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chinese horoscope february 2020

February 2020 Chinese Horoscope Predictions

February 2020 Chinese Monthly Horoscope For All Zodiac Signs

Sunsigns.Org is giving an insight into the happenings of Chinese zodiac persons starting from Rat to Pig during the month of February, 2020. Different aspects of life such as health, wealth, relationships and profession are covered.


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2020 Chinese Monthly Horoscopes (February 23, 2020 – March 23, 2020)

Rat Monthly Prediction for February 2020

rat february 2020

Predictions for Rat Chinese Zodiac are not very much encouraging for the month of February. It is likely that Rats will act in haste without much thinking. As their judgment will be faulty, it is advisable to postpone their actions to a later date.

Financially, your income will be quite handsome, but cannot match the expenses.

On the relationship front, confirmed relationships are likely to end. Single persons will find it difficult to get into love relationships. Your preoccupation with profession will not be conducive for new partnerships.

Health will be a source of worry and medical expenses will soar this month.

Read Full 2020 Rat Yearly Prediction


Ox Monthly Prediction for February 2020

ox february 2020

Ox people should be ready to face many unanticipated challenges this month.

On the professional side, you will not be able to make much progress due to your emotional outbursts. There may be a change of place on account of job requirements.

Financially, the main source of income will be from your profession. You should avoid all types of investment this month as the returns are not profitable.

Relationships can be made stable with more understanding and commitment.

Health can be maintained with a good diet program.

Read Full 2020 Ox Chinese Zodiac


Tiger Monthly Prediction for February 2020

tiger february 2020

The month of February 2020 promises to be a good one for Tiger.

Professional growth will be excellent in spite of the various hurdles you are likely to face. You should avoid all types of conflicts at the workplace if you have to succeed.

The month is especially beneficial for relationships. Single persons will get many openings for starting new romantic relationships. Married people should make more efforts to make their partners happy. Any relationships outside marriage will prove to be suicidal.

Health will not pose any major problems this month. Read Full Yearly 2020 Tiger Prediction

Rabbit Monthly Prediction for February 2020

rabbit february 2020

The prospects for the month are not very encouraging and the Rabbits may tend to lose their sense of direction this month. They should rely on their friends for guidance and help in times of trouble.

You should focus on harmony with your colleagues and superiors at the workplace. This will help career growth by avoiding conflicts.

Finances will be quite generous, but will be matched by the increasing expenses. There will not be enough money for savings or future investments.

There will not be many opportunities for singles to get into love partnerships this month. Existing relationships can be nurtured with more communication and better appreciation. Read Full 2020 Yearly Rabbit Astrology


Dragon Monthly Prediction for February 2020

dragon february 2020

Dragons should be clear about their requirements in life if they want to progress further.

Career growth appears to be promising, but you should be ready for unknown dangers. Cordial relationships with colleagues and seniors are absolutely essential.

Finances are fabulous and you will have surplus money to invest in speculative investments.

Love relationships are affected by the hangover of the past affairs and this will affect your progress in life.

Health can be problematic and you should be prepared for physical injuries due to accidents. Read Full 2020 Dragon Zodiac


Snake Monthly Prediction for February 2020

snake february 2020

Snake people tend to be apprehensive about their future this month. It is advisable to seek the guidance of friends and family members.

Stars are favorable for career progress and you should rely on the cooperation of your associates and seniors. You can expect promotions and financial remunerations from the management.

Finances will see good progress in spite of the many challenges that are likely to come up.

Health will require more attention while you are preoccupied with the various challenges you have to face. More rest and relaxation will help. Read Full Yearly 2020 Snake Fortune


Horse Monthly Prediction for February 2020

horse february 2020

The month will show slight improvement in the fortunes of Horse people. You will progress in spite of the many obstacles that you will face. You should not hesitate to take guidance from others when required.

In spite of the challenges posed by your colleagues, you will be able to complete your assigned projects. This will help you to improve your confidence level.

Health condition will not be satisfactory and you will suffer from low immunity. Hence, you should give enough attention to remain healthy. Read Full 2020 Horse Luck Predictions

Sheep Monthly Prediction for February 2020

sheep february 2020

The Sheep can expect a fabulous month of February, 2020. They can expect excellent progress in all the fields of life.

Professional growth will be phenomenal and you should not go overboard to avoid the jealousy of colleagues.

Finances will be quite good. But, there will not be much money left for savings and investments.

Single persons will be fortunate in forming new love relationships. Married persons, however, should be ready to face obstacles and even separation.

You should pay enough attention to your food habits to remain healthy. Read Full 2020 Sheep Chinese Predictions

Monkey Monthly Prediction for February 2020

monkey february 2020

The month of February, 2020 will not be promising for Monkey zodiac persons. They are not clear about the actions they have to take and should seek the help of other people.

Career development requires more attention and hard work. You should wait patiently for good days to come.

Money flow will not be encouraging and there will not be any money left for investments.

Health condition will be bad and you should not exert yourself too much. Senior members of the family also may face health problems. Read Full Yearly 2020 Chinese Monkey Zodiac

Famous Monkeys Born in February

Rooster Monthly Prediction for February 2020

rooster february 2020

February 2020 predicts a highly unfavorable month for career and finances for the Rooster.

Planetary influence will affect your capabilities and you will not be able to complete the projects assigned to you at the workplace. This will affect your professional development. Relationship with colleagues and seniors will not be pleasant. There will be conflicts and confrontations.

Financial situation will be miserable. You tend to overspend and this will have a negative influence on your budget. All unnecessary expenses should be avoided.

Health will be another area of challenge. You should be prepared for physical hazards. Read Full Yearly 2020 Rooster Forecasts

Dog Monthly Prediction for February 2020

dog february 2020

Dog people can expect good things in career and finances this month.

Career prospects are wonderful. You will have the confidence of the management about your capabilities. An important project will be assigned to you. You can expect a promotion and financial reward on completion of the project.

Financial situation is delightful and the main source of income will be your profession.

Love relationships will be harmonious and you can expect a happy relationship with your spouse.

Health promises to be excellent. Read Full Yearly 2020 Dog Chinese Zodiac

Pig Monthly Prediction for February 2020


pig february 2020Pig will have a comfortable month as far as profession and financial prospects are concerned.

On the professional front, you will do exceptionally well. You will have the support of your associates and the management. You will have no problem in achieving your targets. This will result in promotions and increase in emoluments.

Business persons will do exceedingly well in their ventures. The profits will increase many times. You will also get partners for your new business projects. All your projects will turn out to be highly profitable resulting in an increase of wealth.

Health will pose a few hiccups. A good exercise and diet routine will help. Read Full 2020 Pig Prediction

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Chinese Horoscope 2020

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