Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Tarot Spreads for Daily Lives

Tarot Spreads Interpretation for Daily Lives

The Tarot Spread: JOB

This Tarot Spreads for daily lives such as a job describes the current work situation and the opportunities to get a new job. 1,2 – Characteristic of a situation 3 – relationships with subordinates 4 – relationships with colleagues of equal rank 5 – relationship with superiors 6 – earning 7 – approach to his job 8 – the opportunity to get a new job (or open a new business) during an exciting period


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For example

1,2 – The Hermit, The Lovers

3 – The Fool

4 – Justice

5 – The Hierophant

6 – Strength

7 –The Magician

8 – Wheel of Fortune


1,2 – The client is looking for a new job; partnerships are essential for him

3 – The client hasn’t subordinates

4 – Relationships with colleagues of equal rank are formal, smooth

5- The client’s superiors help him and, if necessary, give advice

6 – The client earning money actively and hard working

7 – The client works creatively and skillfully; he likes his work and enthusiastically performs his duties

8- It looks like clients will use the opportunity to change their jobs in the future. Create your interpretation of this situation or add to the given above


Tarot Spread – Will I Meet My Love

This spread considers the opportunity for new contacts and the development of relationships.

The time interval is from 3 months to a year.

1 – Will the meeting take place at the desired time?

2 – How or under what circumstances will the session take place?

3 – The nearest perspectives

4 – The ideal of the client

5 – The further development of relationships

6 – The past of the client

7 – The presence of the client

8 – Prospects in life in general

9 – What is necessary to change the meeting will occur or will occur faster


For example

1 – The Chariot

2 – The High Priestess

3 – The Fool

4 – Justice

5 – Wheel of Fortune

6 –The Emperor

7 –The Magician

8 – The Hierophant

9 – The Hermit


The Meeting

At the desired time, the meeting will undoubtedly take place (Chariot). The meeting will take place suddenly; your partner will take the initiative. Most likely, the conference will happen where you like to rest on communication and hard work. But the card says that the meeting will not happen so fast. It will happen when you do not expect it. (The High Priestess) In the immediate future (The Fool) – you will be active. You will have a series of meetings, including the unexpected, and a lot of friendly parties.

Your ideal (Justice) – we can say that you are looking for a well-balanced person, responsible for his actions, wishing to marry. In the past client was devoted to social life and career (The Emperor)


The present period also shows excellent social activity and professional skills development. Still, the man does not limit himself only to work but also to communicating with loved ones. (The Magician)

Life perspective – a person, in any case, will meet their soul mate and create a family(The Hierophant)

What is necessary to change (Hermit) – it is advisable to communicate with people and not withdraw into yourself. This spread helps to weigh the strengths and weaknesses of the situation and make the right decision.

Combination of cards

In the same way, we can combine three cards in one event. We have to take one word from each card‘s general meanings and combine them. This method has certain conditions:

1 – the event must be demonstrated by all three cards. If two cards easily interpret the event, but the third does not, we must find such meaning for each card, which binds within the meaning of all three cards

2 – if the card depicts people, it means that into situation involved people, and they can be described using the meanings of cards.

3 – we have to read cards from left to right

4 – future events will show the third (right) card

Example No. 1 The Hermit, The Fool, The Lovers, For instance, we have obtained – Searching for new feelings,

The third card is The Lovers, so we can say that a person has a chance to find new emotions, and this can occur spontaneously, perhaps at a party (The Fool)

Example No 2

The Wheel of Fortune, Justice, The Emperor

Interpretation: The successful appointment

A successful mounting in the new position

Example No 3

The Hanged man, Justice, The Emperor

Interpretation: a delay of an appointment Because the last card is the Emperor, we can say that the person will get the position, but not soon

But if the cards formed as follows: Justice, The Emperor, and The Hanged Man Looking at the last card, we can say that the situation remains in limbo, suspended, and the person probably will not get the appointment.

Example No. 4 Death, The High Priestess, The Empress

If the Death card is located between two cards, it shows that the event, which describes the card in front of the Death card, is completed. And will take place during the event, which shows the card lying after the Death card.

If we look at these three cards from the perspective of relations, we obtain the following events: Secret (The High Priestess), Transformation (Death), and Open feelings (The Empress). That is, the secret is revealed. We can say that the secret relationship became public. Because the final card is the Empress, people began to meet openly or admit to each other in love.

Create your versions of events by giving cards.

Tell about the events that will occur according to the given cards

The Fool, The High Priestess, The Lovers

The Magician, Justice, The Emperor

The Wheel of Fortune, The Chariot, The Hierophant

The Hermit, Strength, The Emperor

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