Saturday, February 15, 2025
Feng shui windows placing

Feng Shui for Positioning Windows: 6 Effective Ways

Effective Feng Shui Ways for Placing Windows

Feng Shui is the Chinese practice of creating a harmonious environment. It addresses the flow of chi (energy) throughout space and guides achieving a positive, energized environment. Windows are an essential part of Feng Shui; chi needs to be able to flow freely throughout the home. Using Feng Shui for placing windows correctly is key to ensuring this can happen.


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Imagine a current of wind traveling through the room. Can it flow freely and without obstacles? If it can, Chi can, too.

Where Should You Place Windows Based on Feng Shui?

#1. Placement of Windows

Firstly, avoid the direct alignment of doors and large windows. But facing windows and doors will allow this energy to flow straight out of the living space. If alignment cannot be avoided, consider adding furniture or an ornament to the area to keep the energy in.

It’s also best to avoid having many windows at the back of the house, as this will weaken the space’s strength. Cover some of the windows to preserve power and support.


A practical and obvious consideration is ensuring that bathrooms and kitchens feature windows. These spaces require proper ventilation to maintain a harmonious environment. So bear this when creating or investing in a living area.

#2. Windows in Bedrooms

The Feng Shui in a bedroom is essential. Not only will bright window and furniture placement ensure a good night’s sleep. But it’s also thought that finances will benefit.


The most important consideration is keeping beds away from windows, which harms chi and can lead to health issues over time. Think about the force of the energy that enters the room via widows: a bed placed by a window is directly in the path of this energy, which can cause restlessness.

If there is no option but to place a bed under or in front of a window, try to create a barrier between them. A sturdy headboard can deliver the same protective effect as a wall and absorb some energy that enters the room. Alternatively, leave a gap between the bed and the window.

Ideally, a gap large enough to walk through should be created, giving the energy and opportunity to dissipate before it reaches the bed.

Feng Shui Ways for Placing Windows:

#3. Dirty, Broken Windows

The windows themselves, and the views from them, are essential to chi. Peace must be achieved within the home, so take steps to combat anything that detracts from this.

If the view is unpleasant, or if the placement of a window allows others to see into the living space, this will affect the living space’s coziness.


Decorative window films are a great antidote to this issue; not only will the view be much more pleasing, but people will also be less able to see in, and light and energy can still enter the space. Alternatively, if the view can be altered by adding art or flowers and plants to the adjacent area, this will create a much more positive and inspiring feel to the window.

If a window is dirty or broken, do something about it! Windows are the world’s eyes, so it is essential to keep the view unobstructed by dust or cracks.


#4. Small Windows

Homes with small windows will suffer from a lack of chi entering the living space, so it’s essential to maximize energy flow by using other means.

Adding skylights or Sun Tunnels will introduce much-needed light and energy to a space lacking large windows. As a cheaper alternative, reflect the chi that does make it into the living space by submitting mirrors and glass. Reflective surfaces have the power to reinvigorate a space. Just be mindful that they aren’t directly facing doors that can suck energy back out.


Color also has an essential effect on chi, so if mirrors or skylights aren’t a feasible option, compensate for the lack of light by choosing energizing shades. Earth tones and pastels create a perfect calming effect for bedrooms and lounges, and brighter colors introduce vibrancy to active rooms such as studies or laundry rooms.

#5. High Windows are a BIG NO for good Feng Shui for Windows

Large, high windows can be as problematic as small windows because tall windows can draw energy upwards toward the ceiling and away from the living space. This is great for concert halls or cathedrals but can be detrimental to the homeliness of a house.

To counteract the effects of large windows, choose heavy furniture to ground the space and bring the energy back into the room. Earth tones and square shapes will also aid in this, so avoid furniture and accessories that aren’t strong in shape or neutral in color.

#6. Window Coverings

To ensure that energy remains positive throughout the day, the amount of light that enters the living space must be appropriate to the room and the time. Imagine how our energy encounters peaks and troughs throughout the day; the home must be capable of mimicking this to avoid creating negative energy.

Keep curtains and drapes open during the daytime to allow chi to enter freely, keep the home, and energize its occupants.

If some covering is required during the day due to the room being overlooked by neighbors, such as installing blinds, keep the slats in an upward position to direct the energy into the room. Keep windows open wide to let in as much energy as possible.

When energy needs to be much less potent at night, ensure that windows are covered where possible. Uncovered windows can cause feelings of exposure and danger, which hurts the living space.

If this isn’t possible throughout the house, at least cover the bedrooms’ windows, using heavy fabrics that block all light and energy. This will promote restfulness and reduce the flow of chi, which can be detrimental to sleep.

Make an effort to maximize the windows in the home and deal with any negative energy promptly. Learning to direct energy and control the force of the chi will produce a much more harmonious environment.

As with Feng Shui’s aspects, a good energy balance is imperative to a happy, healthy home. Our homes are our sanctuary: our safe place in the world. Take care to protect that space.

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