Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Chitra Nakshatra

Chitra Nakshatra: General

The Chitra Nakshatra, also known as the bright one, spans the cusp of Virgo and Libra. Unlike most of its sister Nakshatras, it is immortalized in a single star called Spica. One of the brightest stars in the night sky, Spica holds fast as the Virgin’s hip. The Vedic Jyotish clerics related this star to Vishwa Karma, the divine architect, who presides over this section of the sky.


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Vishwa Karma had a daughter Sanja who was the embodiment of consciousness. The young woman was to be married to the Sun. Shortly after their divine union Sanja began to complain to her father. She wasn’t happy and found her husband’s brightness overwhelming.


With great concern for his daughter’s happiness, Vishwa Karma sought a solution to the problem. He used his cosmic powers to make the Sun smaller. As the remnants flew out into space, the planets of the solar system were created and our Sun took its present form.

chitra birthstar

Chitra governs the physical form of all that is in the Universe. The Nakshatra is associated with pressure and upheaval. This is illustrated through its symbol the jeweled serpent.


The serpent represents transformation and a gemstone can only manifest after rocks and stone have been subject to great pressure over extended periods. Also connected to creativity and Dharma (Universal Law) the Chitra birth star native sees the Truth in all situations and carries great amounts of wisdom.

The influence of Venus is negligent on Virgo’s side of Chitra. This impedes the native’s ability to realize certain aspects of its ruling planet Venus. Cultivation of Chitra’s energy is required to fully evolve the Nakshatra. Left unattended, the native will be challenged to realize qualities such as unconditional love, emotional stability, and integrity.

Personality Traits

jeweled serpentVery emotional folks may become overly attached to their belongings. Their belongings often reflect their identity and they may lose sight of themselves quickly if they are kept from their sentimental treasures. This attachment leaves them emotionally vulnerable and they must be mindful to avoid hoarding behavior.


Physical Appearance

The Chitra native has a unique appearance and slim body type. Their height may give them a domineering appearance which is a complete contradiction to their kind nature.


Attitude & Life Path

Overly sentimental and emotional their moods swing wildly and they may also have difficulty maintaining their composure during times of stress. Their emotional nature leaves them vulnerable and susceptible to variable states of mental wellness.


It also makes these natives self-absorbed with a tendency for sharp words and poor communication skills. Often misunderstood, these are friendly people, whose eccentric behavior may be the cause of much confusion.

Smart and kind with generous hearts, the Chitra is a true humanitarian. They will often volunteer to work with the poor and homeless populations. Steadfast and true, they can overcome most obstacles placed before them.


vishwakarmaHard-working and self-motivated, the Chitra native is programmed for success. They face change and challenge without hesitation and one can see that their determination increases with the level of adversity. Perfectionists, tend to surpass expectations and achieve new forms of perfection in all their endeavors.

The Chitra natives are effective in many sectors and excel in factory work, mechanics, engineering, textiles, and politics. They like interior design, landscape design, and other such work that nurtures their love of all that is beautiful.

Family Portrait

Frequently lacking a father figure, the natives are good to their mothers. If they have siblings, they tend to take on more than their share of responsibility. Emotional and vulnerable, they may place themselves in exile and avoid their birth family for extended periods. Their wedded lives are stable, yet peace and satisfaction will evade the couple indefinitely.

Chitra Nakshatra Padas

The Chitra Nakshatra consists of Four Padas or Quarters.

Chitra Nakshatra Pada 1

Quarter 1 of Chitra Nakshatra lies in the Leo Navamsa for which the ruler is the Sun. The emphasis will be on self-realization and being practical in life. They have to control their arrogance and focus on positivity and helping others.

Chitra Nakshatra Pada 2

Quarter 2 of Chitra Nakshatra lies in the Virgo Navamsa which the planet Mercury rules. The emphasis will be on insight and realism. They have to control their arrogance and should be optimistic and humble.

Chitra Nakshatra Pada 3

Quarter 3 of Chitra Nakshatra lies in the Libra Navamsa which the planet Venus controls. The emphasis is on fine arts and science. They tend to indulge themselves and create problems for themselves.

Chitra Nakshatra Pada 4

Quarter 4 of Chitra Nakshatra lies in the Scorpio Navamsa which the planet Mars governs. The persons are highly energetic and use this energy for good as well as bad achievements. They must direct their vigor to constructive things.

Chitra Nakshatra Male: Health and Happiness

The Chitra Nakshatra Males are likely to suffer problems of the brain, abdomen, kidney, and cancer.

Chitra Nakshatra Female: Health and Happiness

Chitra Nakshatra Females tend to neglect their health and are prone to problems related to kidney and bladder after the age of 25.

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