Friday, February 7, 2025

Dating A Royal: 5 Things To Know

5 Rules To Know Before Dating A Royal

After the announcement that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will be tying the knot very soon, many have talked about how lucky Markle is. Some have been wondering how an actress was able to catch the eye of the single Prince. What makes it even more surprising is that she is of black descent, a non-British, and a non-royal. Dating a royal comes with its own pros and cons.


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She may have done something special and met all the requirements one needs to date and marry from the royal family. If you have the dream of dating a prince, here are some things to know.


1. Are You Ready for Dating a Royal

Before you even think of dating a prince, you have to consider whether you are ready for everything that comes with such a position. This even becomes more serious if you have plans of getting married to him.

Some rules come with dating someone of royal descent, and such rules are sacred. Assess yourself very well before you sign up for such a relationship.


2. Public Affection Should be Minimal

Yes, you are in love with the prince, but be careful how you show such affection when you are at a public event. Being all over him in the public show is not allowed, especially when the relationship has not been officially announced.

Sometimes, holding hands must even be reduced. Adhering to this wouldn’t take anything from the relationship.

3. The Way You Dress Must Change if you are dating a royal

You are dating from a very respected family, and therefore you can’t just wear anything. If you are used to wearing very short dresses, it has to change. The royal family has a dress code, and you must be ready to abide by it.


4. Be Discreet About the Relationship

Dating a royal may be a dream come true for you, but you shouldn’t go about broadcasting it. The royal family has codes and how they do things.

Normally, an official announcement is made to make the relationship public. So keeping it a secret until such a time is significant.


5. Know How to Address Other Royal Members

This is very important as you start a relationship with a prince. He may not be very formal with other royal members, but that doesn’t give you the license to do the same. You have to address them by their official names anytime and anywhere.

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