the 2021 Rat December Chinese horoscope.
Marital life will be blissful and family relationships present a cordial environment with scope for pregnancy.
Health prospects are marvelous. Maintenance requires a good fitness regime and healthy food habits.

Read Full 2021 Rat Yearly Prediction

Ox Monthly Prediction for December 2021

ox december 2021

Fortunes for Ox during the month of December will gradually become worse during the month.
Financial investments fail to give the expected returns. All risky ventures and speculation should be avoided. Otherwise, you may end up with unbearable losses.
You tend to have very bad relationships with colleagues and seniors. There will be serious differences of opinion. This will prevent your career prospects from improving. Success depends on how you manage your relationships.

Read Full 2021 Ox Chinese Zodiac

Tiger Monthly Prediction for December 2021

tiger december 2021

This month will be highly propitious for Tigers forecasts the 2021 December Chinese horoscope.
Investments will rake in good profits. However, they should avoid speculative investments. Government securities offer safe income.
Professionals will make excellent progress in their careers. It is advisable for them to think about career targets for the coming days.
Relationships and health prospects will be satisfactory.

Read Full Yearly 2021 Tiger Prediction

Rabbit Monthly Prediction for December 2021

rabbit december 2021

Predictions for the month of December for Rabbits indicate a good month without any negatives.
Financial flow will be copious. There will be huge expenses. There will be still enough money for future expenses. Proper budgeting will help in conserving money for the future.
It is important to be careful while giving money to unknown individuals. There is a likelihood of being cheated.
Professional life will be full of minor obstacles. You should handle these things with diplomacy and intelligence. Do not allow things to get out of hand.

Read Full 2021 Yearly Rabbit Astrology

Dragon Monthly Prediction for December 2021

dragon december 2021

The month of December will be full of good things for the Dragons.
Family relationships and life with spouse will be extremely cordial. You will have plenty of spare time to spend with them. This will add spice to family life.
Financial fortunes will show a rising curve. Investments will give very good profits. Business projects will be highly lucrative.
Professionals will see gradual growth in their career prospects. There will be good support from associates and seniors. This will help you to achieve your targets easily.

Read Full 2021 Dragon Zodiac

Snake Monthly Prediction for December 2021

snake december 2021

The month of December will be extremely lucky for Snake individuals.
Marital life will be blissful with good understanding and cooperation from your life partner.
Career prospects are very good and there will be good returns from professional activities.
Financially, this is a great month. There will be a generous flow of money from investments. Expenses tend to be limited, resulting in surplus money. The month is also lucky for expanding existing business ventures. They will get the necessary expertise as well as finances from the institutions.

Read Full Yearly 2021 Snake Fortune

Horse Monthly Prediction for December 2021

horse december 2021

The month of December promises to be a peaceful and fortunate month.
Students will excel in their academic courses without much effort.
Professional life will not only be successful but also peaceful. There will be harmony in the office environment. This will facilitate easy execution of projects.
There will be enough time for enhancing career skills as well as indulging in other interesting hobbies.
It is time for celebrations in the family environment. Pleasure trip with family members will improve family happiness and will remain memorable.

Read Full 2021 Horse Luck Predictions

Sheep Monthly Prediction for December 2021

sheep december 2021

The lunar month of December will prove to be a highly fortunate month for Sheep persons.
Career growth will be fabulous. There will be promotions to senior positions accompanied by salary hikes.
Students will fare well in their academic courses and will be successful in completing their courses.
There will be enough money for going on pleasure trips with family members. This will help in promoting harmony in the relationships. Celebrations and get-togethers will further enhance happiness.

Read Full 2021 Sheep Chinese Predictions

Monkey Monthly Prediction for December 2021

monkey december 2021

The month of December will present mixed fortunes for Monkey individuals.
Single persons will be able to meet partners of their choice.
Professionals will make good progress in their careers. There will be promotions and salary hikes.
Health prospects will prove to be a sore point. All the hard work and consequential stress will result in a breakdown. The situation can be improved by slowing down the pace of life. It should be combined with relaxation techniques such as meditation. This will help in restoring physical and mental fitness.

Read Full Yearly 2021 Chinese Monkey Zodiac

Rooster Monthly Prediction for December 2021

rooster december 2021

Roosters can look forward to another great month of December. All areas of life will show progress.
Students will be able to clear their courses with distinction due to their hard work.
Professionals will see their contribution to the organization being recognized. There will be promotions and salary increases.
There will be enough time to relax during the year-end. This will help them to participate in the festivities and enjoy the celebrations.
On the flip side, too many celebrations may result in health problems. It depends on how they manage their health by a good diet.

Read Full Yearly 2021 Rooster Forecasts

Dog Monthly Prediction for December 2021

dog december 2021

Dog people can look forward to a highly fortunate month in the lunar month of December.
Professional income will be fabulous because of their good performance.
Financial investments in speculations and shares will give very good returns. There will be enough surplus of money. If Dog people want to splurge on luxuries, they can go ahead without any hesitation.
A pleasure trip with family members will not only enhance the happiness in relationships, but it will also help better understanding and cooperation. Money will not be a constraint.

Read Full Yearly 2021 Dog Chinese Zodiac

Pig Monthly Prediction for December 2021

pig december 2021

Pigs can look forward to a very propitious month of December.
Students will have no problem in clearing their examinations.
Professionals will face a few problems in their area of work. But with the help of colleagues and seniors, they will be able to handle all the problems successfully.
Finances will be generous from a career as well as financial investments. They will cover not only the large expenses, but there will be enough money for savings.
Married couples can look forward to celebrations and year-end enjoyment. A pleasure holiday with family members will enhance happiness many times.

Read Full 2021 Pig Prediction

January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December

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