Thursday, February 6, 2025

10 Gifts To Impress Her On A First Date

10 Gifts To Impress Her On A First Date

You’ve made every plan for a perfect first date, but now you’d like to bring her a gift. How can you impress her with your thoughtfulness without crossing the line into creepy stalker?

The key is to go small and inexpensive, but thoughtful and classy. Here are some options proven to show off your gift savvy when it comes to your first dating experience.


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#1. A Single Flower

Flowers are the tradition, but the classic bouquet is a bit dated. Go for a single flower. Roses are romantic, but if you want to make a statement, try a lily or an iris. Sunflowers and daisies are a cheerful way to kick off your fun. Don’t pick your flower out of someone’s garden, however; go to the florist and get the prettiest petals you can find.


#2. Candy

Next to flowers, candy is the second most traditional date gift. However, the old box of chocolates is out. If she likes chocolate, get one or two exquisite truffles in a box with a ribbon. Or go with a small box of chocolate-dipped strawberries. If you know her candy preferences, for a more fun twist, choose a favorite candy from childhood, like Twizzler’s or M&M’s. This is a great choice if you’re headed to a movie where you can enjoy the candy while you watch the show.

#3. An Interesting Book

Think back to your conversations with her before you asked her out, or check out her Facebook page to learn what she’s interested in and bring a book on the topic. Let her know that you saw it and thought she might like it. Don’t inscribe it with love or anything that makes you look too serious.


You could even bring a book of your own to lend to her, letting her know that you thought she might like it. Keep in mind that lending books sometimes means you never get them back, so think about it before going that route.


#4. A Small Collectible

Does she have an enormous collection of toy hedgehogs? Does she love unusual beer mugs? If you know of something she likes to collect and you can get a small, inexpensive collectible, this is a great gift. It shows that you’re thinking of her. Do not go overboard on this idea.

#5. Music

If you know what kind of music she likes, a CD is a great gift. To make it even more casual, you could record some of your music onto a CD for her. Don’t make a “mix tape.” You guys don’t have enough relationship to have a musical history, yet, but if you got to know each other by praising Cold Play, gifting her with the latest release would be a fun present.

#6. Hot Chocolate

If the day is cold and you’re going to be outside, bring some hot chocolate in travel mugs. Having some marshmallows on hand is a great touch as well.

#7. Wine & Cheese

For a summer afternoon, bring some wine and cheese to enjoy as an appetizer. You can head out picnic-style or stay at home and chat a bit before your main date event.


#8. A Dog Toy

If your would-be girlfriend has a pet, she’ll love a gift aimed at them. A small dog toy, some gourmet dog biscuits, or catnip will entertain her fuzzy friend and make her feel great. Her pet means a lot to her and it’ll impress her to know that you understand that special relationship.


#9. Mad Libs

Sometimes the first date is one big attempt to avoid the awkward pause. A small fun game like Mad Libs can turn those quiet moments into hilarity. If you can get ones that match the theme of your date, they’ll be even funnier. For example, if you’re seeing a baseball game, get a sports version. Belly laughs put you both at ease and create shared memories.


#10. An Inside Joke

If you have some history with your date that points you to a funny gift, this can be a great option. For example, if you met her in a rainstorm and you both were drenched, you might bring her a nice umbrella – just in case. Be sure your gift isn’t so obscure that she won’t get the joke.

You’re not required to bring a gift on the first date, but if you do, you want to tread carefully. Keep it light, small, and thoughtful and you can’t go wrong. It’ll be a great way to start your date with smiles and fun.

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