Thursday, February 13, 2025

Moola Nakshatra

Moola Nakshatra: General

The Moola Nakshatra rests eternally in Sagittarius. Ruled by Nirrit, the goddess of destruction, this region of the cosmos represents the power to destroy and break things apart. Governed by planet Ketu, the native can see in all directions. A bunch of roots tied together eludes to the region’s affinity for duality and opposites.


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Personality Traits

Passionate by nature, these inquisitive people seek the truth in all situations. They are prone to feeling helpless and have difficulty being accountable for their circumstances. Their passionate character is often expressed through cruelty, pain, and abuse.


The Mula native covets material things. They are prone to feelings of resentment and carry a deep sense of loss until they begin to walk a spiritual path.


Not known for their self-control, they can exhibit excessive compulsive behavior when they are off balance for any length of time. If they should acquire fame and fortune they will become judgmental and condescending to those they see as lesser than themselves.


Physical Appearance

The Mula birth star has a strong and attractive stature that may be intimidating to some. They have large, bright eyes and are well-proportioned.

Attitude & Life Path

These folks have high morals and are prone to unpredictability. The Moola native has a childish nature and never seems to grow up or take things seriously.


moolaHard-working with good work ethics, these people are challenged to find their calling. Many find satisfaction in natural healing and alternative medicine and others truly enjoy investigation and research.


Although they experience personal financial issues, they make excellent financial advisers. Many native Mula live and work abroad in roles related to administration, literature, and philosophy.


Family Portrait

With little support from parents or other family members, these people may have very difficult childhoods. They enjoy pleasant married lives despite the example of their parents.


Moola Nakshatra Padas

Moola Nakshatra has four Padas or Quarters.

Pada 1

Quarter 1 of Moola Nakshatra lies in the Aries Navamsa which is governed by the planet Mars. This pada deals with physical and spiritual activities. It depends on the personality of the individual.

Pada 2

Quarter 2 of Moola Nakshatra falls in the Taurus Navamsa which is controlled by the planet Venus. The individual will be interested in the understanding of sciences like astrology. These individuals are very diligent and will have no problem achieving their ambitions.

Pada 3

Quarter 3 of Moola Nakshatra lies in the Gemini Navamsa for which the planet Mercury is the ruler. Individuals are interested in the study of languages which will help them express themselves in a better manner.

Pada 4

Quarter 4 of Moola Nakshatra lies in the Cancer Navamsa for which the Moon is the ruler. The individual will focus on connecting with people in a sensitive manner.

Moola Nakshatra Male: Health and Happiness

Moola Nakshatra Males are likely to suffer from stomach aches, paralysis, and lung infections. Normally, they are careless about their health and will have to face ailments from time to time.

Female: Health and Happiness

Moola Nakshatra Females will face health problems cyclically after the age of 27. They are likely to have problems like pain in the limbs, paralysis, stomach disorders, and back aches.

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