Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Dating A Comedian: Fun and Happiness

Dating A Comedian: A Joyful Relationship

The best thing is that comedians are hilarious and will try all means to make you laugh. When they try to get your approval, you will have to endure all sorts of “wacky” jokes. Let’s read more about the pros and cons of dating a comedian.


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Pros of dating a comedian

Their Ability to Create Something out of Nothing

Their creativity is top-notch. Comedians can create something out of nothing. They can make serious issues look soft to ease your stress. Imagine a weak joke about a serious problem like nuclear warfare. I am creating jokes about the verbal jabs between Donald Trump and North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un. To them, there is always a lighter side to every issue.


Your Partner Will Come up with New Stuff All the Time

Some comedians are very creative and can produce new content out of the blue. So, you will get to hear new funny stuff all the time. There wouldn’t be a dull moment with a humorous and creative comedian.

Communicating Ability

Comedians, especially stand-up comedians, have very good communication skills. They can communicate with their audience very well for a successful gig.


With their skills and knowledge about communication, they study the gestures of the audience to decide on their next content. Some comedians can sense any pending heckles through the gestures of their audience and they respond accordingly by changing their jokes. They also know when to bow out.

By knowing the importance of communication in every relationship, your comedian partner will know how to communicate with you effectively.


Cons of dating a comedian

Jokes Gone Bad

Should there always be a lighter side to every serious issue? No, some issues are severe and shouldn’t be joked with. Some of his/her jokes can go bad. Imagine your partner creating a joke out of your disability. This can be offensive even though he meant no harm. It means he can upset you in his quest to make you laugh.


You Will Hear Recycled Jokes All the Time

When you meet a wack comedian, you will hear recycled jokes all the time. But, such comedians lack creativity, and the best thing they can do is add up to their old content. So having such a comedian as a partner is nothing interesting. Who at all wants to listen to the same stuff over and over again?


When they Miss the Signs

Some comedians try to force content on their audience even if it is not funny enough to make them laugh. Yes, they lack creativity, they are short of content, and their time is not yet up, so what can they do.

But this period can be the worst nightmare for a comedian. When things start to go wrong, the heckling and booing start. So imagine your partner being booed on stage and the disappointment it comes with. It would hurt when this happens, right!

You can always join your partner for his or her gigs. Witnessing him/her perform and making people can be a proud moment for you.

The Lonely Moments

But most of their gigs are scheduled at weekend nights, and sadly, it is a good time for dates. So your partner wouldn’t be there with you most weekend nights. Either you join them for the show or spend the night alone.

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