Friday, July 26, 2024

Revati Nakshatra


The Revati Nakshatra is the last of the celestial sisters. The fact that Revati means wealthy has long been a source of debate as it seems counter-intuitive to associate this region of cosmic transition with wealth. However, from an alternate translation, we are told that Revati also indicates transcendence.

The dual nature of the Nakshatra is embodied in both its symbols, 2 swimming fish and a hand drum. The fishes are indicative of the spirit’s journey through the celestial oceans: all the paths a soul travels while on earth are encompassed in this symbol.

Revati’s drum, although a hand drum, is always played with drumsticks. The drum was used in many cultures to communicate, pass on teachings, and for ceremonies. In this birth star, the drum illustrates the relationship between communication and knowledge sharing.

Pushan, a solar god, rules this region and fills it with light. His presence lights the way so travelers will be safe on their journeys and gives the Nakshatra an influence over all things travel-related. It is perhaps Pushan’s presence here that gives the region its association with wealth.

For it is he that brings affluence, abundance, and wealth. Vishnu, the protector of the Trinity, also overseers this Nakshatra and is present here to gather life force and consciousness as they transcend the physical plane. His influence also suggests the accumulation of wealth in all its forms: material goods, experience, and information.


Personality Traits

The Revati birth star people in Vedic astrology are known for their independent and courageous nature. They are also typically regarded as indecisive people despite their intelligence. They are prone to being quite practical and have little value for religion and spirituality.

Physical Appearance

Known to be average-sized, the Revati has a good body structure and a pleasing appearance. They are generally fair-skinned.

Attitude & Life Path

Highly moral folks, the Revati native rarely strays from their convictions. Although they are not spiritual, they are highly intuitive and are known to heed their inner voice. They put a strong front for the world and are known to be quite fragile people. They tend to face many life challenges and may consider themselves failures unless adequately supported.


revati birthstarBlessed with a strong work ethic and driven to success, these intelligent people will do well in their careers. The Revati is known to work in science, medicine, and mathematics. They are also drawn to arts, writing in particular; and are sometimes found in politics.

Family Portrait

The Revati generally raise themselves. The little support they get from their parents makes them the independent creatures they are. While issues with the birth family will be abundant, in their marital relationship, they will be very satisfied.

Revati Nakshatra Padas

Revati Nakshatra has Four Padas or Quarters.

Revati Nakshatra Pada 1

Quarter 1 of Revati Nakshatra lies in the Sagittarius Navamsa which is regulated by the planet Jupiter. Individuals of this pada are liberal and unplanned. They have a positive view of life.

Revati Nakshatra Pada 2

Quarter 2 of Revati Nakshatra lies in the Capricorn Navamsa which is controlled by the planet, Saturn. Individuals in this pada are disciplined and orthodox. They are unlikely to take any hazards.

Revati Nakshatra Pada 3

Quarter 3 of Revati Nakshatra lies in the Aquarius Navamsa which is controlled by the planet Saturn. Individuals in this pada are sympathetic and try to help other people in pain.

Revati Nakshatra Pada 4

Quarter 4 of Revati Nakshatra lies in the Pisces Navamsa which is controlled by the planet, Jupiter. They tend to fantasize and are unrealistic in their ambitions. These people are very much gullible.

Revati Nakshatra Male: Health and Happiness

Revati Nakshatra Males are likely to face health problems in life and are prone to problems of digestion, fever, and dental health, Other likely complications are related to ear and stomach.

Female: Health and Happiness

Revati Nakshatra Females have occasional health disorders. They are mainly related to the ears, legs, and stomach.

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