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chinese horoscope 2023

Chinese Horoscope 2023 – The Year Of The Black Water Rabbit

Chinese Horoscope 2023 For The 12 Animal Signs

SunSigns.Org is presenting you with the Chinese Horoscope 2023 for the Year of the Black Water Rabbit. The Chinese New Year commences on January 22, 2023, and will end on February 9th, 2024. We are offering you the overall picture of how the 12 Chinese Zodiacs will face their future during the year.

The Chinese horoscope 2023 will cover all the areas of life, such as health, romance, relationships, family, business, profession, and many other things. This yearly Chinese forecast prepares you to face all eventualities.


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2023 Chinese Horoscopes for the different zodiacs covering the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig signs are detailed below. You can also get the Feng Shui 2023 predictions and Chinese Horoscopes 2023 for all the signs.

2023 Chinese Horoscope: Preview

Rat Horoscope 2023

rat 2023

The Rat has to be cautious in his approach to life during the year of Water Rabbit 2023 and has to keep his plans to himself. He can accomplish his goals with the expert advice of a guide. All conflicts should be avoided in executing his projects. The year is encouraging for expanding your social contacts, which will be profitable for taking over new ventures or improving your career prospects. Your status in society will get a boost because of your activities.


Earth Rat Birth Year: 1948, 2008, Metal Rat Birth Year: 1960, 2020, Water Rat Birth Year: 1972, Wood Rat Birth Year: 1984, Fire Rat Birth Year: 1996

Read Full Rat Horoscope

Ox Horoscope 2023

ox Chinese horoscope 2023

Predictions for the Rabbit year 2023 for the Chinese zodiac Ox indicate that the environment will be peaceful and relaxing. Progress in life will be substantial and on expected lines. Hence, you will get enough pleasure time. You can forget about the various responsibilities you have and indulge in the many hobbies you like.


On the flip side, the year may not be a perfect year. But still, you can expect better things compared to those in the previous years. Investments may be risky and may result in financial losses. You may fail to collect pending loans. The demise of a good friend or an affectionate family member may depress you. It may affect your career development.

Earth Bull Birth Year: 1949, 2009, Metal Ox Birth Year: 1961, 2021, Water Oxen Birth Year: 1973, Wood Ox Birth Year: 1985, Fire Oxen Birth Year: 1937, 1997

Read Full Ox Horoscope

Tiger Horoscope 2023

tiger 2023

Chinese horoscope 2023 for the Tiger promises a lucky period for love relationships and commercial activities. You can be successful provided you do not get involved in unnecessary quarrels. Overall, you will be happy with the progress you make during the year. This will allow you to relax and enjoy because of the peaceful situation.

Earth Tigers Birth Years: 1938, 1998, Metal Tiger Birth Year: 1950, 2010, Water Tiger Birth Year: 1962, 2022, Wood Tiger Birth Year: 1974, Fire Tiger Birth Year: 1986

Read Full Tiger Horoscope

Rabbit Horoscope 2023

rabbit 2023

The year 2023 promises to be a fantastic year for the Rabbits. There will not be any obstacles to his life, and the progress will be superb. Professionals can expect promotions and salary increases. People in business will prosper in their ventures. Investments will give good returns, and pending loans will be repaid. Love and romance will be excellent, and the family atmosphere will be delightful. Overall, Rabbits will have a beautiful period.

Earth Rabbits Birth Year: 1939, 1999, Metal Rabbit Birth Year: 1951, 2011, Water Rabbit Birth Year: 1963, 2023, Wood Rabbits Birth Year: 1975, Fire Rabbit Birth Year: 1987

Read Full Rabbit Horoscope

Dragon Horoscope 2023

dragon Chinese horoscope 2023

The Year of the Black Water Rabbit brings good tidings and tranquility for the Dragon sign. Destiny is on his side, and he will be successful in whatever he undertakes. Life with your spouse will be great, and love relationships will prosper. The year is favorable for enlarging his social circle. He will be able to start new projects and make plans for a profitable future. His ventures will give sound financial returns, and all investments will be lucrative.


Earth Dragon Birth Year: 1988, Metal Dragon Birth Years: 1940, 2000, Water Dragon Birth Year: 1952, 2012, Wood Dragon Birth Year: 1964, 2024, Fire Dragon Birth Year: 1976

Read Full Dragon Horoscope

Snake Horoscope 2023

snake 2023

The Year of the Water Rabbit gives the Snake enough time to enjoy as the year will be highly profitable and cheerful. The increased expenses will balance the money flow. Family life can be strenuous as the Snake might not be able to devote his attention due to professional commitments. You should be prepared to face some unanticipated problems during the year.


Earth Snake Birth Year: 1989, Metal Snake Birth Year: 1941, 2001, Water Snake Birth Year: 1953, 2013, Wood Snake Birth Year: 1965, 2025, Fire Snake Birth Year: 1977

Read Full Snake Horoscope

Horse Horoscope 2023

horse 2023

Chinese horoscope 2023 predictions for the Horse suggest an excellent year. There will be good progress on the various aspects of life such as career, love, and social activities. Financial investments will yield good returns. Overall progress in life will be fabulous without any serious obstacles. The Horse can expect windfalls and happiness from unexpected sources.


The year gives the Horse time to relax from his frenzied routine. The family life will be harmonious and there may be new additions to the family. There will be celebrations and happy get-togethers in the family. The year will provide enough opportunities for leisure travel for the Horse. 2023 is promising for enjoyment with family members.

Earth Horse Birth Year: 1978, Metal Horse Birth Year: 1990, Water Horses Birth Year: 1942, 2002, Wood Horses Birth Year: 1954, 2014, Fire Horse Birth Year: 1966, 2026

Read Full Horse Horoscope

Sheep Horoscope 2023

sheep 2023

The Sheep can expect the year 2023 to be a lucky period. Career prospects will be good with professionals progressing well in their jobs. Business people will have a successful year with the help of social contacts. Social life will be enjoyable, and you will be busy with celebrations and parties. Life at home will be turbulent because of the effects of past events. Health for the Ram will cause some anxiety due to career stress and accidents. However, the last part of the year will be highly promising for the Goat sign.

Earth Ram Birth Year: 1979, Metal Sheep Birth Year: 1991, Water Goat Birth Year: 1943, 2003, Wood Sheep – Birth Year 1955, 2015, Fire Sheep – Birth Year: 1967, 2027

Read Full Sheep Horoscope

Monkey Horoscope 2023

monkey 2023

A forecast for the Chinese Monkey for the year 2023 suggests that the period will be highly encouraging in all areas of life. Businesspeople can use their innate intelligence to expand their business and earn massive profits. Professionals will advance in their careers. If they are looking for a change of job or place, the year provides excellent opportunities. On the home front, peace will prevail.

Social life will provide you with an intelligent circle that will help you in the progress of your career. Salespersons will be successful in marketing their products. It is crucial for the Monkey to control his arrogance and be careful about his words. You can accomplish more in life by being attentive and watchful.

Earth Monkey Birth Year: 1968, 2028, Metal Monkey Birth Year: 1980, Water Monkey Birth Year: 1992, Wood Monkey Birth Year: 1944, 2004, Fire Monkeys Birth Year: 1956, 2016

Read Full Monkey Horoscope

Rooster Horoscope 2023

rooster Chinese horoscope 2023

The Rooster is advised not to take any risky ventures during the year 2023. You still have to recover from the misadventures of the year before. This year does not promise to be great either. In the professional life, you should desist from politics. Otherwise, your relationship with spouse and family members will be stretched.

It is advisable that they should seek support from friends and family members for their projects. All speculative investments should be avoided, and they will be better off if they consult experts in the field in whatever they do. Expenses tend to overtake income during the year. If the Rooster has to succeed, he should avoid all types of arguments and conflicts. He has to be diplomatic in his dealings with colleagues and seniors.

Earth Rooster Birth Year: 1969, 2029, Metal Roosters Birth Year: 1981, Water Rooster Birth Year: 1993, Wood Rooster Birth Year: 1945, 2005, Fire Rooster Birth Year: 1957, 2017

Read Full Rooster Horoscope

Dog Horoscope 2023

dog Chinese horoscope 2023

Chinese 2023 predictions for the Dog promise a period of harmony and tranquility. You will have plenty of time to unwind and enjoy life. If you are thinking of starting a new venture, the year is promising. The Dog can get into love relationships or marriage if he inclines. You will progress further by planning your future.

Support from others is forthcoming easily, and you can overcome all challenges effortlessly. Life with your spouse will be fabulous, and the family atmosphere will be delightful. This is a good year to plan for a pregnancy. You will have enough time to indulge in leisure pursuits. You can accomplish your objectives with a relaxed and calm bent of mind.

Earth Dog Birth Year: 1958, 2018, Metal Dog Birth Year: 1970, 2030, Water Dog Birth Year: 1982, Wood Dog Birth Year: 1994, Fire Dog Birth Year: 1946, 2006

Read Full Dog Horoscope

Pig Horoscope 2023

pig 2023

The year 2023 promises to be an excellent year for the Pig. The only precaution he has to take is that he should not get into any legal battles. There will be minor problems during the year. But they will not hinder his prospects.

On the money front, the year promises to be profitable. He will make new social contacts and will enlarge his area of influence. The Boar will have many opportunities to get into new love relationships. Family life will be full of celebrations and get-togethers.

Earth Pig Birth Year: 1959, 2019, Metal Pig Birth Year: 1971, 2031, Water Pig Birth Year: 1983, Wood Boar Birth Year: 1995, Fire Pig Birth Year: 1947, 2007

Read Full Pig Horoscope

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