Monday, October 7, 2024

3 Unique Reasons Not To Date A Salesperson

Reasons Against Dating A Salesperson

Dating and its complication are real and not an exaggeration. Dating a salesperson is like inviting intruders into your home. They are always in contact with many people of both sexes, making cheating high among salespersons coupled with their busy schedule. It cuts across everywhere, no matter your partner. However, you need to avoid some class of people as you look for love. Here are few reasons not to date a salesperson.


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Challenges are bound to prevail whether you are dating a doctor, an engineer or a salesperson. One that readily comes to mind is a salesperson. Here are some reasons you should not date a salesperson.


1. High Tendency of Cheating

Even though it may be ethically wrong, some salespersons romantically pursue their clients. They meet different people almost every day, and as such, it can spark a romantic affair.

If you don’t want to be the #10 on the list, don’t date a salesperson.


2. They Won’t Pursue You Because They Have Busy Schedules

Salespersons prefer to pursue clients and potential clients and not their partners. They will be out there assessing the market and its prospects and chasing people to buy their products and services.


This is because they are usually paid on a commission basis, and the success of their job is measured by the sales they make. That means you are not going to get the attention you deserve. Their attention will be mostly on clients.

3. They Work Under Stress

Salespersons work under severe stress moving from one potential client to the other. They face rejection, harsh comments and disappointments throughout their work.


While you can argue that this enables them to develop a tough skin, it can affect them psychologically. Stress can also affect their health and make them vulnerable to high blood pressure and heart disease conditions.


It can also lead to a quick temperament. So you will be at their mercy when provoked.

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