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chinese horoscope 2022

Chinese Horoscope 2022 – The Year Of The Black Water Tiger

Chinese Horoscope 2022 For The 12 Animal Signs

SunSigns.Org presents the Chinese Horoscope 2022 for the year of the Black Water Tiger. A brief idea of the expected events likely to happen in the lives of the 12 Chinese Zodiacs in the lunar year is given below.

The Chinese New Year 2022 of the Water Tiger will begin on February 1st, 2022, and end on January 21st, 2023. The forecast for the 12 animal signs, namely, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Rat, Pig, Dog, Ox, Tiger, and Rabbit, are indicated.

The Chinese astrology 2022 forecast covers the different aspects of life, such as profession, finance, relationships, education, travel, and well-being. In addition to the Chinese Horoscope for 2022, you will also find Feng Shui 2022 predictions for the different Chinese zodiac signs.

2022 Chinese Horoscope: Preview

Rat Horoscope 2022

rat 2022

The Chinese Rat can look forward to the Year 2022 with a lot of transformations. You can also expect some happy news. Professionals should avoid relocation to a new job or place. Business trips will yield handsome profits in August, leading to some losses in September and October 2022. You can improve finances by limiting expenses and by having a strict budget.

Relation with your spouse will be delightful in 2022. Single persons can look forward to new relationships with the probability of marriage. Health will be fragile due to professional stress.

Earth Rat Birth Year: 1948, 2008, Metal Rat Birth Year: 1960, 2020, Water Rat Birth Year: 1972, Wood Rat Birth Year: 1984, Fire Rat Birth Year: 1996

Read Full Rat Horoscope

Ox Horoscope 2022

chinese horoscope 2022 ox

The year 2022 threatens to be a stressful period for the Ox. You have to make quick decisions on various challenging matters and wait out for the rewards to come. The year is not promising for radical changes as you will face a lot of hostility. Control your anger, and do not poke your nose into other’s affairs.

You can enhance career prospects by improving skills and advanced training in 2022. You can expect a promotion to a senior position. Life for business people will be full of turbulence and turmoil. They have to be patient and allow the confusion to subside. Speculation has no place this year, and you should make savings after due deliberation.

Chinese horoscope 2022 predicts singles will get into promising relationships. Those in confirmed partnerships can expect to get married. Married couples may face some hiccups in their relationships. Health will be fabulous but prone to mishaps. Avoid challenging activities like trekking.

Earth Bull Birth Year: 1949, 2009, Metal Ox Birth Year: 1961, 2021, Water Oxen Birth Year: 1973, Wood Ox Birth Year: 1985, Fire Oxen Birth Year: 1937, 1997

Read Full Ox Horoscope

Tiger Horoscope 2022

tiger 2022

The Year of the Black Water Tiger 2022 promises to be a year of transformations. This year is good for making plans for the next twenty years. Professional Tigers looking for improving their prospects by a change of job or self-employment can do so in the first half of the year. Others will support your prompt actions.

Expenses will soar, and saving money might become difficult. Business people should be wary of their staff who can damage the venture. A relationship with your spouse will be volatile, and you must control your anger and avoid quarrels. Singles will be able to get into relationships but should be careful in committing themselves. Health will not pose any problems. If you want to enjoy the year, be modest and diplomatic. Do not get into unnecessary fights over small matters.

Earth Tigers Birth Years: 1938, 1998, Metal Tiger Birth Year: 1950, 2010, Water Tiger Birth Year: 1962, 2022, Wood Tiger Birth Year: 1974, Fire Tiger Birth Year: 1986

Read Full Tiger Horoscope

Rabbit Horoscope 2022

rabbit 2022

The year 2022 brings different destinies for male and female Chinese zodiac Rabbits. Male Rabbits can look forward to improving their professional prospects through advanced studies or by changing their present jobs. Female Rabbits may face financial losses and are advised to avoid taking risks.

Rabbits will have an enjoyable year with their love partners. They should keep their spouses happy to prevent them from straying. Rabbits can undertake a pleasure trip with their partners at the end of the year of the tiger.

Business people should avoid speculative ventures and unnecessary expenses. They might face a tough time in their workplace and will face a lot of opposition. You should scrutinize investments thoroughly. Chinese horoscope for 2022 foretells that money flow is erratic and irregular. Proper diet and relaxation will be necessary if Rabbits have to maintain their good health.

Earth Rabbits Birth Year: 1939, 1999, Metal Rabbit Birth Year: 1951, 2011, Water Rabbit Birth Year: 1963, 2023, Wood Rabbits Birth Year: 1975, Fire Rabbit Birth Year: 1987

Read Full Rabbit Horoscope

Dragon Horoscope 2022

Chinese horoscope 2022 dragon

The Year 2022 will be highly active for the Dragon, and there will be both fortunate and unfortunate events. Their career requires more attention and meticulousness. Initially, there will be hardships, but in the end, you will have a rewarding year. If you want to change your job or start a new business project, the year is promising. Be clear about your goals in a career.

You should maintain cordial relationships with all, and ego has no place in dealing with others. You should solve problems with diplomacy and patience. Finances require deft handling. Expenses will overshoot income, and you have to be careful about financial disasters.

Singles in committed relationships may tie the knot this year. Marital life will be full of ups and downs, and there will be constant bickering. A continuous dialogue will keep the marriage alive. Tragedy in the form of the death of a member may upset family happiness. Health will be disturbed by frequent problems. Relaxation and the right diet will put you on the right track.

Earth Dragon Birth Year: 1988, Metal Dragon Birth Years: 1940, 2000, Water Dragon Birth Year: 1952, 2012, Wood Dragon Birth Year: 1964, 2024, Fire Dragon Birth Year: 1976

Read Full Dragon Horoscope

Snake Horoscope 2022

snake 2022

Destiny will play an essential role in the lives of the Snake during the Year of Tiger 2022. It will be full of strange happenings and minor misfortunes which might stress you unnecessarily. You have to kick your sluggishness and actively involve yourself in starting a new venture. Planning and execution will keep you busy. Female Snakes will do well financially if they have their own business. Professionals will advance in their careers with promotions and salary increases.

Male Snake will be less fortunate. You have to focus on your work and be diplomatic in your dealings with colleagues. Avoid confrontations and be pleased with all. Life will become tolerable if you control your anger and seek the support of others.

Female Snake will have plenty of opportunities to get into short-term romantic alliances. Male Snake will be highly unpredictable in relationships. Married life might be a little turbulent, and frequent communication with your partner will help continue the alliance. Health will be excellent with proper relaxation.

Earth Snake Birth Year: 1989, Metal Snake Birth Year: 1941, 2001, Water Snake Birth Year: 1953, 2013, Wood Snake Birth Year: 1965, 2025, Fire Snake Birth Year: 1977

Read Full Snake Horoscope

Horse Horoscope 2022

chinese horoscope 2022 horse

The Horse will have to face turbulence and turmoil during 2022. Hence progress in life will be steady and slow. Despite the conflicts, the year will be somewhat pleasant. The first half of the year will be full of obstacles and setbacks. Concentrating on your objectives and overcoming opposition from others will yield results in the second half.

Chinese zodiac 2022 predicts that your career will give small returns despite a lot of hard work. You can make money by investing money. The year is promising for investments. Do not indulge in speculative projects and savings. New romantic partnerships are in the offing. Extramarital affairs will spoil the harmony in married life. You have to be careful in preserving your marital relations. Social life will be stressful with quarrels and loss of trusted friends. Health will be good with minor problems.

Earth Horse Birth Year: 1978, Metal Horse Birth Year: 1990, Water Horses Birth Year: 1942, 2002, Wood Horses Birth Year: 1954, 2014, Fire Horse Birth Year: 1966, 2026

Read Full Horse Horoscope

Sheep Horoscope 2022

Chinese horoscope 2022 sheep

Predictions for the Ram for the Tiger Year 2022 suggest riches and recognition. Career people will prosper with the support of friends and with high rewards. You can go abroad to improve your prospects in life. Sheep employees will find new ways to make additional money but should be wary of office politics. Having cordial relationships with all will help you to further your career. Hard work will bring recognition and contentment with financial gains.

Finances will be fabulous during the first half of 2022 for the Chinese goat. Relations may create a few problems in your family atmosphere. Singles will get into love relationships and may end up tying the knot. Married couples tend to experiment. Health will be excellent with minor issues.

Earth Ram Birth Year: 1979, Metal Sheep Birth Year: 1991, Water Goat Birth Year: 1943, 2003, Wood Sheep – Birth Year 1955, 2015, Fire Sheep – Birth Year: 1967, 2027

Read Full Sheep Horoscope

Monkey Horoscope 2022

monkey 2022

Chinese forecasts for the Monkey for 2022 indicate that this will be an essential and delightful year. You have to shed your sluggishness and be watchful about attacks from others. Take support from your friends for achieving success in your projects. Do not take any risks and be tolerant in all circumstances.

Finances will show a decline due to large procurements, and money flow should be regulated by having a financial plan. If you are getting into new ventures, go through the provisions of the agreement thoroughly.

Monkey is highly emotional and will disagree over small issues. This will affect your love relationships. Marriages may end up in separation if you are not patient and unnecessarily fight with your partner. Try to develop good relations with your spouse and make efforts to save your marriage. Planning for a child should be done after some thought. Health will be reasonable if you control your depression and excitement.

Earth Monkey Birth Year: 1968, 2028, Metal Monkey Birth Year: 1980, Water Monkey Birth Year: 1992, Wood Monkey Birth Year: 1944, 2004, Fire Monkeys Birth Year: 1956, 2016

Read Full Monkey Horoscope

Rooster Horoscope 2022

rooster 2022

The Chinese Horoscope 2022 for Rooster foretells a lively, stimulating, and extremely profitable year. Professionals and business people will have a great year. The year is auspicious for changing jobs for better prospects. People in business can start new ventures. You will achieve your ambitions if you can take care of the opposition in your stride.

Fortunes will fluctuate as money flow will be erratic in the second half of the year. You can overcome these problems with tact and flexibility. Singles will have excellent opportunities for marriage. Married people should desist from extramarital flings. Otherwise, their life will become wretched. Tension will result in health problems, and hence, sufficient relaxation is necessary.

Earth Rooster Birth Year: 1969, 2029, Metal Roosters Birth Year: 1981, Water Rooster Birth Year: 1993, Wood Rooster Birth Year: 1945, 2005, Fire Rooster Birth Year: 1957, 2017

Read Full Rooster Horoscope

Dog Horoscope 2022

dog 2022

Fortunes for the Dog in the Black Water Tiger Year 2022 will be fluctuating, and disaster is waiting to happen. Professionals will face a harsh working environment, and the year is not hopeful for a job change. Financial prospects are not encouraging, and you have to cut expenses to stay afloat.

This will be a good year for students, and advanced studies overseas will be rewarding. Business people can think of putting money into projects abroad. Dogs in the entertainment industry will prosper with new contacts and relationships. Married persons will have a better life, while the family atmosphere may be worrisome with members’ health problems.

Avoid conflict with your spouse and relations, and be strict in yielding to their unreasonable requirements. Health will usually be excellent except for some occasional fluctuations in mood.

Earth Dog Birth Year: 1958, 2018, Metal Dog Birth Year: 1970, 2030, Water Dog Birth Year: 1982, Wood Dog Birth Year: 1994, Fire Dog Birth Year: 1946, 2006

Read Full Dog Horoscope

Pig Horoscope 2022

chinese horoscope 2022 pig

Life for the Pig can be perilous and ambiguous during the year 2022. You may not be able to control the situation. Be straightforward in dealings and avoid greed. Execute your plans after proper study and analysis. Legal hassles will follow if you are not meticulous before getting into business deals.

The Boar should be prepared for unforeseen financial expenditure in their business activities. It would help if you avoided lending or borrowing money. Be wary of treacherous colleagues. Some of you can expect a sudden windfall from unknown sources. Tone down your targets and be old-fashioned in your ideas.

Life with your spouse will be a little tricky, says the 2022 Chinese horoscope. Singles might not be successful in getting into successful love relationships. Health will be full of minor illnesses and mishaps. Still, with strong determination, persistence, and hard work, you can turn the year 2022 into a gratifying year.

Earth Pig Birth Year: 1959, 2019, Metal Pig Birth Year: 1971, 2031, Water Pig Birth Year: 1983, Wood Boar Birth Year: 1995, Fire Pig Birth Year: 1947, 2007

Read Full Pig Horoscope

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