Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Different Schools Of Feng Shui

#The Different Types and Schools Of Feng Shui

Ever walk into a building to suddenly be washed in a feeling of calm and well-being? Alternatively, have you ever just felt something was off? Chances are, you have noticed Feng Shui’s powerful effect on an environment. There are different schools of Feng Shui.

What Is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese method of creating harmony and balance in one’s surroundings. It can evoke a sense of order by aligning earthly objects with the stars. Before the magnetic compass was invented, the practice provided helpful information for properly locating a building’s location to maximize sun exposure. To indicate the optimal time of year for construction. Evidence of this knowledge can still be seen in capital cities across China.

#1. The Bagua

While Feng Shui is not a religious art, its methods include many principles from Daoism. For example, the Bagua concept uses the Daoist code of trigrams to represent the eight points of reality and signifies their connections.

The Bagua is typically represented as an octagon around a symbol representing yin and yang or around a mirror.

This historical art has branched into several schools, united by Feng Shui core concepts. The three primary schools are Form School, Compass School, and Contemporary Feng Shui, though many others are used for specific purposes.

#2. Form School

The oldest iteration of Feng Shui is known as Form School, which is approximately 6000 years old. Used initially to locate tombs, it was eventually adapted for locating and erecting buildings. It focuses on natural shapes found in the environment, such as mountains and streams.

Early practitioners did not have the use of a modern compass. Instead, the technique focused on the land, energy (Qi) flow, and yin and yang principles to ensure their homes and properties were in an optimal location.

#3. Compass School

As the name would suggest, this branch focuses on directional placement and often involves mathematical calculations and the Bagua. A resident’s birthdate might be considered to help link that person’s energy to their space. Sub-schools in the Compass category include the Flying Star, the Eight Mansions, and Four Pillars.

#4. Flying Star Feng Shui

This branch integrates yin and yang principles, the elements and eight trigrams, and other Feng Shui methods. Practitioners can use an astrological chart to determine a building’s positive and negative auras. This can determine the fortunes of the building’s residents.

#5. Contemporary Feng Shui

As Feng Shui gained popularity in the West, a new form developed in the 1970s and ’80s. The modern interpretation uses simplified principles from earlier records and places a greater emphasis on the Bagua. The contemporary school has two main sub-schools: The Aspirations Method and the Black Sect.

#6. Aspirations Method

Again, stemming from the Bagua philosophy, the Aspirations Method beings with a life goal (romance, success, health, etc.) and ties those aspirations to one of the eight directions.

#7. Black Sect

Black Sect Feng Shui includes religious influences the Taoism and Buddhism. It incorporates the bag concept. However, the focus is on the entryway of a building’s interior.


In this iteration of the discipline, practitioners will divide an interior into eight stations in correspondence with the beluga, with the entranceway as one of the stations.

#8. Which type of Feng Shui should you practice?

The number of options can seem overwhelming for someone deciding which Feng Shui school to focus on. Many experts will extol the benefits of one school over another, but there is no way to determine which method is the most effective.

Aspiring practitioners should consider what they hope to achieve and hone in on the schools that best accomplish those aims. Trying out a few selected categories will help you discover which method works best for your style and which one you most enjoy working with.


The most crucial step is to learn about all forms of Feng Shui by reading the many online resources on the subject and reaching out to each one’s experts. They will show you details of the techniques so you can continue on your path with the proper knowledge and direction.

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